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Master of plants´ hyperspace

Migrated topic.
Weird I found this thread, let's revive it.

I'm sure there are people around here who would like to discuss a few things concerning the Master of plants, and this is the best place to do:wink:
Faust said:
Master of plants said:
As always, I rule the forum...
Please, give to us humble souls some Promethean knowledge, Oh Great One!

Hasn´t Prometheus brought to people fire?
Kitty Kowalski in the ,Superman returns´ also didn´t knew promethean mythos, unlike Lex Luthor...
You aren´t the only one not to know greek mythology.
ohayoco said:
Master, can you tell us more about yourself? You're quite a character :)

Humble thanks.
I am an certified shaman. In the classical sense of word. Which means prehistoric (paleolithic), archaic. I haven´t got any praxis, being unknown shaman, living in a small town, I take care nobody ends in closed department of psychiatric ambulance, despite I take mental illnesses on myself, I work as a psychic and social catalyst of my community, which contains my home town and surrounded areas. It is sort of a Peter Parker´s deal, nobody thanks you that you fought and win over Green goblin. And guess how I was that born. After essentialy devoting my life to the study of the phenomenon of shamanism, knowing so much about it that it actually made me shaman, I survived the psychopharmaceutic-induced-overdosed cataleptic attack. Kinda classical way of birth of shaman, I suppose. But without choosing by ancestors and their/or demons. :lol: That´s the most important aspect of my personality, and I´m glad, because it makes me slightly different from the rest of industrial society. Without it, I would be nobody.
I help people correct the mistakes done by their society on them by simply looking in to my dreams.
It´s the N, N - dimethyltryptamine I do my trick and/or magick.
I feel being more poet than scientist.
I used to forecast future by the use of eastern wisdom, but I didn´t do it anymore. I upgraded technology.

I controls Master of plants:


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Hmm. Maybe in that case, could you tell me something about something that's called 'piri piri' or 'jointed flatsedge'. It's a shamanic plant that was send to me along with chaliponga, chacruna and caapi that i ordered. It was sayed that it's often used in ayahuasca brews. Yet, i have not been able to find much information on it.
christian raetsch briefly talks about it in the encyclopedia of psychoactive plants..

he talks about 2 piripiris .. one is a member of the Cyperus spp., of the Gramineae family. He has it has not been botanically identified but is infested by fungus that likely produces ergot alkaloids (the fungus is Balansia cyperi). It is sometimes ussed as an ayahuasca aditive. It is used by ecuadoran Shuar, Achuar and Aguaruna, and actually they use more than one type of the Cyperus Spp. and not only as an additive but sometimes as an own psychoactive.

the jivaro add cyperus extracts to drinking tobacco, and the Secoya use to dispell evil spirits and to induce labor. Also used in El Salvador folk medicine as an analgesic for tooth pain.

The other piri piri is Peperoma galioides which in peru is used as an additive to san pedro drink. I guess yours would be the first one
Thanks for the explanation, Master.
So as I now understand it, you are the Master of Plants... but you say the cat controls you... so the cat is...


Which makes me wonder, why speak to the monkey rather than the organ grinder? ;)
Or at least explain how the cat controls you please. And why it has red eyes :shock:
And does anything controls the cat? Because that would complacate things still further...

I'd also be really interested in some specific examples of how you've used DMT to help people- you're the first person I've heard of who smokes DMT shamanically.


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Haha, beautiful picture!

But the cat looks great, if he controls the Master everything will be OK...

Which reminds me of something interesting: this afternoon I witnessed my cat's first encounter with Catmint. It really works! I wonder what the cat/catmint relationship is all about???
endlessness said:
christian raetsch briefly talks about it in the encyclopedia of psychoactive plants..

he talks about 2 piripiris .. one is a member of the Cyperus spp., of the Gramineae family. He has it has not been botanically identified but is infested by fungus that likely produces ergot alkaloids (the fungus is Balansia cyperi). It is sometimes ussed as an ayahuasca aditive. It is used by ecuadoran Shuar, Achuar and Aguaruna, and actually they use more than one type of the Cyperus Spp. and not only as an additive but sometimes as an own psychoactive.

the jivaro add cyperus extracts to drinking tobacco, and the Secoya use to dispell evil spirits and to induce labor. Also used in El Salvador folk medicine as an analgesic for tooth pain.

The other piri piri is Peperoma galioides which in peru is used as an additive to san pedro drink. I guess yours would be the first one

Hey, I thought the question was on me! :) But nevermind, my anthropological notes say:

Ayahuasca additions

Piripiri Cyperus sp. by fear (susto), to spiritual evolution, to conception, to abortion
ohayoco said:
Thanks for the explanation, Master.
So as I now understand it, you are the Master of Plants... but you say the cat controls you... so the cat is...


Which makes me wonder, why speak to the monkey rather than the organ grinder? ;)
Or at least explain how the cat controls you please. And why it has red eyes :shock:
And does anything controls the cat? Because that would complacate things still further...

I'd also be really interested in some specific examples of how you've used DMT to help people- you're the first person I've heard of who smokes DMT shamanically.

You are welcome, disciple. :)
That´s right. Because Master of Master of plants didn´t talk too much. He only meows. Like meow, meow, I want this, I want that, immediately, I don´t even know why I´m meowing but that won´t stop me from meowing anyway! :)
As every pet does. By the use of despocy. :) It lead me to an interesting thouht. Humans are pet of God.
It has red eyes naturally. As a reaction to light. As a reaction to camera lightning.
Nothing, except hunger, sleep and curiosity.

Um, that´s one complicate question.
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