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Making fly agaric tea....

Migrated topic.
I've read up on all the information about this mushroom and all the lists of effects and stuff, but I was just wondering what everyone personally thought of these mushrooms, if you've actually tried them. The tea is just about ready, I'm just letting it sit now with my friend as a trip sitter.

EDIT: Wow, that tasted REALLY good! What are the odds with drugs tasting good, really? I was expecting to want to cough it up like shrooms, haha.
Most fly agaric's are pretty weak. But the effects are pleasant.
It is great if combined with LSD.
People have different experiences with it, so that makes me think that the effects change dramatically when the dose increases. I have had only good experiences with it, but i have only had relatively small doses.
In those smaller doses, it is first very stimulating and then the stimulation fades and it becomes more visual and relaxing.
You cannot compare it to anything.
Be careful not to take a huge dose the first time, you might experience unpleasant delerium at high doses. Amanita muscaria is a wonderful entheogen and herb, but be careful with dosage. Work your way up to the desired point, don't jump into the ocean without first feeling the temperature with your feets!
hey nakamashi..we have a enormous abundance of these fungi on the northern oregon coast so I have gotten to know them well over the years..l.they are trully incrreadible powerful beings, just to imagine that thier roots (mycelium, the mushroom 'plant' ) connect all the trees and many plants as well together by silk roads under the ground, it is a manifestation of unity.
start with small amounts ..say 1/4 -1/2 a cap.. or if you have powder use a teaspoon to a tablespoon of powder..get a bit to much of these and you will be leaking watter from every pore in your body, lots of tears and more saliva than your likely to produce ina normal year..pretty weuird experience.
I feel these work on a verry subtle level but if you can tune with it they are very blissfull indeed..just recognise the subtle ways that they change your thoughts and the way you see things..you can get in contact with the spirit of the being and it might tell you some suprising things about its role in our species evolution and where it came from.

hail ka' kuljay' hurakan' !!! miskwedo santa flowers!!!
did you dry/toast the mushrooms before making tea? and did you actually boil the mushrooms in water, or just steep?
just wondering, because the two times i made tea, i simmered for 10 minutes or so.
I usually just dry them in a dehydrator and I have experimented with cold and hot water extracts..can't say that I knowticed a difference in methods. I've read that heat conversts some of the less pleasent alkaloids
i've found the best use of these is in a combination..like with psilocybes and cannabis...a VERY ecstasy producing combo indeed!!!!!! have had some heavy breakthroughs when it was combined with cannabis and sally as well.. through the veil, another veil, then it was just strings of energy and where the strings met there were spheres rotating in all directions simultaniously..
I recommend staying away from the Fly and use the Panther instead. It's much more potent and contains far less of the undesirable toxins found in the Fly.

Because the Panther is much more potent there are more fatalities on record from it. But make no mistake, the muscimol and ibotenic acid content are the cause of the fatalities. These are toxic alkaloids. The Fly contains much less and more other crap, so it often makes people sweat and get sick. SWIM finds the Fly to be a nasty experience, but the Panther to be a great experience. About 1/8-1/4 a teaspoon of dried Panther powder is a good dose for starters.
is it through the drying/heating process where ibotenic acid is converted to muscimol?
the low doses reported by some as being active, and suggested toxicity make me kringe at the high doses i have taken of fly agaric that i gathered myself in two very different parts of the globe. the info i was reading 3-4 years ago was recommending 30 dried grams-(for full out of body-death and rebirth experience, and i cant really say i experienced this). This is a stomach full, no doubt. a bowl of mushroom soup. i am not recommending this to anyone else. wheeew. I also read that potency varies thru the season, and from one location to another.
yup biopsylo is right panthers are alot more potent, but some of them are kinda yellowish and easy it get mixed up with deadly poisonus amanitas that look very similar, with the fly agaric there is no doubt what it is.
small amounts ( a tablespoon or so powderd fungi) can add a intensly blissfull almost 'christ conciousness' aspect to a mushroom trip they add a great deal actually, the cavemans glory eye see..heheh:roll:
I've heard some suggestion that combining harmalas with amanitas substantially alters/potentiates the effects, and that this combination could be somehow linked to the ancient Soma of the Rig Veda (I know, I know.. people find ties for almost every botanical).

