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Never taken hallucinogens before, should I start with DMT?

Migrated topic.

Jakabok Botch

Rising Star
Greetings. I'm 20, live in Southwest England, have had a strong interest in the works of Terrence Mckenna, Rick Strassman, ect. and have been seriously advised by a long term psychonaut to take some DMT. This guy is quite persuasive and is himself highly compus mentus and responsible. Or is he? Part of his arguement is that if I took shrooms, it might last 8 hours (more or less), wheras at least with DMT it's over in a few minutes, followed by all the familiar claims that DMT has evolved alongside our conciousness/brain matter evolution and is therefore safer than say LSD (see Terrence Mckenna).

Part of me says "do it", another part of me says "AAAAAGH!!!". It's for a long time been high on my list of things to do before I die (though that makes it sound distanced and removed in time and space), but it's just surprising to have found this gentleman head so abruptly wo is so eager for me to try it.

So I humbly submit this novitiate query to you all: as an hallucinogenic virgin, is this wise?

If you know that you don't know what to expect, you're better prepared then if you would still don't know what to expect but if you thought you do know. So it's not a bad idea to make DMT your first hallucinogen.
There is ofcourse the chance that you would turn into a demonic vampire. I assume you've been well informed about this happening to 15% of all people who take DMT.
Start with no more than 10 mg. Then work up until you start to get mild visual effects. Play around with that dosage for a while before going any higher. You’ll get the gist of it.

I don’t recommend taking a full blown dose until you’re very familiar with low doses.

At higher doses, DMT can show you things you never thought were possible. It can be extremely unnerving at times.

While another poster is joking about becoming a “demonic vampire”, the joke does have a level of realism to it. Some people do experience being “possessed” for a few minutes. Read this from author D. M. Turner:

Many users, including myself, have felt possessed by various spirits while on DMT, as if becoming a medium and channeling alien thoughts. This can be quite heavy. It has been generally positive for myself and the people I've smoked DMT with, but I've heard stories from others who have experienced the opposite extreme.
Ey Jakabok Botch, if ya go ahead and dose... Please let us know how it went! I am curious. I know someone who wants to try it as their first psychedelic also.
FYI: the book that D. M. Turner quote above came from is available on-line here for free: D. M. Turner - Table of Contents

It's a pretty cool read. It gets to the point quickly and covers all the major psychedelics. It covers most of the details you need to know without getting too technical or too in-depth.
Demoniacal vampirism? Golly! The gentleman sure never mentioned anything 'bout no vampires!

69ron said:
Start with no more than 10 mg. Then work up until you start to get mild visual effects. Play around with that dosage for a while before going any higher. You’ll get the gist of it.

I don’t recommend taking a full blown dose until you’re very familiar with low doses.

At higher doses, DMT can show you things you never thought were possible. It can be extremely unnerving at times.

Well, he says go for broke first time round. His thinking being, if you can handle a low dose, if you have a psychological bedrock to support it, then you may as bloody well go for the whole hit.

I told him I've read almost evrything Terrence Mckenna has written and most of his audio recordings, and he says "well what more preperation do you need?!"

Which follows on from what Polytrip said about expect the unexpected.
For the record, I've had visceral dreams in which I have been demonicaly possessed which have even carried over into waking, like having the nightmare and then being paralyzed upon waking. Not nice, but nothing new to me particularly.
lebmug said:
It happened to me!

But seriously, a guy I know's second drug ever, after alcohol, was DMT. He didn't regret it:)

Yeah? What was his state of mid upon going into it/coming out of it? Who told him to do it, or did he seek it himself?
SWIM knows somebody who gave it to their brother for his first psychedelic...he was wow'ed...go for it man..in my eyes you have already done it..so whats to lose?

it sorta makes all other psychedelics seem like toys..while DMT is a huge massive complex machine of unfathomable proportions..or lack there of..
Start with a low dose. You have no idea what you're getting into. SWIM has seen hard care acid users hit it hard the first go, totally freak out in complete panic, vomit their guts out, yelling nonsensical gibberish, screaming, thrashing around, etc., and then come back and vow to never do it again. While it’s rare, it does happen. I think going full throttle for the first time is really asking for it. You have no idea what your specific response to it will be. Everyone is different.
indeed SWIM has witnessed it as well..even though he went full throttle his first time...not something he really recommends though...he had also been preparing to take it for about 2 years when he finally extracted some and decided it might be his only chance to breakthrough..so he did..but it will blow your mind..you cant even possibly imagine what will happen to you..seriously..you CANT imagine..its beyond imagining
Jakabok Botch said:
lebmug said:
It happened to me!

But seriously, a guy I know's second drug ever, after alcohol, was DMT. He didn't regret it:)

Yeah? What was his state of mid upon going into it/coming out of it? Who told him to do it, or did he seek it himself?

He first heard about it after stumbling upon erowid - he heard of mescaline from the matrix, and googled it. This was four or five year ago. Then after reading about DMT, and turning 18 (old enough to get a debit card) he bought Psychedelic Shamanism from ebay, and also bought some MHRB. So he found it himself, or perhaps was called to it? =)

He was very nervous upon taking it, he had no idea what to expect of course! It was totally new, but afterwards he felt quite euphoric:p it was a good experience.

His first dose was very low, and his extract crude and harsh on his throat. But he's carried on for the past few years so it must've been worth it:)
69ron said:
Start with a low dose. You have no idea what you're getting into. SWIM has seen hard care acid users hit it hard the first go, totally freak out in complete panic, vomit their guts out, yelling nonsensical gibberish, screaming, thrashing around, etc., and then come back and vow to never do it again. While it’s rare, it does happen. I think going full throttle for the first time is really asking for it. You have no idea what your specific response to it will be. Everyone is different.

This is what concerns me, but my benafactor keeps reasrring me that though I should fear the trip, I shouldn't fear the come down, as I'll be with people who care,who are grounded, and there will be music, if not a Peruvian shaman song.
lebmug said:
Jakabok Botch said:
He first heard about it after stumbling upon erowid - he heard of mescaline from the matrix, and googled it. This was four or five year ago. Then after reading about DMT, and turning 18 (old enough to get a debit card) he bought Psychedelic Shamanism from ebay, and also bought some MHRB. So he found it himself, or perhaps was called to it? =)

Wonder if I'm being called to it! It feels like that...
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