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Never taken hallucinogens before, should I start with DMT?

Migrated topic.
Uncle Knucles said:
Sure. I imagine that most people who delve in deeply to psychedelics over a long period of time have some dark ones. SWIM certainly has - with LSD, with PCP and most recently with DMT - no freakouts or incidents of any kind - but some dark and scary trips, most definitely. Heavy psychedelics mirror your psyche; what you bring in to the experience is usually amplified greatly and shown back to you in any number of ways. This is why set and setting are so important. Nowhere (at least in SWIM's experience) is this truer than with DMT. SWIM has never had any experiences he felt were damaging after the fact (no trouble reintegrating, dislocation of reality, etc.), and as you're back to baseline so quickly with DMT, the danger seems fairly minimal. But when you're inside the experience, the fear is very real, for whatever amount of time it lasts.

A friend of mine took DMT for the second time, someone who is has difficult emotional "issues" to deal with in his life. He took it in a setting that was not the serenest of households, in broad daylight, alone in his bedroom, with us down the hall, on the spur of the moment. He felt bliss. He was an experianced tripper though.
[quote='Coatl]I'd say start with Cactus, LSA or 'Shrooms, not DMT or Ayahuasca!

Swim agrees with this. Swim talked some of his freinds into smoking dmt and its put them off all psychedeilcs, which isnt what swim wanted. :cry: As someone else said time doesnt work in the same way it does here, so one second can be an eternity of hell, this could put you off psychedelics for life as swim has seen.

On the other hand swim was very experienced with LSD shrooms and a few lsa experiences before smoking dmt and he still got one hell of a shock, he cried for ages after a real fright. When it was coming up he was like I dont think I like this, and it was a really traumatic experience, but a few hours later swim said even with that fear it was still amazing, but swims like this, hes always liked psychedeilcs and never wants to give up on them, despite some difficult experiences. Swims mother has told him after bad lsd and mushroom trips, your too old for this now stop doing it, but swim cant help it and has always liked these things.

For someone who has never experienced any psyechedelic a bad experience on one of the strongest ones could ruin a long happy relationship with psychedeilcs, then again it could be the most important decision you make and you wont regret it. Its really a double edged sword, so to contradict himself nothing prepares you but this swimmer has always liked these things whcih may have helped.

Another thing swim has had from smoked dmt is so many differenrt experiences, never fails to surprise and it always feels great afterwards no matter how terrifying its been.
and once you make the decision..its already happened..its like time doesnt exist..and once you make the decision..it changes your future so that you will end up doing it...

That's exactly what I was saying. It was the same with me, even though I havn't really started yet.

And as to not beeing able to tell yourself something...I was referring to the come up. In my experience, it's important that you just let go of your fear , to let yourself slip into it. Once I wasn't prepared and thought "Oh shit, this is going to be horrible"..and it all kinda stopped (it wasn't enough spice though) and a thoughtvoice told me "Be grateful that nothing else happened"

I think that was very nice of them. :)
Before SWIM was ever able to successfully grow mushrooms, he tried over and over and over and had nothing but problems. One day he had a dream he grew them. The next time he tried, it was a success.

The same thing happened when he started hunting for mushrooms in the wild. He could not find any. He tried everyday for weeks. One day he had a dream that he finds some at the local park. The very next day he finds hundreds of them all over the place at the local park.

Once you’re ready, it will appear in your life as if God handed it to you.

These things are sacred.
DMT is in a class of its own, regardless of your experience - if you decide to take the plunge - I wouldn't read anything into other psychedelics from it.

It sounds like you're focussing in part on the negative & reasons to be afraid or not to do DMT, fair enough its your decision, but in my experience there is no real permanent damage that could result, just temporary discomfort. That said I still have to psych myself up to take DMT & always approach it with trepidation. I think some people are just like that. At the end of the day though you have to make the decision to either shit or get off the pot.
Attention All Shipping said:
DMT is in a class of its own, regardless of your experience - if you decide to take the plunge - I wouldn't read anything into other psychedelics from it.

It sounds like you're focussing in part on the negative & reasons to be afraid or not to do DMT, fair enough its your decision, but in my experience there is no real permanent damage that could result, just temporary discomfort. That said I still have to psych myself up to take DMT & always approach it with trepidation. I think some people are just like that. At the end of the day though you have to make the decision to either shit or get off the pot.

All I'm worried about is it being traumatic for my psyche in some way. I'm playing devil's advocate to the strong part of my will which says "do it do it do it".
Jakabok Botch said:
All I'm worried about is it being traumatic for my psyche in some way. I'm playing devil's advocate to the strong part of my will which says "do it do it do it".

Just start low. You're not going to have any negative effects at a low dose. Then gradually increase the dose for the future attempts. If you detect any unusual negative effects at a certain dosage level, stop, go back down, play around for a while below that dose until you get the hang of it. Then try going up again. Start at 5-10 mg, move up 5 mg increments, until you get to a dosage level that you feel is best for you personally.

SWIM has used psychedelics thousands of times over a span of about 30 years. He’s done it all. There’s no reason to plunge in full throttle. Sometimes the best experiences you can have are in the low dosage range.

Just because some are advocating taking DMT in “break through” doses, doesn’t mean the average guy is going to find anything at all enjoyable at that level. “Break through” doses produce a lot of mental confusion, and quite honestly, SWIM doesn’t particular like DMT at those doses. He finds the mental confusion to be irritating and not worth it. SWIM prefers smoked DMT in smaller doses that are more manageable. If he wants a “break through” experience he uses ayahuasca, or he smokes freebase bufotenine. SWIM has had fabulous “break through” style visions with freebase bufotenine (5-HO-DMT) crystals at 30 mg smoked, and there’s no mental confusion to deal with as there is with DMT.
69ron said:
LSD is like being on a cruse ship. Once you board, your stuck there until its done.


