Rising Star
Hello, I'm a new member I'm a student in school currently. I've had other psychedelic experiences but, nothing such as DMT. I tried n-nDMT for the first time twice last night. I have been trying to extract DMT myself but, I've always been really sketched out of getting caught. I've been intrigued with this for over a year. My friend who finally synthesized it gave me a small amount. He guided me through it all. I haven't seen him since christmas break and he showed me how to last night. The first time I didn't breakthrough I guess I was just afraid at first it happened so fast I assumed I was about to breakthrough. I waited 2 hours before another go. I think I broke through I'm still not certain. It was completely different from my first time. This time I felt as I was being shot. I was told 4 minutes went by, but as I have researched this was not how long it felt. It felt much longer I thought I was there for a hour. It's hard to describe. As I closed my eyes I still don't understand what I saw. I'm a religious student . I felt so loved. As I closed my I saw the most beautiful colors all so fast with geometric patters. Then beautiful white as those who claim the see God describe. I was in utter awe. I then remember opening my eyes and asking how long I've been out and their reply was a little over 4 minutes. I then looked at my close friend and he appeared to be green then orange then green again. He took the appearance of a alien like what's portrayed on tv. I then looked at his other friend and so did he. I took a huge amount of water as I was extremely thirsty and it looked like the water was also tinted green. I was so thirsty I didn't care. This is a brief description of what I experienced. Do you guess believe I broke through? He said it looked like I broke through but, I was so confused with what was reality I still don't know what to believe. It completely changed the way I think and I hope to experience it again. I have a small amount and plan to eventually extract it myself instead of relying on my friend to give it to me. I feel I should have the discipline to extract it myself because of how amazing this was instead of relying on my friend although he does not care. He wanted me to finally experience what he has been. Anyway I'm new here and just wanted to share that with you guys