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Making us all to have wealth and power

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello DMT-Nexus!

It is my first post after being fan of this community about four years. I purely think inside this forum and community we have collection of smart, creative and good-willing people. Very much than any other community in internet, I wish DMT-Nexus would have the power to change world. We have lot of excellent knowledge in this community that will be important when we build future of mankind. Now I teach you how to generate wealth and power for yourself and for this community.

We have silent revolution going on where whole economy is slowly flipping upside down. It is called blockchain and it stands for Anonymous, Transparent and Unhackable world wide shared Database. Blockchain can be used as currency. Cryptocurrency like Dogecoin is upkeeped by it's user in way that everyone who upkeep the currency has copy of database on his own computer, this means that no banks or government upkeep the currency but we all are the shared bank and governance. As we are upkeeping it by ourself 24/7, there is no holiday weekends like some banks have. If some government or single entity would like to regulate the cryptocurrency it would be impossible as the database is not inside any country alone just like internet.

In blockchain the real ownership of data is for the person who owns the account, no other entity can enter or hack in this account like in banks you can hack to server or just acknowledge that real ownership of your money is for the bank that holds it and uses it for all kinds of their own ways to make money and sometimes bring down the whole economy. Even banks don't trust each other and neither should we. Example with Dogecoin only you have account that is randomly generated series of numbers: Account address and log in keys. So you have anonymity. As the accounts are transparent, we all can see what is happening within Dogecoin. Unhackable comes from copy of database being shared with everyone and all the databases are comparing each other so if I would hack into one Dogecoin database and change some data it would be impossible as this change of one database is compared for all others and they could not form consensus and so on not accepting this hacked database. In bank I could hack inside the centralized database and change something. Only way to hack Dogecoin would be attack all the decentralized databases same time and that is near impossible. Goverment and banks can regulate and manipulate current money, but not Dogecoin aka blockchain.

So what we have here is currency that is better than our current originally paper one is and we have better ways to upkeep it than previous ways have been. Just to have real virtual money like we began to have real virtual communities. All the paper money will slowly flow to Cryptocurrencies. If you act now value of your holdings will be skyrocketing in becoming years and it is already going on now. More you wait, more you will lose your wealth accumulation as the value of single cryptocurrency rises when more money is flowing inside of it. I currently have made money 3.3 x my savings and It is expected that end of this year it would be about 33 x my saving.

Even if Dogecoin value has been going up 225% in last three months there lies better blockchains. Most notably Bitcoin. Here is couple good: Ripple, Ethereum, Nem, Dash and Litecoin. In cryptocoin economy, we can and will have many different coins because it will be easy and fast to use any of them.

You can convert your paper money to cryptocurrency in service like:

You can follow the paper money flow to cryptocurrency economy in here:

Following different cryptocoin prices can be done here:

Following your own portfolio value skyrocketing:

Think about it, our money is already used virtually and now we just make it really a virtual currency.

I know this sounds like crazy man shouting crazy things, but the movement has already began and it has strong roots all over the world, inside the technology and internet communities.

7 years ago 10$ bought you 100 bitcoin, now the value of 100 bitcoin is 170 000$.

I wish we can form consensus in DMT-Nexus to trust blockchains sooner than later.
I didnt risk investing bitcoins because of plummets and certain arrests made. The recent denial of bitcoin in tokio market that I read about also wasn't good news. I wish i had invested because the price trippled. And it's a safe investment if you hold on to ur stocks and bail out before it plummets. I predict some bankrupcy when investing in wrong cryptocurrency and banks won't be able to pay you for the coins. When this thing really skyrockets and different cryptocurrents will fight for dominance. But we can work together to inform each other about certain happenings. And this won't be a problem when you are really up to date. There needs to be a good green bitcoin. My concerns with bitcoin is that it's [Heavy useage of electric cryptocomputers i.e. mining] is a detriment for the environment is it not? And it's notable market in dark stuff has it's downsides. I fear bitcoin can not continue the road it is headed if we want an honest cryptocurrency.
Infectedstyle said:
I didnt risk investing bitcoins because of plummets and certain arrests made. The recent denial of bitcoin in tokio market that I read about also wasn't good news. I wish i had invested because the price trippled. And it's a safe investment if you hold on to ur stocks and bail out before it plummets.
Yes I read also that Bitcoin ETF was denied from Tokio investment market, still Japan and Tokio has accepted cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple and Dash to be legal payment options starting this summer. The blockchain technology itself is better than our current money system so we will slowly transform to it and so on just holding money inside currency and not paying too much attention for plummets and rises is good. More the currency will be adapted more value will skyrocket, less waves it will form as selling and buying waves wont effect it so much. This tells we are beginning of new era.

Infectedstyle said:
I predict some bankrupcy when investing in wrong cryptocurrency and banks won't be able to pay you for the coins. When this thing really skyrockets and different cryptocurrents will fight for dominance. But we can work together to inform each other about certain happenings. And this won't be a problem when you are really up to date.
It is good to choose coins that have good future like: Litecoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Dash, Bitcoin and share money between different currencies as it is more secure.