Beg to differ. I like to skipper my ship :p

Out of 50+ trips i've done, not one has been bad as such. If it get uncounfy I normally turn on some music & let my mind flow.

Also - just too add, I'm mildly psychotic from smoking too much weed when I was younger. None of the uncounfy trips i've had have even come close to some of the psychosis I experienced when coming off the sacred weed.

With acid I just let go. I always compare it too sailing. The minute you try & sail against the wind your in trouble. If you use the wind to your advantage, you can go just about anywhere you like.

I think its an ego thing more than anything else. Psychosis and ego-clinging must be related.
You misinterpreted what I wrote. I was saying that LSD is a long experience. If you decide you don’t like it anyone and want it to end because you want or need to do something else, you’re stuck until the ride is over. With DMT, you only need to wait a few minutes and it will all be over. I wasn’t implying that LSD was bad. Mescaline, psilocybin, and all the other long lasting psychedelics all share this problem. Many people can’t take LSD because they just don’t have that much free time to devote to being tripped out. Even the busiest of people have time for a quite DMT trip.

On this forum mushrooms and LSD were voted most likely to cause a bad trip. DMT can also, but the trip is so short. By the time you start having a bad trip, it's about to end, so it's not nearly as bad. With something like mushroom or LSD, a bad trip can last for many hours for some people. I've seen people freak out for hours and hours from LSD in a complete panic. If it was DMT, the freak out would last at most 10-15 minutes. It's much more manageable because of it's short duration.

Here's that poll:

What psychedelic is most likely to cause bad trips

As of Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:57:31 PM, no one voted for DMT. Mushrooms and LSD got nearly all the votes.
Yeah, don't start with a break through dose, and don't convince yourself to "man up" and break through. It's not what you expect, at all. Like 69ron says, it's terribly confusing. It's been a long time and SWIM still can't make sense of it. It differs wildly from normal everyday experiences, to the point that it becomes impossible to describe or even comprehend. SWIM was an atheist until his breakthrough, and now that he has experienced the impossible, he's not sure about anything. He doesn't even feel safe in the universe like he used to. Not sure if it's a good thing or not. He can only hope that death isn't terrible and sinister, and that existence is still an amazing gift. At least that's what he used to truly believe before the break through, now there is uncertainty and a bit of fear.
SWIM was also a diehard atheist before a breakthrough experience that he had with oral DMT (ayahuasca). That’s long after using LSD and mushrooms hundreds of times for nearly 7 years. So it can be a life changing experience.
DMT is the only drug SWIM has done, besides the the common legal ones (alcohol, aspirin ect.) Growing up, they didn't interest him much. He didn't buy into the whole "drugs are evil, just say no" propaganda, and they were available to him, he just didn't have an urge to do any.

Until he heard about DMT. Two years of research, and SWIM was keen to try some, but couldn't find it anywhere, or even anyone who new what it was. One day a FOAF was talking to SWIM when he pulled out a baggie with some white stuff in it and asked if he wanted to do some. He at first thought it was Meth, so he declined. He couldn't believe it when it was revealed to him what it was.

His first experience was a failure. Cherry lungs, product that badly needed a wash, and an improper smoking device ensured that. I managed to get enough to be intrigued at the different way of thinking, the sheer brilliance of colour, and the way the eye was drawn towards certain objects. He resolved that more experimenting was needed, with the proper equipment. A purchase of a scale, powder pipe, and all the ingredients necessary to do my own extraction followed.

When he finally had his own "home brew" he was completely blown away by the experiance. The most intense ten min of his life! But he didn't have a breakthrough for a month or so, even with doses of 100mg. It was almost like his body was learning to use the spice, and when it happened it was epic. Now he breaks though on less than 50mg.

I'm glad it happened at the rate it did, because he doesn't know what a full blown breakthrough would have done to him he he had one as soon as he heard about DMT. May have been to much to handle.
Swim has just introduced his best friend to DMT. This guy has never done any drugs, apart from being a stoner in his youth.
He had a small dose first, say 15mg, and loved it. Swim increased his doses and he had a full 50mg on his 5th try.
He had had a few drinks though, so that would've calmed his nerves.
No offense, but you've had pages of responses outlining the positives and negatives; it's time for you to quit asking the same questions and either do it, or don't do it.

At this point the thread has devolved into a desire for attention.
Jakabok Botch said:
Greetings. I'm 20, live in Southwest England, have had a strong interest in the works of Terrence Mckenna, Rick Strassman, ect. and have been seriously advised by a long term psychonaut to take some DMT. This guy is quite persuasive and is himself highly compus mentus and responsible. Or is he? Part of his arguement is that if I took shrooms, it might last 8 hours (more or less), wheras at least with DMT it's over in a few minutes, followed by all the familiar claims that DMT has evolved alongside our conciousness/brain matter evolution and is therefore safer than say LSD (see Terrence Mckenna).

Part of me says "do it", another part of me says "AAAAAGH!!!". It's for a long time been high on my list of things to do before I die (though that makes it sound distanced and removed in time and space), but it's just surprising to have found this gentleman head so abruptly wo is so eager for me to try it.

So I humbly submit this novitiate query to you all: as an hallucinogenic virgin, is this wise?


if you have to ask some one if you should or shouldnt do it, and you need some one to talk you into it... then no your not ready, and no you shouldnt start with DMT or anything for that matter...

It should be a burning desire deep down in your heart to do this sort of work or you should spend your focusing on something else in life...
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