I've only done Psilocybin 4 times. The first two times i ate an 8th and had very mild visual experiences. More mental then anything else. I wanted a truly life changing experiance. So i decided to see if 7 grams would do the trick. And it did. 2 hours into the trip i was crawling on my kitchen floor looking at the intricate and indescribable patterns and colors. It wasnt nearly what i was expecting. It was far better. Then last night i picked up about 3 grams of what i was told were "flame" shrooms. I had a decent trip. Drove around alot, went to boarders and looked at cool books and posters with a buddy of mine. Towards the end of the trip i started to fall into a bad one. I started having thoughts like "what the hell am i doing with my life" and "i need to straighten myself out. No more screwing around." When i got home i was still having mild hullucinations. When i woke up this morning i remembered having a very dramatic dream. It involved my school and everyone turning against me. For no reason. I felt defeated and powerless. Then someone stole all my stuff and ripped it up. I asked this strange girl why she just did what she did. And all she said was, "what i did? Your doing this to yourself". Then i woke up. I just thought it was very ironic that i was having the same thoughts during the end of my trip. And my dream was so real and vivid and involved the same thoughts and feelings as the trip did. Anyway my point of this post is.. has anyone ever had a similar experiance. Have any of you noticed that the usage of psilocybin making your dreams more real? More meaningful? Or understandable? Also, i've only done DMT once. But unfortunatly i didnt have a breakthrough. The dream i had last night reminded me of a dmt trip. I've read alot of trip reports and this seemed to me a little similar to some. When your in deep rem sleep DMT is secreated in your brain. I'm sure you all know that, but i want to know if the psilocybin somehow worked with the small dosage of DMT secreated while i was dreaming. Anyway, if anyone has had any other experiances that would relate to this one i'd really appriciate you sharing it. Thanks. :surprised