Rising Star
long time reader finally decided to join the conversation. i figured i would start with my current view of reality. i feel that a persons understanding of the world around them is crucial in understanding that person and esspecially how a chemical such as DMT effects them and how they interpret such effects. i have done DMT a total of 5 times and did the extraction myself. this essay SHOULD NOT be read as an argument for spirituality, when i use terms like energy i am referring to electromagnetism and many other fundamental forces just an fyi.
thank you for your time and i hope you enjoy the read:wink:
Disclaimer(for clarity of terms):Throughout this paper I will use the words universe and dimensions interchangeably. Honestly I dont know what im indeed referring to. But these terms are intended to be read as a place which represents a universe 'like' ours yet in another dimension(D+1). Now it is important that the reader be familiar with the concept of adding and subtracting dimensions as well as comfortable with perspectives within higher and lower dimensions before reading. If a reader has trouble understanding concepts refer to the (wikipedia, topic) for further reading. Dimensions explained
Its reasonable to suppose that your brain certainly changes things in the physics of our world(4 dimensions) in a very complex yet fundamental way. Life and more specifically your brain is a unique process to all other forms of higher physical forces in this universe. From gravity to the nuclear forces the physics and chemistry that culminates to create a biological structure is very complex. It has the ability to change states of matter and manipulate the forces which make its existence possible. Your brain as well as your body facilitates the movement and storage of energy in a very specific and complex way. Heres the crazy part which I will attempt to explain at the end. When you or any other living system for that matter is destroyed. This energy accumulated by the life system has effects on a higher dimension. These unique physical effects life shows in our universe, also appear in a higher dimension. Such inter-dimensional interactions have in fact been observed in nature. For example higher dimensional universes also have large coagulations of matter(we call them galaxies in our universe) and their gravity effects galaxies and stars in our dimension. This disruption is called dark matter which acts like gravity and is attractive in force. While dark energy is repulsive and is the cause for the expansion and increased acceleration of our universe. By measuring dark matter we are in fact measuring ‘galaxies’ in a higher 5th dimension. This is what could be supposed at the larger end of the spectrum of our universe we eventually reach a dimensional barrier. This barrier is invisible matter and energy but we can still measure and infer its existence with 100% confidence. It is there but it cannot be seen therefore it is of another dimension(wikipedia, dark matter).
This dimensional barrier also exists in regard to occupying the smaller end of the cosmic spectrum as well. For example if you want to perform a thought experiment in which you ‘attempt’ to imagine 2 dimensions then the best place to start would be the very small. Because 2 dimensions consist of only a length and a width, no hight. The most readily available understanding or first mile marker of the vary small is a single hydrogen atom, the simplest of all elements. To be more specific we can also begin in terms of subatomic particles it can be said we have a proton. This proton although so inconceivably small still has length, width, and height. So we look further and find that there are smaller ‘particles’ still. These particles are called quarks and for the purpose of this experiment we only need be concerned with how many and what kind make up a proton, where there are indeed much more variety then what is depicted by a single proton. Moving forward within the proton there are two up quarks and one down quark (wikipedia, quarks). Any smaller and our understanding of what makes hight becomes blurred. You see quarks are neither existing nor not existing they ‘exist’ in a constant state of annihilation and creation with their anti-quark partner. It can be said that all matter such as protons and neutrons which make up all the elements are merely a shadow of their once existing quarks. To be able to look any further would require one to understand something that dosnt exist the same way we know existence to be. That is it cannot be pointed to or measured in any way it is something that does and does not exist. It seems absurd and yet by definition it should. When deciding to engage in this thought experiment did you really expect to find something in a 3 dimensional space to contain something that was infinitely thin?
I propose to provide a hypothesis to the idea of what it means to be conscience and what it means to exist in this dimension. Essentially what I am going to talk about is life and death. One of the least understood phenomena in cosmology is dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter accounts for over 90% of the matter in our universe. This means that everything we can see makes up less than 10% of all conceivable matter in the 4D universe. Now it is my supposition that this matter is indeed matter from a higher dimension. This higher dimension is leaking gravity from its massive collections of matter within its 5 dimensional hyperspace, into our universe but since the matter which is leaking in is 5 dimensional we cannot see it. We cant even begin to try to imagine such a place. It is impossible there is nothing to relate it to. For example If you were asked to point in 5th direction the best you could do would be to point in every direction. Now if we also insert our understanding of smaller dimensions (2D) then we realize we exist in a very privileged place. We have the capacity to understand the 3 spatial dimensions and the single always running uni-directional time dimension. But even this 4th dimension can be manipulated. For forms of energy can manipulate and exist in different places within this time dimension of which photons occupy the majority of these time travelers. They essentially create the forth dimension by setting a scale for us to determine the rate of change in the universe(wikipedia, photons). We fit in a very interesting yet relatively unimportant spot in all this. We are quiet blind to the full extent of what exists even in this dimension yet life does something unique to its surroundings. It changes basic forms of matter and energy and turns it into more forms of increasing complexity which become more efficient at doing this process, which we call living. Life can be seen as another feature of the universe. Similar to how chemistry deals with the large constituents of physics. Such as the molecules of atoms, whereas the classification of physics is simply the interaction of atoms and their parts. And biology deals with chemistry in that it uses chemistry to define the smallest structures which make up biology (organic molecules). there is a very clear hierarchy which forms. It only seems to reason that when a biological structure dies the unique result of its biology produces further complexity or another higher classification beyond that of biology and this machinery of the universe is tangible only in the 5th dimension. This can be seen in many ways. I prefer to interpret it (likely due to wishful thinking/yearning for purpose) as a way to verify that what happens here in this universe/dimensions has some effect on a higher dimension. Perhaps one that is as fundamental as the shaping of its very nature.
