probably peach palm left out to ferment... taken that its a crude solvent too and that high fructose based fermented beverages gain access to the body quicker, your looking at a fast carrier mechanism into the body... adding the seeds to vodka and allowing them to just sit for a while in the fridge should be effective as well. once again the science of herbalism... one could do the same with wine... just strain the seeds after soaking them in the wine.
chicha is a corn beer made traditional in SA i dare any one to drink it down there though... it will give you the shits something awefull. lol...
but what your looking at with chicha is a high fructose corn based fermented ethanol. the corn cultivars they have in SA are different then anything you will ever see in NA... you will fall in love with corn there i tell you and fall to crushing disapointment when you come home... but they have corn varieties there that are so HIGH in fructose that its easy to make a basic ferment with them. the pruple is the best and highest in sugar, they sell it as two different products, one is a chicha sort of soda like root beer kinda ( and they have this stuff called inca cola down there thats crazy sweet.. jesus... like big red long neck soda... but sweet if you can believe it. they also make a sort of pudding out of it which is amazing and when you find out its not a berry but CORN it will blow your mind... any way... i have been thinking about the divinatory chicha for some time now... and this is some serious progress in its replication. i think that people could brew a beer with the seeds rationed out per bottle and that might be a nice trick... but soaking them in wine i think could be effective...
any one recall the guy who posted some where that he tried to make a anal clyster by adding lime to the seeds then putting them in coca butter and shoving it up his ass... the lime burnt the hell out of his colon.. cracks me up... any way... i think that the beer was also used as an enema. and might be very effective... now if any one gets a wild seed up their ass to try this.. be aware that alcohol is absorbed much faster rectally then one can imagine and alcohol poisoning for light weights could occur much faster this way... SO very very week flat beer would be the method of choice as chicha was very low in alcohol content and was used as a way of purifying drinking water as it was around the world.