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Memorable quotes from DMT-Nexus (no chat quotes please)

Migrated topic.
Inside every cynic, is a jaded idealist

-George Carlin

Once you realize the world is in balance, all thats left is for one to not slip into a polarity another will compensate for. Walk the razors edge, observe, but don't fester or let distractions make you lose your balance. Sometimes a trek to the hill above the battlefield offers clarity immense, othertimes not so much. The point is to keep moving, and never let absolutes into your mind

-Me, coming to terms with that carlin quote that really sunk deep one day.
joebono/joemolly (aka banned member who now resides at shroomery) said:
Shroomery is like getting high in high school. The Ayahuasca forum is like getting high in church. The DMT Nexus is like getting high in The Matrix.


oddly enough, a few hours before reading this i was having a dream that involved Neo :d
hixidom said:
psychedelics have changed me permanently. Even from the first LSD trip, I was made aware of something that I could not ever forget. Before psychedelics, life was like being in a dark room. Of course, it didn't seem dark at the time. That first LSD trip was like turning the lights on momentarily. Even after the lights slowly turned off again, I cannot forget what I experienced. What I saw has since influenced my perception of where and what I am. Even if I forgot what I saw and what it is like to see, I cannot forget what I now know as a result, even if it is only that sight is possible.
Two pieces of gold:

*oneironaut* said:
DMT is a future without a past

Salvia is a .... Salvia is a .... Salvia is a .... Salvia is a ....

LSD is a black and white TV in color.

MDMA is a fluffy pink marshmallow with a crunchy center.

N20 did you see the size of that chicken?

Shrooms are similes made of smilies.

Datura is a sleepy Devil smoking cigarettes in your grandmas bed

SpaceSeek said:
Salvia is like being a crayon in a little kid's pre-school. So much color and fun. But how did you get here? And why are you a crayon?
This thread makes me realize how many good members don't post anymore :(

RebornInSmoke said:
Daedaloops wrote;

”Funny that you mention salvia in the same post, for me salvia is like the ultimate substance that shows you how uncomfortable any clothing is. No matter how loose the clothing, when I smoke salvia, it without exception makes anything that's touching my body feel like SANDPAPER. Also it makes me sweat alot.

So my salvia sessions is just me in my undies. I stopped going all the way naked because of one traumatic experience where my penis merged with my chin, and I felt like a retarded mutant who was forced to live his life with his face next to his balls..."

cyb said:
daedaloops said:
Here's a rough example on how my salvia trip can start out:
"Hmm, things are getting weird, what is that thing over there, hmm, this is a bit too much, what should I do, I'm just gonna hold on tight, wait, hold on tight, what, hold on right, hold mold on right, hold + told / mold = tight * right? hold + old * old^wait * hmm = what = what = what = what = what..."
Which is followed by a very bizarre realm where the glitching thought train is transformed into a very intense action music and the local entities are singing and laughing at you with an insane and violent sense of humour.

Here's a rough example on how my dmt trip can start out:
"Hmm, things are getting weird, I can't feel my body, I feel like an alien, this is so familiar, just gonna close my eyes, oh my god what is that, that is so familiar, so beautiful, WHAT IS THAT, OH MY GOD THATS -- HOLY S-- NO!! REALLY?!? *%$& HOW COULD I FORGET!! @$£*#&*% OOOooOOOooooOOOO"
Which is followed by alot of extra-meaningful, jaw-on-the-floor moments, transcending abstractions, becoming universes, etc..

Some of the funniest and accurate posts from this member.

Speaking of accuracy, gibran's leitmotif of Salvia is my signature.
Jin said:
just a week back something similar happened to me

i was stoned out of my mind and could'nt resist taking a nap , anyways suddenly after some time i entered the sleep paralysis state , being extremely stoned i could not fight it this time like i always do when i experience this

this time i quickly jumped up from my bed hoping to fight the sleep paralysis like usual , instead i was out of my body , somehow i had no control because of being stoned perhaps , next thing i know i am being pulled upwards towards the sky , the funny part is i was hanging upside down and being pulled with my feet towards he sky , i remember holding onto my bed as to not fly away , and then i woke up

i have been trying to quit smoking after that , do i really need to quit cannabis to achieve this ?

lol sorry Jin I just found it hilarious 😁
gibran2 said:
SKA said:
It is true what I thought. So many of you are confirming it.

What I thought was: "Aren't the things DMT have showed me actually disturbing inner peace? "

I came there looking for answers. Answers that could possibly give me more understanding of the true nature of this
reality. Asnwers we've all gotten: Answers we can completely not comprehend. Answers that are pretty much useless and in the end bring more questions in return.

I found this to be true for all psychedelics. Sometimes they've given me some deep insight into my own psyche. And into the general psyche of the human being. But ultimately they've raised more philosphical questions than they've answered.
I've long seen Psychedelics as invaluable tools of healing, but more and more...I'm not so sure anymore.

I've witnessed the same icecold, mechanical thing that has been mentioned here countless times. It horrified me.
Much more so than the obviously evil entities: They were still recognisable as vaguely reminiscent of terrestrial beings. They had a soul and an intent( even if it was a malicious soul & intent), but this cold, alien, gigantic being has no soul at all. No emotions. No intentions.

Though my mind was open to it and thought "let's not judge this being", my heart fiercely rejected it.
I could not relate in any way to this being. I could not accept the existance of this being on an emotional level.
Not at all.

The problem with me is: I didn't forget half as much as you did, Gibran. And you too know I wish I did.
Too much sticks with me and I must admit: it's making my life very difficult to live, emotionally.

I'm having the hardest time enjoying mundane experiences like going out to dance, socialising, jamming...etc
I'm filled with a sense of futility. That it's all so purposeless and devoid of true meaning. Because I saw things that show how much of a joke, an illusion this entire reality is. I cannot remember it on a cognitive level, but the emotional aspect of the memory stuck. I feel doomed to suffer the rest of my life in boredom, claustrophobia and depression. I genuinely wonder if I can get out of this dreadfull state ever again. I'm sure as hell going to try.

More and more I'm starting to guess this is the result of my Psychedelic experiences, most notably those on DMT.
I’m sorry to hear you’re having such a difficult time right now.

Life changes, and someday when you least expect it, these difficulties will be behind you. At least that has been my experience time and time again.

The experience I described in the original post was just one of many that I’ve had over the years. I’ve had some very life-affirming experiences, some deeply sacred journeys, and one in particular that made it clear our lives here are filled with purpose. I’ve had hilarious irreverent good times, I’ve stood face to face with my “inner-self”, I’ve seen beauty so overwhelming I had to look away, I’ve laughed, cried, and felt a few non-human emotions along the way. Once I died. Many times I’ve been reborn.

The lesson learned form the experience posted here wasn’t that there is a cold indifference pervading all of existence, but rather that the human mind, the human psyche --MY psyche -- isn’t capable of understanding what really is. And that’s OK. Our time here is to learn about what is here – about what appears to be. Your deeper self already knows what really is. Everything will be revealed in its time.

I gave up expecting answers to questions very early on in my psychedelic exploration. It was clear to me that that’s not what it’s all about. I’m also not sure that it’s about healing either. The DMT experience allows us to participate in the divine mystery, and to realize that we are always and have always been participating in the divine mystery.

If you’re finding it hard to enjoy life these days, then seek out someone who can offer to help. If you believe that DMT use has led to this situation, then consider not using DMT.

Finally, never forget the important role you play in this mystery!
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