Phew ... went picking yesterday ... found a few, very cold about 3 degrees c, with wind chill it felt like -5 .... so Im picking away, having a good time, then as I usually do, I ate about 10 big specimens , i dunno what it is about this years crop but DAMN was i flying high, seem to be about 1.5x stronger this year?
Would late flushing with fewer fruits mean higher potency ???
sooooo ..... I am picking and I really started to feel the cold so i tried to make it back to the car, fell over twisted my ankle a little, that seemed hilarious for some reason... Then for kicks and giggles it seemed really funny to hide next to a trail from the many hikers that seemed to be about. We always go in full body cammo (avoid detection on the side of a hill), i found myself sitting right next a trail seeing if an one noticed me, as they kept on walking past and not noticing me i found it so funny... sat there for about two hours fully entertained .... when I started to come down I went back to the car and went home, cold, wet but happy

... I wish I never ate any ... i would of got a lot more if I just stayed out a few hours longer and not quit e because I was so cold.... new pics attached below
Swarupa said:
Thanks for sharing your pics ∞n♥
I picked a few while camping early in the season when it still quite warm, I was surprised to find a few more today locally.
The season seems to be peaking late in the South UK, I find usually mid October is prime but it's looking good out there right now, maybe due to the recent drop in temperature?
Hi there, yes this is the same up north, very late season this year, we had a kinda Indian summer extend into mid october, also a dry summer means mycelium web wont be anywhere near as developed ... I think your theory is correct! the sudden drop in temp is the reason for this late flushing ... Great pics, libs are so beautiful.
Thanks for sharing, please feel free to share any more pics you have
kolorit said:
I have started this year's hunt the day before this thread got started and have been busy until now with picking, sometimes with a couple of friends, but most of the time alone up in the hills.
The usual fields were filled with a lot of colonies, one even carried over 30 liberty caps, most of them were medium-sized.
After almost a week, our hunting ground got crowded and soon there were not many left, so I switched to a field, which is not that well known and found the tallest ones, that I have ever seen.
(Attached are pictures with examples of both fields, I don't take that many pictures, but rather the most notable in every field)
Next week my region will be experiencing a little bit of frost, I hope that the caps will still fruit after that!
(Also attached are 1 day's worth of hunting about to dry, and the overall turnout already dried.)
Thanks for sharing the pictures! They motivated me even more to go out and find some.
Hi there, great pics

yeah its a problem with good areas, they get over picked, it hard to find good fields that are not publicly known....
I love finding really tall ones with huge stems, I think they are way more potent than the smaller ones, the thicker the stem seems to be more potent ? well when they are fresh that is ...
I hear the frost kills them off but I found last year they had a huge flush after the first frosts then after that, nothing until next season.
keep up the good work sir, if you have any future good days picking please share them pics on here, I love looking at liberty caps in the wild