Does anyone have any experience with this combination or know if it would be particularly dangerous? Over-accumulation of ibotenic acid doesn't sound like a great time, but who knows?
ahh, did you by chance read james arthur as well, or perhaps watch the pharmacratic inquisition?
there was a plate taken from an ancient stained glass window, with the illuminated Christ figure above four different colored mushrooms, and it was suggested this was a hint at a combination of amanita muscaria, psilocibe, syrian rue, and poppy, and this could be 'soma'.
messing with combining syrian rue (maoi inhibitor)with other plants/chemicals can be dangerous and potentially fatal..I would caution anyone wanting to experiment with this to fully reasearch the interactions possible before ingesting any at all.

never tried it myself, I have a very deep respect for harmalla ( picked it many times, amazingly powerfull presence these plants have!!!) and know full well how it can potentially fuck you up in a big way.
once made an ayahuasca with a SINGLE datura seed in it, never puked more in my life!! adn it was quite obvious that just a few more seeds would have been fatal.
be carefull with the rue!!!:!:
elofer said:
once made an ayahuasca with a SINGLE datura seed in it, never puked more in my life!! adn it was quite obvious that just a few more seeds would have been fatal.
Wait a moment. I thought jorkest did the ayahuasca combination with a datura stramonium seed, with good effects. Besides, puking isn't necessarily bad. Perhaps the datura seed made the maoi stronger, causing you to purge more?
'DAGGER' that was a incomplete report...puking was only part of the nasty side effects, others were a sense of dread and doom ( the first time I felt this with aya) extreme dizziness and confusion/disorientation, couldn't move without vomiting, one truly felt that the plant was telling one this was a bad idea, don't remember which datura seed it was..it was a long time ago 10 years mabey, I imagine not all of the plants would have that effect as they vary greatly in potency.
A relative of mine told me to soak the agaric in vodka for 3 days before consuming, he suggested taking a dose of around 8 grams of the soaked mushroom after letting dry for a few hours. Does anyone know what affect this has with the conversion of ibotenic acid into muscimol if any at all? I'm curious to learn from this ancient and sacred mushroom, but also am concerned about the dosage because I known ibotenic acid is known to be highly neurotoxic.

I heard that drinking the piss of someone or something that has taken the mushroom and converted the unwanted alkaloids into the wanted ones can recycle the good batch.. not really into drinking someones piss but found that interesting..:?: Is this true?

We found the best way to slowly boil cracker dried (Stored for at least couple of months) amanitas with lemon juice (1 lemon) and a small amount of water (just to cover shrooms) for 1.5-2 hours, then strained and liquid consumed. This way you seem to get close to maximum efficiency of conversion of ibotenic acid into muscimol.

For example same batch of shrooms consumed directly at dose of 5g, yielded same level of experience as lemon brew of 2.5-3g. So lemon method almost doubled the potency. Also side effects were minimal or non-existent.

Vodka tinctures are also legit, but I have no experience with them.

So to be on a safe side - make sure your shrooms are dried properly and stored for at least 40 days. This is to allow natural ibo->muscimol process. Then just grind them and boil with lemon. I'd suggest boiling 5g of dry shrooms first and then splitting the dose and trying half.

Regarding piss - yes muscimol is not fully metabolized upong ingestion, so piss of one who takes amanitas is also psychoactive. Some tribes had a way of tripping by making deer eat mushroom first, then consuming deer piss.

Be very careful with amanitas as I think it is in "For Advanced Psychonauts" category when in high doses. In low-med doses it can be very enjoyable.
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