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Memorable quotes from DMT-Nexus (no chat quotes please)

Migrated topic.
MachineElf88 said:
So often have my LSD trips been tainted by paranoia as my ego clings to itself and fights the altered state. This was however so powerful that the ego was gone in the breath of the smoke. The experience it created made the ego totally irrelevant. This was no contaminated half way house where ego and drug wrestle for control. This was an all out mind flush. ... In that moment I understood I was faced with such force I could not fight. I could only join.
clouds said:
Enoon said:
There is nothing in the world that people won't be able to roll their depravity onto. There is no point IMO to glorify dmt or psychedelics. Taking them will not save the world.

No single thing will save the world. However, some things in this world are like seeds, which grow in to vines, which ultimately grow in to great biological cultures. "Saving" the world certainly won't happen without the human spirit and the human heart being in the right place. Practially, what follows from a well intentioned heart is far more likely to be something positive. And what follows from an ill intentioned heart will certainly not save the planet. I believe that psychedelics are like seeds, or wonderful nutrients that can facilitate the seeds to grow in to well intentioned creatures, potentially, well intentioned cultures. Psychedelics seem to have the effect of putting the human spirit in a good place. This is my personal experience, and what I have observed in others, and what almost everyone at this community will agree with. An unhappy spirit won't care at all about saving the world, but will propogate more unhappiness. That is also something that I have observed both in myself, and almost everyone I see.

Going to church won't save the world, going to school won't save the world. However, it is these practices, which, hopefully, mold a person in to a caring and moral individual, who is much more likely to care about their fellow beings.
From this thread

Rivea said:
xtechre said:
Is politics unnecessary? I think so but many people don't.

If at all i would like to see government liquidated, the important decisions (international policy etc) should be put to referendum as soon as an issue arises. A higher frequency of public voting on issues.
The banking system to be burned to the ground.

Amen to that brother! My opinion is that the largest collection of criminals to humanity lie in the political and banking systems of the world. The density of liars, cheats, and thieves is greater in that collection of people than in any of the other 'professions'. They have caused more suffering world wide over the ages than anything else with the possible exception epidemic outbreaks of diseases.
Apoc said:
If you release your expectations, you will be open minded, and so any path that opens from that point will be a natural opening. In other words, the path that naturally opens is the path that is destined for you. It is your path. I find that a lot of people, depressed people anyway, want to be big heroes, and if they aren't acheiving something enormous, they aren't satisfied with acheiving anything. Come to terms with the possibility that you may always be an average person, not acheiving anything in particular. Then you will begin to focus not on what you don't have, but the special gifts you do have. You will learn to work with the cards you have been dealt, and not wasting your energy hoping to be dealt different cards. You will work with what you have, and that is the best you can possibly do because the cards you have are the only cards you have.

Learn to let go of expectations of what life should be. Perhaps it is not your place to be a big hero, or make a big impact. Maybe your place is to make little impacts that will pave the way for someone else to make a big impact. Almost everyone wants to be an olympic gold madalist, but that champion wouldn't be a champion if it weren't for the many people, trainers, family, people of guidance, who lead that champion to greatness. Maybe the whole point of your existence is to reach just one person, or creature, who will in turn, play a key role in the unfolding of the universe. The only reward is living in harmony with what is, what has been given. And you may find this reward more fulfilling than all your previous expectations.
Morphane said:
The impression I get is that NDE is the official experience for the disincarnate soul leaving the body. There are no alien octupuses, bizarre machine elves, and all the other bizarre things that psychedelics can reveal. I feel like the NDE is the front door, and DMT is the back door, but in both cases there seem to be intelligences making sure you are okay. In both cases it seems possible to have an encounter with the Source.
gibran2 said:
My psychedelic experiences haven’t so much convinced me of the reality of other realms as they have lead me to consider the possibility that this realm – the realm of our everyday experiences – may in fact not be at all what it appears to be.
Enoon said:
The state of gnosis or enlightenment to me is not a state at all, but a continuous process of overcoming what is old and emerging into something new; incessant transmorphology.
burnt said:
This is the thing that scares me about psychedelic drugs, and what probably keeps them illegal: they cause people have beliefs that are so strong that they will not try to think critically about them.
I havn't read these yet but I just had to post this.

12:12:20 ‹Czepa› dont ask again please.
12:12:49 ‹Czepa› i burnt my penis the other day smoking a cigarret at the computer before jumping in the shower
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