Hi everyone
Recently couple of my very close friends and I managed to reunite after a long separation, and we decided that we were in good places in our lives to venture beyond.
For ease of reading I will reference myself as simply I, and my 3 friends; A, B, and C.
I had the largest amount of entheogenic experiences, A had one major lucy trip, while the rest just some minor ones. Everyone was preparing for the night for a couple of weeks beforehand, getting their diets in order and practicing meditation. I decided A, B and I to stick with spice, while wishing to open the doors with lucy for C (~350ug), so that in worst case scenario C would have 3 sitters, what with spice lasting a short time. Both of the substances have been tested for purity and potency by Energy Control. The setting was a large lightly lit living room with 2 single beds and a few armchairs. Entheogenic playing in background C dosed, and the rest of us decided to ease ourselves into hyperspace by gradualy increasing the dosing. Everything was going well. We were talking, the atmosphere and moods were great, and C was still climbing. He was completely coherent, looked sober but claimed that he's so far away that he's not using his eyes to see anymore. 2 hours in B had to leave, and that's when things started turning bad, so A and I decided to drop the spice and switch the music to some calm ambient. He claimed his anchors to reality (red beads and a mirror) weren't working anymore and kept asking who we are, where he is, did he take anything and what time was it, as if he was trying to figure out which of the multiple realities he existed in were real. At this point the three of us were sitting on a couch, while A and I kept doing our best to calm him down, holding his hands, trying to persuade him to smoke some weed and/or have a pint. He kept escalating, and at this point he started telling us that he killed us and bolted for the door saying home, as if the table in between wasn't there. There was no point in using force to stop him since he was 6'3 weighing over 200lb so I decided to just get infront of him and say let's sit on the couch, he nodded and ran back to the couch as if that was the most reasonable thing to do. He started getting more and more aggresive, but not directly towards us, just like he would be defending himself from the ensuing chaos. Unfortunately I got my face smashed right in, but we still kept trying to talk him down. Shortly thereafter he bolted towards the mirror on the wall, took it off and punched right through it. At this point the entire room looked like an angry mob walked right through it and he kept trying to get out of the apartment, he went completely psychotic. I signaled A that the only thing we could do for the safety of all of us was to make the call for 911, so I grabbed the phone, ran out and waited for the help to arrive. When they got there A was with C in the hallway doing his best to stop him from leaving, but somehow C fell down a flight of stairs and left a dent in the wall, he looked fine and no less hyperactive when bobbies cuffed him. The EMT's(we told him what he was on) checked our retinas and admitted that A and I were straight, told us to grab his things from the house and escorted him to the ambulance. That was T+6H
About 6 hours later there was a knock on the door and behold, it was C, asking both of us what the fuck just happened. He was completely fine, just really loud on telling us what happened to him after they took him away. They gave him an IV and a couple of shots while having him tied up to a bed. He said that while he was in hospital he was still convinced that this world wasn't real and found it ridiculously easy to un-restrain himself and infiltrate the hospital reception to steal someone's cookies. He came back to us after they let him go.
This was 3 days ago and he seems completely fine. Really open about everything, saying that he needs some time to process this, but we still closely monitor him and still will for a couple of weeks. A and I were just sore and had a lot of cleaning to do.
The general purpose of this thread is to remind everyone that they should never be afraid to seek help from professionals if shit hits the fan so hard they can't contain it themselves, human life is more important than legal fallout (although bizzarely there was completely nothing of the sorts).
Recently couple of my very close friends and I managed to reunite after a long separation, and we decided that we were in good places in our lives to venture beyond.
For ease of reading I will reference myself as simply I, and my 3 friends; A, B, and C.
I had the largest amount of entheogenic experiences, A had one major lucy trip, while the rest just some minor ones. Everyone was preparing for the night for a couple of weeks beforehand, getting their diets in order and practicing meditation. I decided A, B and I to stick with spice, while wishing to open the doors with lucy for C (~350ug), so that in worst case scenario C would have 3 sitters, what with spice lasting a short time. Both of the substances have been tested for purity and potency by Energy Control. The setting was a large lightly lit living room with 2 single beds and a few armchairs. Entheogenic playing in background C dosed, and the rest of us decided to ease ourselves into hyperspace by gradualy increasing the dosing. Everything was going well. We were talking, the atmosphere and moods were great, and C was still climbing. He was completely coherent, looked sober but claimed that he's so far away that he's not using his eyes to see anymore. 2 hours in B had to leave, and that's when things started turning bad, so A and I decided to drop the spice and switch the music to some calm ambient. He claimed his anchors to reality (red beads and a mirror) weren't working anymore and kept asking who we are, where he is, did he take anything and what time was it, as if he was trying to figure out which of the multiple realities he existed in were real. At this point the three of us were sitting on a couch, while A and I kept doing our best to calm him down, holding his hands, trying to persuade him to smoke some weed and/or have a pint. He kept escalating, and at this point he started telling us that he killed us and bolted for the door saying home, as if the table in between wasn't there. There was no point in using force to stop him since he was 6'3 weighing over 200lb so I decided to just get infront of him and say let's sit on the couch, he nodded and ran back to the couch as if that was the most reasonable thing to do. He started getting more and more aggresive, but not directly towards us, just like he would be defending himself from the ensuing chaos. Unfortunately I got my face smashed right in, but we still kept trying to talk him down. Shortly thereafter he bolted towards the mirror on the wall, took it off and punched right through it. At this point the entire room looked like an angry mob walked right through it and he kept trying to get out of the apartment, he went completely psychotic. I signaled A that the only thing we could do for the safety of all of us was to make the call for 911, so I grabbed the phone, ran out and waited for the help to arrive. When they got there A was with C in the hallway doing his best to stop him from leaving, but somehow C fell down a flight of stairs and left a dent in the wall, he looked fine and no less hyperactive when bobbies cuffed him. The EMT's(we told him what he was on) checked our retinas and admitted that A and I were straight, told us to grab his things from the house and escorted him to the ambulance. That was T+6H
About 6 hours later there was a knock on the door and behold, it was C, asking both of us what the fuck just happened. He was completely fine, just really loud on telling us what happened to him after they took him away. They gave him an IV and a couple of shots while having him tied up to a bed. He said that while he was in hospital he was still convinced that this world wasn't real and found it ridiculously easy to un-restrain himself and infiltrate the hospital reception to steal someone's cookies. He came back to us after they let him go.
This was 3 days ago and he seems completely fine. Really open about everything, saying that he needs some time to process this, but we still closely monitor him and still will for a couple of weeks. A and I were just sore and had a lot of cleaning to do.
The general purpose of this thread is to remind everyone that they should never be afraid to seek help from professionals if shit hits the fan so hard they can't contain it themselves, human life is more important than legal fallout (although bizzarely there was completely nothing of the sorts).