Traveling light
I joined the Nexus almost ten years ago, but somehow I have avoided becoming (or trying to become) a full member. In some ways this mirrors my attitude in other parts of life, where I stay on the sidelines when I should be part of the action. This has been changing, slowly, but surely. I am ready.
Why am I asking to be a full member now? Just as I'm finding myself, I am losing someone that is dear to me. He is dying of cancer. He was diagnosed over two years ago, but I know that his days are numbered. I need to support him in these final days, but I need support for myself too. For some reason I thought of the Nexus.
I am a father of two kids and my use of psychedelics is severely restrained these days. Nevertheless, I remain open and I am ever-seeking the path.
Thank you for your consideration. Looking forward.
Why am I asking to be a full member now? Just as I'm finding myself, I am losing someone that is dear to me. He is dying of cancer. He was diagnosed over two years ago, but I know that his days are numbered. I need to support him in these final days, but I need support for myself too. For some reason I thought of the Nexus.
I am a father of two kids and my use of psychedelics is severely restrained these days. Nevertheless, I remain open and I am ever-seeking the path.
Thank you for your consideration. Looking forward.