I am a new member from Australia here and thought i would introduce myself:
i have been interested in science, plants and psychedelics for many years with considerable experience with LSD and Mushroom and to a lesser extent but equal enthusiasm N,N-DMT and Mescaline.
i have been growing the narrow phyllode variant of Acacia Acuminata for a few years now and have planted seedling all across Victoria. I am an advocate for this tree not only because it's beautiful and tough but also a sustainable source of DMT that can be harvested without damage to the tree.
after almost 5 years of patience and care my trees are now big enough to start pruning and collecting leaves, twigs and bark and recently completed my first extraction with encouraging results (see attached). I aim to refine and share my procedure.
I am a new member from Australia here and thought i would introduce myself:
i have been interested in science, plants and psychedelics for many years with considerable experience with LSD and Mushroom and to a lesser extent but equal enthusiasm N,N-DMT and Mescaline.
i have been growing the narrow phyllode variant of Acacia Acuminata for a few years now and have planted seedling all across Victoria. I am an advocate for this tree not only because it's beautiful and tough but also a sustainable source of DMT that can be harvested without damage to the tree.
after almost 5 years of patience and care my trees are now big enough to start pruning and collecting leaves, twigs and bark and recently completed my first extraction with encouraging results (see attached). I aim to refine and share my procedure.