Hi all,
When I was a teen I had a friend tell me that LSD and mushies and any other psychedelic could give you flashbacks for up to 7 years. When I asked what he meant (I was 12 or 13) he replied that I could be on a bus, and start tripping, seeing things that weren't there and completely freak out. It may give you an inkling into my personality in that I'm now 45 and only just recently tried DMT! And loved it.
I met a couple of guys back in 2010 who talked to me a lot about Ibogaine and the experiences they'd had with it. They are both super intelligent and successful guys so while I remained certain I'd never try anything psychedelic, it did crack my closed mind open a little bit. Then I started listening to Joe Rogan about 3-4 years back. He's spoken of DMT numerous times and so that opened my mind further. About a year ago I was chatting to a friend who seems to have done every psychedelic known to man and probably a few that haven't been discovered yet. He convinced me to let him guide me through my first DMT trip and it took awhile but I let it happen and loved it! It was life changing and beautiful and incredibly profound and I'm so grateful for that experience. I feel like a different woman most of the time. Me 2.0.
So my journey began. I haven't done it again since but I'm so very interested and have been soaking up any and all information I can find on it, talking to many people online about their experiences and now I'm here. My family are very against DMT and other psychedelics which surprises me. Especially my brother who has done them a lot and loves them. Most of my friends are against it too so I feel like a bit of a lone warrior here.
Before this I rarely had done any illegal drugs. I hadn't smoked dope since '89 with the exception of a single puff of a joint in '93. I'm a bit of a health nut but am lackadaisical with my exercise. I love to meditate, laugh (even though I have a brutal history of depression), and walk. I am interested in Buddhism but haven't studied it extensively. I love to read though I had some kind of mental breakdown a couple of years back which makes focus for periods of time difficult but it's a skill that I'm relearning. I have two amazing kids who are in their late teens and am happily single with no plans to ever be in a live in relationship again. Independence is everything! Though I'd love to get another dog one day...
I think that's about it! Thanks for reading. Cheers...
When I was a teen I had a friend tell me that LSD and mushies and any other psychedelic could give you flashbacks for up to 7 years. When I asked what he meant (I was 12 or 13) he replied that I could be on a bus, and start tripping, seeing things that weren't there and completely freak out. It may give you an inkling into my personality in that I'm now 45 and only just recently tried DMT! And loved it.
I met a couple of guys back in 2010 who talked to me a lot about Ibogaine and the experiences they'd had with it. They are both super intelligent and successful guys so while I remained certain I'd never try anything psychedelic, it did crack my closed mind open a little bit. Then I started listening to Joe Rogan about 3-4 years back. He's spoken of DMT numerous times and so that opened my mind further. About a year ago I was chatting to a friend who seems to have done every psychedelic known to man and probably a few that haven't been discovered yet. He convinced me to let him guide me through my first DMT trip and it took awhile but I let it happen and loved it! It was life changing and beautiful and incredibly profound and I'm so grateful for that experience. I feel like a different woman most of the time. Me 2.0.
So my journey began. I haven't done it again since but I'm so very interested and have been soaking up any and all information I can find on it, talking to many people online about their experiences and now I'm here. My family are very against DMT and other psychedelics which surprises me. Especially my brother who has done them a lot and loves them. Most of my friends are against it too so I feel like a bit of a lone warrior here.
Before this I rarely had done any illegal drugs. I hadn't smoked dope since '89 with the exception of a single puff of a joint in '93. I'm a bit of a health nut but am lackadaisical with my exercise. I love to meditate, laugh (even though I have a brutal history of depression), and walk. I am interested in Buddhism but haven't studied it extensively. I love to read though I had some kind of mental breakdown a couple of years back which makes focus for periods of time difficult but it's a skill that I'm relearning. I have two amazing kids who are in their late teens and am happily single with no plans to ever be in a live in relationship again. Independence is everything! Though I'd love to get another dog one day...
I think that's about it! Thanks for reading. Cheers...