long time reader finally decided to join the conversation. i figured i would start with my current view of reality. i feel that a persons understanding of the world around them is crucial in understanding that person and esspecially how a chemical such as DMT effects them and how they interpret such effects. i have done DMT a total of 5 times and did the extraction myself. this essay SHOULD NOT be read as an argument for spirituality, when i use terms like energy i am referring to electromagnetism and many other fundamental forces just an fyi.
thank you for your time and i hope you enjoy the read:wink:
Disclaimer(for clarity of terms):Throughout this paper I will use the words universe and dimensions interchangeably. Honestly I dont know what im indeed referring to. But these terms are intended to be read as a place which represents a universe 'like' ours yet in another dimension(D+1). Now it is important that the reader be familiar with the concept of adding and subtracting dimensions as well as comfortable with perspectives within higher and lower dimensions before reading. If a reader has trouble understanding concepts refer to the (wikipedia, topic) for further reading. Dimensions explained
Its reasonable to suppose that your brain certainly changes things in the physics of our world(4 dimensions) in a very complex yet fundamental way. Life and more specifically your brain is a unique process to all other forms of higher physical forces in this universe. From gravity to the nuclear forces the physics and chemistry that culminates to create a biological structure is very complex. It has the ability to change states of matter and manipulate the forces which make its existence possible. Your brain as well as your body facilitates the movement and storage of energy in a very specific and complex way. Heres the crazy part which I will attempt to explain at the end. When you or any other living system for that matter is destroyed. This energy accumulated by the life system has effects on a higher dimension. These unique physical effects life shows in our universe, also appear in a higher dimension. Such inter-dimensional interactions have in fact been observed in nature. For example higher dimensional universes also have large coagulations of matter(we call them galaxies in our universe) and their gravity effects galaxies and stars in our dimension. This disruption is called dark matter which acts like gravity and is attractive in force. While dark energy is repulsive and is the cause for the expansion and increased acceleration of our universe. By measuring dark matter we are in fact measuring ‘galaxies’ in a higher 5th dimension. This is what could be supposed at the larger end of the spectrum of our universe we eventually reach a dimensional barrier. This barrier is invisible matter and energy but we can still measure and infer its existence with 100% confidence. It is there but it cannot be seen therefore it is of another dimension(wikipedia, dark matter).
This dimensional barrier also exists in regard to occupying the smaller end of the cosmic spectrum as well. For example if you want to perform a thought experiment in which you ‘attempt’ to imagine 2 dimensions then the best place to start would be the very small. Because 2 dimensions consist of only a length and a width, no hight. The most readily available understanding or first mile marker of the vary small is a single hydrogen atom, the simplest of all elements. To be more specific we can also begin in terms of subatomic particles it can be said we have a proton. This proton although so inconceivably small still has length, width, and height. So we look further and find that there are smaller ‘particles’ still. These particles are called quarks and for the purpose of this experiment we only need be concerned with how many and what kind make up a proton, where there are indeed much more variety then what is depicted by a single proton. Moving forward within the proton there are two up quarks and one down quark (wikipedia, quarks). Any smaller and our understanding of what makes hight becomes blurred. You see quarks are neither existing nor not existing they ‘exist’ in a constant state of annihilation and creation with their anti-quark partner. It can be said that all matter such as protons and neutrons which make up all the elements are merely a shadow of their once existing quarks. To be able to look any further would require one to understand something that dosnt exist the same way we know existence to be. That is it cannot be pointed to or measured in any way it is something that does and does not exist. It seems absurd and yet by definition it should. When deciding to engage in this thought experiment did you really expect to find something in a 3 dimensional space to contain something that was infinitely thin?
I propose to provide a hypothesis to the idea of what it means to be conscience and what it means to exist in this dimension. Essentially what I am going to talk about is life and death. One of the least understood phenomena in cosmology is dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter accounts for over 90% of the matter in our universe. This means that everything we can see makes up less than 10% of all conceivable matter in the 4D universe. Now it is my supposition that this matter is indeed matter from a higher dimension. This higher dimension is leaking gravity from its massive collections of matter within its 5 dimensional hyperspace, into our universe but since the matter which is leaking in is 5 dimensional we cannot see it. We cant even begin to try to imagine such a place. It is impossible there is nothing to relate it to. For example If you were asked to point in 5th direction the best you could do would be to point in every direction. Now if we also insert our understanding of smaller dimensions (2D) then we realize we exist in a very privileged place. We have the capacity to understand the 3 spatial dimensions and the single always running uni-directional time dimension. But even this 4th dimension can be manipulated. For forms of energy can manipulate and exist in different places within this time dimension of which photons occupy the majority of these time travelers. They essentially create the forth dimension by setting a scale for us to determine the rate of change in the universe(wikipedia, photons). We fit in a very interesting yet relatively unimportant spot in all this. We are quiet blind to the full extent of what exists even in this dimension yet life does something unique to its surroundings. It changes basic forms of matter and energy and turns it into more forms of increasing complexity which become more efficient at doing this process, which we call living. Life can be seen as another feature of the universe. Similar to how chemistry deals with the large constituents of physics. Such as the molecules of atoms, whereas the classification of physics is simply the interaction of atoms and their parts. And biology deals with chemistry in that it uses chemistry to define the smallest structures which make up biology (organic molecules). there is a very clear hierarchy which forms. It only seems to reason that when a biological structure dies the unique result of its biology produces further complexity or another higher classification beyond that of biology and this machinery of the universe is tangible only in the 5th dimension. This can be seen in many ways. I prefer to interpret it (likely due to wishful thinking/yearning for purpose) as a way to verify that what happens here in this universe/dimensions has some effect on a higher dimension. Perhaps one that is as fundamental as the shaping of its very nature.