Jakabok Botch
Rising Star
Greetings. I'm 20, live in Southwest England, have had a strong interest in the works of Terrence Mckenna, Rick Strassman, ect. and have been seriously advised by a long term psychonaut to take some DMT. This guy is quite persuasive and is himself highly compus mentus and responsible. Or is he? Part of his arguement is that if I took shrooms, it might last 8 hours (more or less), wheras at least with DMT it's over in a few minutes, followed by all the familiar claims that DMT has evolved alongside our conciousness/brain matter evolution and is therefore safer than say LSD (see Terrence Mckenna).
Part of me says "do it", another part of me says "AAAAAGH!!!". It's for a long time been high on my list of things to do before I die (though that makes it sound distanced and removed in time and space), but it's just surprising to have found this gentleman head so abruptly wo is so eager for me to try it.
So I humbly submit this novitiate query to you all: as an hallucinogenic virgin, is this wise?
Part of me says "do it", another part of me says "AAAAAGH!!!". It's for a long time been high on my list of things to do before I die (though that makes it sound distanced and removed in time and space), but it's just surprising to have found this gentleman head so abruptly wo is so eager for me to try it.
So I humbly submit this novitiate query to you all: as an hallucinogenic virgin, is this wise?