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Never taken hallucinogens before, should I start with DMT?

Migrated topic.
69ron said:
Jorkest said:
it will blow your mind..you cant even possibly imagine what will happen to you..seriously..you CANT imagine..its beyond imagining
Absolutely true.

Well, two friends who took it for the first time weren't blown away by it, but then they didn't take it as properly as they might, but they still got amazing trips. I was watching B the second time he took it and he was seeing fractal elves in a purple fractal, geomtric cloud/construct. totaly wierd, but totaly fine afterwards.
Don't be concerned with that stuff. I would say that is nonsense... You will not react like that...... I bet my best british buttons on that.... I would keep it a bit on the lower side of a good dose though... =P
olderROM said:
Don't be concerned with that stuff. I would say that is nonsense... You will not react like that...... I bet my best british buttons on that.... I would keep it a bit on the lower side of a good dose though... =P

It's wierd you know. I'm realy not that worried! You think I would be.
Jorkest said:
just go for it then..just stay calm and if its too much..remember you will be back in minutes

None of you know of any cases of having a psychotic episode afterwards then?
There’s really no way of knowing until you try. Everyone is different. Really individual reactions vary a lot. Some people need just 10 mg smoked for a breakthrough! Others need 100 mg or more! Some people are immune to the effects of DMT and no matter how much they smoke, nothing happens at all.

Some people get nauseated and puke from DMT, most don’t. Some people black out, others remain in control. You just don’t know how it will affect you until you try it.
Jakabok Botch said:
None of you know of any cases of having a psychotic episode afterwards then?

It's said to be possible with nearly all psychedelics, but extremely unlikely. Even for LSD, less than 1% of the users are said to experience such problems. I've never seen it happen ever, but heard wild "big fish" stories of it, probably most made up bullshit designed to scare people away from using drugs.
Don't fear the trip. Don't fear reality. =P It is certainly going to be mind blowing..... but not something to fear. Usually =P
Jorkest said:
go for it man..in my eyes you have already done it..so whats to lose?

Not to be arrogant, but it's like, I already have a not too shabby imagination, and if that's what you mean, then all you need bring to the table is a respct for the experiance and the fact that it will be very DIFFERENT. I think that's what you mean. Thanks for the moral suport!
This goes way beyond imagination. Stuff you can't imagine. The stuff you experience, like 4th dimensional reality folding upon itself cannot possibly be imagined in our normal 3d world.

Jakabok Botch said:
Jorkest said:
go for it man..in my eyes you have already done it..so whats to lose?

Not to be arrogant, but it's like, I already have a not too shabby imagination, and if that's what you mean, then all you need bring to the table is a respct for the experiance and the fact that it will be very DIFFERENT. I think that's what you mean. Thanks for the moral suport!
If you wanna do it, you've already made your decision. Remind yourself while experience the spice, that you want to do it...that it was your conscious choice .
If it gets rocky, just remember that it will be over in just a few minutes. Unlike LSD, which lasts forever. With LSD, if it starts to become unpleasant, you’re stuck experiencing it for many hours. With DMT, no matter how unpleasant it might get, normally as soon as you notice it’s getting unpleasant, the trip is already starting to fade anyway. But with massive doses, those few minutes can seem like a really long time because time can stop during the peak. The same thing can happen with LSD, but the peak lasts much longer with LSD.

I think DMT is definitely a better first psychedelic than LSD.

LSD is like being on a cruse ship. Once you board, your stuck there until its done.

DMT is like a roller coaster. Once you board it’s already almost over. This is actually one of the things SWIM doesn’t like about it. Just when it’s starting to get really cool, it’s starting to fade.
69ron said:
DMT is like a roller coaster. Once you board it’s already almost over. This is actually one of the things SWIM doesn’t like about it. Just when it’s starting to get really cool, it’s starting to fade.

That's funny, I'v been having dreams lately about psychadelic amusement parks and rides.
Your benefactor sounds like he's playing it kinda fast and loose with your marbles. Take it slow and with much respect, and work your way up as you're comfortable. No amount of imagination, trip reports or Terence McKenna goofiness can prepare you in the slightest for what you're going to experience. If you want to enjoy it, don't rush in half-cocked. It's just not the drug to trifle with.
And I appolagise for my lack of understanding/respect regarding the use of SWIM on this forum. No one has said anything to me about it in criticism, but now that I realise what it means, 'll remember it from here on out.
Uncle Knucles said:
Your benefactor sounds like he's playing it kinda fast and loose with your marbles. Take it slow and with much respect, and work your way up as you're comfortable. No amount of imagination, trip reports or Terence McKenna goofiness can prepare you in the slightest for what you're going to experience. If you want to enjoy it, don't rush in half-cocked. It's just not the drug to trifle with.

Depends what we mean by half cocked. His attitde seems to me more one of...well, at least this is what he tells me: you're an adult, you can handle it, we'll be there for you.
I mean, how many ways are there to introduce SWIM to an hallucinogen? And it will be over in minutes, not hours.
But also, don't get me wrong: if I wasn't frightened of the effects of this substance, I wouldn't be asking you all for your opinions. but my benefactor says that "you should be frightened", that's the point. It will be mind blowing.
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