Rising Star
SWIM took a bunch of really sticky brown, messy acetate and sticky brown carbonate and dissolved it in a small volume of warm 91% isopropyll. The dark chunks were hard to get to dissolve, but eventually all of the dark colored material was in solution.
After about 10-15 minutes, a distinct white layer of crystalline solid had settled on the bottom. SWIM thought "I'll throw it in the freezer!"
After an hour or so, the layer had become much bigger, so he siphoned off the brown alcohol with a pipette until no more liquid would siphon off without disturbing the crystal mat. This crystal mat (with its little bit of brown alcohol) was left to evaporate in a dish.
Results were awesome: fine powdery crystalline material. The residual alcohol is still sitting in the freezer pushing out a much smaller crystal mat.
This might be a good way to clean up some of your sticky brown, hard to work with acetate goop.
After about 10-15 minutes, a distinct white layer of crystalline solid had settled on the bottom. SWIM thought "I'll throw it in the freezer!"
After an hour or so, the layer had become much bigger, so he siphoned off the brown alcohol with a pipette until no more liquid would siphon off without disturbing the crystal mat. This crystal mat (with its little bit of brown alcohol) was left to evaporate in a dish.
Results were awesome: fine powdery crystalline material. The residual alcohol is still sitting in the freezer pushing out a much smaller crystal mat.
This might be a good way to clean up some of your sticky brown, hard to work with acetate goop.