"Some guy who partied on the festival circuit pretty hard, claims to have had a kundalini awakening and professes to be a shaman and treats people with aya in his inner city apartment with invented incantations and burning herbs he ordered from some site, imo, is a mockery of the whole idea of shamanism. (real life example btw). Just too damn easy to say you're one and have lots of people believe you. That's my point."
wow you sound really judgmental! notice I said sound not are judgmental...
c'mon, please... That's what the parenthetical info was about. It is a REAL life example. I KNOW THE GUY. and he is no shaman. He charges a fortune, and is the pretender of pretenders, a fool among fools. But if revenue is a measure of success, he is by all accounts a successful neo-shaman. I went to the trouble of including the parentheses so I wouldn't have to elaborate. We are in agreement judging by your previous statements in the post, but you seem to be scrutinizing my writing looking for a fight nevertheless.
My only point is that not everyone claiming to be a shaman is one, AND every doctor that claims to be one is. you seem to be going out of your way to misunderstand me.
And as an aside, not everyone can afford the cash or the time to go to Peru to search for a good shaman. That's just reality. And most people I know in serious mental distress wouldn't have the wherewithal, the interest, or resourcefulness to book a flight, navigate through a new country and culture, sort through the various options and rationally weigh the details to evaluate someone's shamanic credentials.
Am i the one who's crazy? this seems self-evident to me...