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My introduction essay: a journey from zero to DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all, and thank you for allowing me to join your wonderful community.

I've been a lurker here for around a year now; I guess I'll start at the beginning so it all makes sense.

Ever since high school I only ever really wanted to try three illicit substances; weed, shrooms and acid. However, I was never really well connected and thus my experiences began and ended with weed.

However, 15yrs later I found myself in the position to procure both of my 'bucket list' items and fulfill my curiosity.

Much to my disappointment I had discovered that the head-meds I was currently on (quetiapine to be specific) was somewhat nullifying the overall experience of these psychedelics. Shrooms still worked, but zero OEV\CEV's... it just made me super aware of my emotions (I'm usually quite closed off) and I remember watching a David Attenborough documentary (Planet Earth) and just weeping openly in front of my partner about how beautiful life was. Acid did nothing- to the point where the first time I ordered a 10x sheet I complained to the vendor that it must have been under-dosed (this was BEFORE I discovered my meds were counter-acting these drugs). One day I must have forgotten to take my dose and tried the acid again. WOW. I felt like my someone had handed me a book on the universe and said "here are all the answers". I couldn't explain it to my partner, but I just knew that everything was going to be okay.

So then I realized why the psychedelics wouldn't work; apparently quetiapine is an anti-psychotic, and these particular meds hugely fuck up the ability to trip on many substances. And at that point in time I was not in a position to stop my head-meds, so I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to be able to enjoy these indulgences until such time that I was in the right place to come off the quetiapine.

Anyway, one day I bought some weed and my guy threw in some stuff I had never heard of. I even forgot what he called it and had to ask again days later WTF it was. "Changa, bro" he told me. Hmmmm, never heard of it. A bit of Google-fu provided some insight. "The Businessman's Trip" I remember reading- it was a powerful but short psychedelic that provides awesome CEV\OEV's. Well, I was certainly on board to try it, given that- at this point- all I had ever wanted from a psychedelic was visuals and despite all my efforts had NEVER HAD ONE. No shapes, no patterns; just mood altering mind stuff.

So I gave it a hit.

And that was when I developed a massive crush on DMT; changa in particular. Despite being on (a relatively low level dose) of quetiapine I was still able to see beautiful geometric shapes with my eyes closed. When I opened them I was shown changes to reality; nothing powerful- the room seemed immensely larger and much brighter. It was, to me, amazing. And this experience was TINY (as you will all know). It was just so novel to me to FINALLY after all this trying to see some altered perception.

Anyway, so I then incorporated changa into my life. I did it once a month for a few months. Anyway, like I said above, I occasionally forget to take my meds (sometimes life gets in the way- you have a few too many drinks and fall asleep, or do bed-time stuff etc.) and one particular night I load up my pipe for a hit of changa.

This time it's different- I take a hit, close my eyes, hold it in... and BAM. Amazing CEV's- more than usual- but then when I opened my eyes the visuals continued. Swirling around my off television, the walls, the lights... I tried to stand up (not realizing this would be a bad idea) and totally stumbled over onto the carpet. My partner was in the bathroom, and when she came out I was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I couldn't begin to explain it- it was so awesome I said she would just have to see it for herself (she always was curious).

Anyway, another night down the track we decided it was a changa night. I was still on my meds, and don't "skip" them on purpose (despite how tempting it may be) as it is (1) stupid, and (2) keeps me awake all night, usually. So first I go, and it is as good as usual (not like the BEST time, but still nice). She goes next. BANG! She is transported somewhere. I am awake and she is telling me what she sees. She is talking about this 'thing' and how it has a cape, and how it's really important because everything has this cape, and the cape is really important to reality etc etc etc. It is, to me, the talking of someone who saw something BEYOND. And I am very much jealous (and confused) at what is happening.

So I go online. And I find DMT-Nexus. And this is when I learn all about 'breaking through' and 'hyperspace. I read about entities and shadow people and all sorts of things... things I have never come close to seeing. And that's when it hits me: the quetiapine is hindering (to an extent) the DMT as well.

For the longest time I made peace with this and decided to simply use what psychedelics I had as best I could (shoorms for emotions rather than visuals, changa for the CEV's but not breakthrough etc.)

Anyway, FINALLY my head-doc gave me the go ahead for coming down- and eventually OFF- quetiapine. It's going to be a long road, it could take months, but it is exciting news for me because it gives me an exciting goal to work towards.

Since learning this I have immersed myself in the world of DMT. I've been reading and researching both administering techniques and tools, as well as the possibility of some day using a tek to make my own. However, that's a story for another day.

Why do I want to be a member here? Because I have MANY questions, but also because someone else might find themselves where I was and not know why. There is surprising little information on what medications do\do not interfere with DMT- and in what way. I would like to share my own experiences to further help the community, as well as simply be part of a group of people who appear so genuine no matter where in the forum I turn. You're all a fine example of what a forum SHOULD be: I see so few trolls, so little hate. It's just awesome.

Plus, as I come off the quetiapine I am going to be seeing many more things (I imagine) and would love the ability to post about them. The prospect of breaking through makes me nervous (I've suffered from what I've heard called "pre flight nerves" quite a few times before smoking lately) but as anxious as it makes me, it is also quite exiting. I live for new experiences; I remember when I first did a bungee jump I was nervous as hell- but I did it. And I loved it. And even if I didn't, I wouldn't take it back. Life is all about experiences. And I can't wait for my first hyperspace one.

I hope to see you round the traps. All my best.
apparently quetiapine is an anti-psychotic
Holy cow! Did your doctor tell you precisely nothing??

Switching from quetiapine to DMT, so to speak, is something of a vivid contrast. Please be aware of what you might be getting yourself into.

Please also be aware that the combination of SSRI - another kind of psych med - has the potential to be fatally dangerous when combined with the MAOI/RIMA components of changa. There are threads about this here on the Nexus, such as this one.

"Why you should NOT take DMT" is considered a classic thread and recommended reading.

Enjoy browsing the forum, it's a great resource. And welcome!
Thanks for the welcome- and for the thread link! I'm going to go ahead and read that right now. :)

I should clarify what I meant; she had told me it was an anti-psychotic (it probably didn't sink in at first because it was prescribed for my mood + as a sleeping aid)- what I didn't know was that anti-psychotics pretty much switch off nearly all effects of psychedelics... it's almost like that's their job, and that was what amazed me.

Luckily for me, I'm not psychotic (that I know of!) which is why it's cool for me to come off them... a few years back my wife left me and it left me rather paranoid and moody- the meds got me through a rough patch, but life is great now and I don't need the crutch any more, so ta ta to them.

Thanks for the info on SSRI's, too! Luckily I'm not on any of those at all.

I am somewhat nervous / anxious about the contrast you speak of... I plan on trying changa monthly as I come off seroquel. That way, hopefully, I can ease into the full experience instead of going naught to one hundred in one go.

Again, thank you for reading my tale and I look forward to being a part of the community :)
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