Hello Nexians,
I do not post here too often, as I tend to spend more time reading through all the awesome information this beautiful community brings together. Thank you!
I have a ~5yr old Acacia maidenii tree that I started from seed. its truly a beautiful tree, cant wait until it flowers! (when does that happen, btw?) its in a pot, not terribly huge, but it is a solid shrub for sure.
this year, one of the main branches has died back over the last season or two. i think the dieback had stopped spreading, but I just cut the branch off a couple weeks ago, in hopes it might help. i hope it doesnt have some sort of fungus- i fear Armillaria and Verticilium run rampant in my garden, not sure if maidens are susceptible to these infections- but the rest of the plant appears healthier than ever, so for now, no worries. when i went to put the branch in storage, i noticed i have a decent bit of phyllodes saved over the years as well. I put it all on a scale, ~100g, so i think it might be time to get a bit more intimate with this maiden...
plant meterial:
~100g, 3:7 bark/wood: phyllodes, freshly dried to 3yrs old
harvest season: scattered, mostly winter-spring
plant age: ~5yrs
other info:
~50% of phyllodes sat under the tree for a season and have been browned in the sun, the other half were dried indoors in the dark and have retained some green color. many phyllodes, especially the small young new growth, drop at the real start of winter, after some serious rains, with the advent of hard frost or snow. but then theres also quite a few larger older mature phyllodes that remain until mid-spring/early summer, then drop with the surge of new growth. I have collected them all together mixed. i am unsure if these details matter, or if anyone even knows yet, but i figured id mention them.
looking for extraction tek suggestions. especially specific to maidenii, anyone with experience or special tips for working with this plant? I have read there may be 5meo in the wood, is this just myth? any suggestions how to keep that in the final product? Avoid hydroxides is one thing i read, is this the trick?
the method for A. confusa that i am very comfortable with is a bit of a hybrid tek i've developed over the years, a mash-up mostly influenced from the BLAB and Q21Q21, and I thought one other, but nothing else looks right. its essentially an A/B, using vinegar & KOH, pull with limo, vinegar backsalt, dry, base with CaOH, pull with acetone, evap. then separate by freeze precip using hexane. takes a bit of time and reagents cost a bit more, but its negligible in the long run, and feel much safer- skin doesnt melt if things spill, and the house smells like tangerine dreams for a week!
as you may notice, there is liberal use of hydroxides. sodium compounds are just not preferential and are avoided whenever possible.
could this method work successfully for a maidenii extraction? would using this method as posted result in the loss of any possible 5meo in the final product? could this same method be used, except at both steps replace the KOH and CaOH with Na2CO3? are there other bases that could be substituted instead?
any suggestions or advice would truly be appreciated, thanks!
I do not post here too often, as I tend to spend more time reading through all the awesome information this beautiful community brings together. Thank you!
I have a ~5yr old Acacia maidenii tree that I started from seed. its truly a beautiful tree, cant wait until it flowers! (when does that happen, btw?) its in a pot, not terribly huge, but it is a solid shrub for sure.
this year, one of the main branches has died back over the last season or two. i think the dieback had stopped spreading, but I just cut the branch off a couple weeks ago, in hopes it might help. i hope it doesnt have some sort of fungus- i fear Armillaria and Verticilium run rampant in my garden, not sure if maidens are susceptible to these infections- but the rest of the plant appears healthier than ever, so for now, no worries. when i went to put the branch in storage, i noticed i have a decent bit of phyllodes saved over the years as well. I put it all on a scale, ~100g, so i think it might be time to get a bit more intimate with this maiden...
plant meterial:
~100g, 3:7 bark/wood: phyllodes, freshly dried to 3yrs old
harvest season: scattered, mostly winter-spring
plant age: ~5yrs
other info:
~50% of phyllodes sat under the tree for a season and have been browned in the sun, the other half were dried indoors in the dark and have retained some green color. many phyllodes, especially the small young new growth, drop at the real start of winter, after some serious rains, with the advent of hard frost or snow. but then theres also quite a few larger older mature phyllodes that remain until mid-spring/early summer, then drop with the surge of new growth. I have collected them all together mixed. i am unsure if these details matter, or if anyone even knows yet, but i figured id mention them.
looking for extraction tek suggestions. especially specific to maidenii, anyone with experience or special tips for working with this plant? I have read there may be 5meo in the wood, is this just myth? any suggestions how to keep that in the final product? Avoid hydroxides is one thing i read, is this the trick?
the method for A. confusa that i am very comfortable with is a bit of a hybrid tek i've developed over the years, a mash-up mostly influenced from the BLAB and Q21Q21, and I thought one other, but nothing else looks right. its essentially an A/B, using vinegar & KOH, pull with limo, vinegar backsalt, dry, base with CaOH, pull with acetone, evap. then separate by freeze precip using hexane. takes a bit of time and reagents cost a bit more, but its negligible in the long run, and feel much safer- skin doesnt melt if things spill, and the house smells like tangerine dreams for a week!
as you may notice, there is liberal use of hydroxides. sodium compounds are just not preferential and are avoided whenever possible.
could this method work successfully for a maidenii extraction? would using this method as posted result in the loss of any possible 5meo in the final product? could this same method be used, except at both steps replace the KOH and CaOH with Na2CO3? are there other bases that could be substituted instead?
any suggestions or advice would truly be appreciated, thanks!