All the cryptocurrencies all now rising and they fight for dominance, but It is important to notice the idea of blockchain being decentralized technology instead of centralized monopoly like. So there is space to live for numerous blockchains, compete and develop. Usecases of blockchain are lot more wider than just currency.

Infectedstyle said:
There needs to be a good green bitcoin. My concerns with bitcoin is that it's [Heavy useage of electric cryptocomputers i.e. mining] is a detriment for the environment is it not? And it's notable market in dark stuff has it's downsides. I fear bitcoin can not continue the road it is headed if we want an honest cryptocurrency.
There is good green bitcoin and it is called Burst, it uses 0.07 kWh instead of Bitcoin 30 kWh per transaction. High power cost of bitcoin is known and it is taken account in future development of blockchains. We also have blockchains like Ripple that have good honest reputation. Ripple is currently adopted by world biggest banks as it is better than their old systems, especially swift. Banks like Santander, Japan banks consortium and so on.

Japan accepts cryptomoney

World leading Banks transforming to blockchains:
Really I did not know any of this. :)

I'll do some more reading such as the articles you mentioned tomorrow. The cryptocurrency really took a dive. May the best blockchain win! What usecases other than currency would there be for currency.
Infectedstyle said:
Really I did not know any of this. :)

I'll do some more reading such as the articles you mentioned tomorrow. The cryptocurrency really took a dive. May the best blockchain win! What usecases other than currency would there be for currency.

Blockchain is just one kind of database. Databases or bottom of internet, lot of information of this forum like these messages relies inside database. When you write question to google it search from database of websites. Database is like memory of your mind.

Blockchain is new type of database and it compares to human mind as shared memory that people all over are upkeeping and anyone can access. Everyone can see what relies in this memory as it is transparent, it is also anonymous so no one knows who added new memory on it and it is unmanipulative so what has been said will stay there. This kind of memorizing style is very good for currencies. Our main style of memorizing value now is to make green paper of it that can be burnt, made more or washed so manipulating money can be done. It is not anonymous as you need to tell all kinds of things about yourself to have bank account. Many places in world you cant have right for bank account if you dont have identification so in places like Afrika or China you can own cryptomoney account, that brings equality to world.

Other use cases of blockchain can be voting system inside internet. So when can really have elections inside internet that are unmanipulative, transparent and anonymous. Lets say every one will have one cryptocoin and it stands for one vote. Let say our current economy is based on contracts that can be manipulated and are hidden inside organisations like Uber. Now you dont really need organisation between customer and taxi driver to make contract with them and to take lot of money itself. You can just write this contract to blockchain, have application that connects to this contract. This blockchain is called Ethereum and it's smart contract. So in distant future we can make DAOs, decentralized autonomous organizations. But as for now, blockchains are good as currency and not much else as it is slow kind of memory.
nexalizer said:
premined, centralized, manipulated market cap (most of XRP is held back by the parent company).
What is the problem with premined 99B coins, where 37B is circulating and rest is held back?
Can you open how it is centralized?
nexalizer said:
premined, centralized, manipulated market cap (most of XRP is held back by the parent company).
Then I guess no Ripple and I guess we have Consensus for other mentioned blockchains
There is another problem...mass users can basically void peoples money with Bitcoin.

This is called a hard fork...a complete upgrade to bitcoin, anyone who didn't upgrade within a certain time period now has bitcoins that are not accepted by anyone...making them worthless. Like if a country decided to change from GBP to USD and a year later someone tries to buy a TV in GBP...they would not accept it.

So if you keep coins in hard storage you need to be careful.

There is already talk of people wanting to purposely void the creators coins because they don't believe in one guy owning all the wealth...

Then there are problems with getting it out. SWIM made a lot of bitcoins back in the day when it was EZ and tried to sell them when they hit 1btc = $1000, SWIM got ripped off and they all got stolen by a lovely outfit known as mtgox. Swim might have had thousands of coins in his possesion at that time....

On top of that add in bitcoin thefts.

No thanks I will stick to smart asset investment.
deepthinker said:
There is another problem...mass users can basically void peoples money with Bitcoin.

This is called a hard fork...a complete upgrade to bitcoin, anyone who didn't upgrade within a certain time period now has bitcoins that are not accepted by anyone...making them worthless. Like if a country decided to change from GBP to USD and a year later someone tries to buy a TV in GBP...they would not accept it.

So if you keep coins in hard storage you need to be careful.

In case of hard fork what you are telling is misunderstanding. No coins will disapear when hardfork happens, instead you will have same amount of coins in two blockchains. Hardfork stands for splitting one blockchain network in two parts because there wasn't consensus for technologies to upgrade. So one blockchain stays in old and another moves on to upgrade. Now hard fork is not good thing to happens as total value of two blockchains generally is lower than one blockhain that wasn't hard forked, because trust of community's ability to work together lowers. So generally, we should always try to avoid hard fork. Longer term good hard fork is the way to go and short term it means lowering value.

