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Lucid hypnagogia (and a little astral projection perhaps)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
A few nights ago, minutes after pouring myself into bed, I found myself drifting in the hypnagogic state between wakefulness and sleep, but completely lucid. I have had lucid dreams before but I do not ever recall becoming fully lucid within the hypnagogic state. For me this was an apparent first.

As I examined my state, I found myself only lightly aware of my body, the sensation of the mattress pressing against my hip and shoulder registered, but perhaps a tenth of what it "should" have felt like. In fact my entire body felt lighter and a bit distant somehow. I was aware of the sounds of my bedroom, but I only paid them a sliver of attention, as I felt in that state that to pay them too much mind might pull me back into full wakefulness. It was around this time that I began to see something, like an image slowly resolving itself and becoming more clear. I knew my eyelids were closed but the image nonetheless made me feel as if I was seeing straight through my eyelids (a sensation I often experience before sleep as well as during awakening). While keeping some attention upon the image, I attempted to "roll out" twice. Both attempts at rolling out failed more or less, but I did get this odd sensation each time of a skewing or misalignment between body and consciousness. As I prepared for another attempt, I realized that the image in my mind had resolved itself enough that I could make out details. The image was still not clear as it was somewhat fractalized, as if some fractal-based crystal lattice was placed over the image. It also resembled the effect one observes when viewing a reflected image in a cracked and mirrored surface. After observing the image for a few moments, I realized that I was looking at a room unfamiliar to me - a bedroom or perhaps a study. It could have been a house or apartment, but the room was empty save for moving boxes stacked all over as if someone was moving into (?) a new dwelling and had not yet unpacked. My vantage point in this room was from one corner and very close to the ceiling. My perspective seemed to float and bob slightly, as if I were a tethered balloon wafting in a gentle air current. At this point a strange certainty crept into my thoughts, informing me that I had seen what I was intended to see, and at that moment I awoke.

An interesting experience for sure. I hope to have another soon. I have been far too busy of late with assisting family to dedicate much time to lucid dreaming, astral projection, or even much meditation. However, I thought this experience was worthy of a post. Any thoughts or other observations are welcome as always!

I find the room full of stacked boxes pretty interesting. Maybe such vision means you're in a transitioning phase of your personality - meaning that you're changing yourself, transferring to a new psychological location.
Also the "broken fractal-like plastic resembling a mirror" could mean you're breaking away from a previous state of your being.

Of course I don't know you, so I'm trying to analyze the experience as if it was mine.
I concluded similarly as to the significance of the moving boxes, since that does seem to match my current state. However, interesting insight as to the lattice/broken mirror effect. I hadn't considered the possibility of it symbolizing a breaking away from a previous state of being/mind. That makes some sense. Significant change often carries with it some level of destruction of what previously existed.

Thank you for your insights, Complexity! :thumb_up:
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