Now when I have my coins in hard storage I generally should have privatekey writen down in safe place and this key will fit for my account in both chains if hard fork happened. Reason behind this is that blockchain is immutable record, ledger. So when my account was created before hard fork, it will exist in both chains. If my account was created after the hard fork, then my account exist only in the chain I created it, not in both.

deepthinker said:
There is already talk of people wanting to purposely void the creators coins because they don't believe in one guy owning all the wealth...

Idea of blockchain is decentralize and distribute the system. It makes possible for us to use multiple different currencies with ease, instead of having one currency like dollar or euro. Inside of blockchain the ruling power is distributed and we try to form consensus. Because of distributed ruling power hard forks sometimes happens and network of upkeeping people do split with the chain. Also if there domination of some entity inside blockchain, it is easy to exchange your currency to other and support more decentralized and distributed chains.

deepthinker said:
Then there are problems with getting it out. SWIM made a lot of bitcoins back in the day when it was EZ and tried to sell them when they hit 1btc = $1000, SWIM got ripped off and they all got stolen by a lovely outfit known as mtgox. Swim might have had thousands of coins in his possesion at that time....

This mtgox's problem was that it was centralized organisation without immutable database so possibility of hacking system is easier like with banks. Now I know it is too late, but if you really would have kept your coins inside blockchain with only way to access being your private key that you kept safe place, then this not hackable database would have kept your coins safe.

deepthinker said:
On top of that add in bitcoin thefts.

It is safer than banks if you keep your private key safe, so no one can see it. Like have it on paper and cold storage or use Ledger Nano wallet. Problem is this too new thing for people and mistakes happen.

Because this is new thing it also means value will still explode in future. If the current rate of doubling, tripling or making five times of value in one month is not enough. So example if you put 3000€ month ago for blockchain, now it would be about 20 000€ :D And we are at beginning...
You keep shrugging off my point about exchanging it. I know if I kept it safe with private key I would still have it...but that doesn't help me when trying to exchange it for fiat currency.

You can have all the BTC in the world but when it comes to paying the bills it is useless if you can't use it to do so in a situation where the provider of say, electricity, won't accept BTC.

I tried to cash out via mtgox and got scammed... how exactly could I have cashed out otherwise in large amounts?

On /r/bitcoin people are under the impression you should hoard it, that eventually it will become fiat... no way is the central banking system going to allow that.

Look what happened when the Australian government thought they had discovered the creator of BTC.... armed SWAT raid on his home immediately.

Why? All he did was create BTC... so is that a crime? No they were looking to seize all his BTC.

IRS is busy seizing and freezing peoples accounts / garnishing their wages until they give them their BTC's in the USA also.
deepthinker said:
You keep shrugging off my point about exchanging it. I know if I kept it safe with private key I would still have it...but that doesn't help me when trying to exchange it for fiat currency.

You can have all the BTC in the world but when it comes to paying the bills it is useless if you can't use it to do so in a situation where the provider of say, electricity, won't accept BTC.

I tried to cash out via mtgox and got scammed... how exactly could I have cashed out otherwise in large amounts?
These are good questions. Time back then, we were not nearly as ready. Now times are beginning.

-BitPay is makes it possible to Accept bitcoin, store and spend bitcoin securely, or turn bitcoin into dollars with the BitPay Card.

-Laminium makes it possible to person pay your bills and you to pay bitcoin to that person.

-Purse makes it possible to shop in Amazon

...many more can be found here: http://www.coindesk.com/information/what-can-you-buy-with-bitcoins/

deepthinker said:
On /r/bitcoin people are under the impression you should hoard it, that eventually it will become fiat... no way is the central banking system going to allow that.

Yes that is what is happening, if you read my text before I told about Ripple. Parts of Banks systems are slowly turning into Ripple as it is more efficient than old one. Central banking is willing to adopt certain block chain at the moment.

If cryptocurrency works better than fiat then it will eat it in the end. It does that.

deepthinker said:
Look what happened when the Australian government thought they had discovered the creator of BTC.... armed SWAT raid on his home immediately.

Why? All he did was create BTC... so is that a crime? No they were looking to seize all his BTC.

IRS is busy seizing and freezing peoples accounts / garnishing their wages until they give them their BTC's in the USA also.

Yes this blockchain system is planned to work against this kind of government or single entity interests. So as blockchain is anonym no-one does know who owns and what. As it is decentralized and distributed over the world then single government or entities cannot dictate what happens in system, instead blockchain is upkeep by people.

I like very much what you are doing as being pessimistic. It is good pair with optimistic nature of mine.
I think this is Important and I think you should be careful. It is good investment but dont put more than you can lose.
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