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Non toxic food safe extraction of mescaline using d-limonene (orange oil)

Migrated topic.
69ron said:
Another pull works just fine. There's no real reason to use d-limonene except that it's much healthier than most other solvents.

This is the first tech ever published that used d-limonene for mescaline extraction. I am actually the first person to ever publish that mescaline is soluble in d-limonene. SWIM did a lot of solubility research on mescaline a while back and published a long list of things it's soluble in. It's posted somewhere on this forum. This tech was actually based on SWIM's old xylene tech, and then he switched to using d-limonene once he found out that freebase mescaline was soluble in it.
damn ron i didn't know you also found out about mescaline's solubility in limo..mad props bro. I recently read that list of mescaline's solubility in various solvents, etc..it's here in the wiki.

69ron said:
Evaporating in vinegar is not going to easily get rid of the toluene. There will be traces of the toluene present in it and SWIM would be able to taste it. The best way to get rid of the toluene is to dissolve the end product in alcohol, IPA, or acetone, and then evaporate it again.
ok i see; i'll just dissolve in IPA and do it that way then. I don't understand how IPA or acetone would help get rid of the toluene tho. The traces of toluene would be so low that it would end up in the IPA as well. Is it that when IPA is evaporated, the toluene in it would have a larger surface area to evaporate from?
Also, the IPA wash would only dissolve the mescaline. this would mean that there will be some non-soluble particulates settled on the bottom from mescaline acetate. Could SWIM consume these non-soluble particulates, because he remembers from your post that you said that one of these alkaloids is psychoactive (i will be performing my extraction on Torch...idk if that matters)..
69ron said:
SWIM gets it from www.greenterpene.com. That's a great place to get it from. SWIM is a happy customer of theirs. The price of d-limonene is higher than a lot of solvents, but you can redistill it and reuse it. It's easily redistilled by steam distillation. If you have the ability to steam distill it then 1 gallon can last you many years.

Has anyone come up with a method for recovering the limo that seems to be absorbed by the cactus mix in this tek? Many people seem to report 'losses' upwards of 1/3 on the first pull.

Perhaps adding water after the last pull would cause the trapped limonene to just rise to the top for easy recovery.
Touche Guevara said:
Has anyone come up with a method for recovering the limo that seems to be absorbed by the cactus mix in this tek? Many people seem to report 'losses' upwards of 1/3 on the first pull.

Perhaps adding water after the last pull would cause the trapped limonene to just rise to the top for easy recovery.

French press?

I dont see the problem. If you think it is a bad thing that during the first pull you retrieve only 2/3 of the original volume of limo, then you can just add some more limo to compensate. The mescaline will 'spread out evenly' in the limo. So you can do more pulls if you think there is too much mescaline still left in the limo (that is trapped in the cactus mix.)

Ive found that about 50ml of the 300ml will be trapped in the cactus mix after the first pull. You can retrieve this 50ml after the last pull by using a french press. If you dont have one, you can just do another pull.. If you have done enough pulls, then you dont need to retrieve the remaining 50ml. Retrieving the remaining 50ml is only usefull if you want to re-use (all of) the limo.
It's quite different to the acid usually used for this tek in the sense that it's a mix of acids. Vinegar is usually a 5% acetic acid solution which will evaporate completely as it's gaseous. This one contains citric and malic acid which will dry to a solid material.

I think it should be fine for this tek, though it will include these impurities from the other acids, but they are food grade so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Kada said:
do you guys see any problem using this vinegar? its clear and when dries ahs a small scent left.

Swim thinks SWIY shouldnt use this, maybe instead SWIY should use some rice vinegar.its the same thing.just water and vinegar.
Just wanted to say SWIM used this tek and it worked great. SWIM got 2grams of mescaline acetate (with around 80-85% purity overall I'd say) and SWIM's still getting more. This is from 100g's of dried torch skins. Very impressed!!
ancientpledge said:
Just wanted to say SWIM used this tek and it worked great. SWIM got 2grams of mescaline acetate (with around 80-85% purity overall I'd say) and SWIM's still getting more. This is from 100g's of dried torch skins. Very impressed!!

Here's a shot SWIM took:
2% dry weight is not very common
Yes I am quite surprised at the yields. I got in total about 2.5g's I would say of pure mescaline acetate, but that's just guessing. Could be much less.

Keep in mind these are dried skins from a trich. peruvianus.

I think I messed up big time though - in the evaporating process I put the plates on the lid of the oven, with it open on the lowest setting. First of all, the vinegar evaporated really fast. In like an hour tops. Secondly, the plate got hot enough that you could only carry it a short distance before it burned your hand - do you think this has decreased the potency of the product, or if there's anything in it at all? If so I got a lot of weak mescaline here.. but otherwise it looks really clean.
no, contrary to other info in this thread, mescaline is very heat stable, you'll be fine

was this a peruvianus from your garden>? or purchased skins?
ancientpledge said:
Purchased for sure. I'm a little impatient to grow them heh :) One day though I will.
i urge you to grow your own. you gain feeling for your plants overtime. besides patience, many good lessons to be learned :)
ancientpledge, that acetate looks decently white and powdery...not very much like acetate at all. From the debris around the cap, it almost looks like you have some CaOH2 contamination.
This could explain the 2.5% yield.
Hmm you think so? Are you talking about the cap being cloudy, or the little specks around the cap? If you mean the specks that was just me being messy but you could be right.

How could Calcium Hydroxide come through the d-limo? I guess it could be because of the way I did it. I made a mistake in the beginning and added water and d-limonene to the cactus, and then Calcium Hydroxide like 3 hours after that (because I was a dunce and completely forgot). So could that explain all of this? I thought calcium hydroxide was insoluble in d-limonene so I didn't see this being an issue.

Well, if that's the case then how do I clean the powder?

edit: Here are some more pictures.


^^^^^^^^^^^ yea my acetate has never looked like that...wrong color and consistency imho.

From what you describe about adding water and limo to your cactus and then adding CaOH, I would agree with Eden's assessment. Although I've never encountered it (I've never added CaOH after water/limo), several people have reported incredible yields that turned out to be inactive after following a similar procedure to yours. I'm not sure how to proceed with the material you have...perhaps separate all the limo, re-basify the cactus/water and then try pulling again? Next time just make sure to basify before adding limo and I'm sure things will turn out nicely :d
Yeah I think you are all correct. Maybe I'll just throw out this batch and start over. The cactus is pretty well spent anyhow.

Well, always a good learning experience :)
Lime is insoluble in limo, but it seems to become easily suspended if it is being added dry as opposed to already being wet and mixed with the cacti powder.
You might not need to throw it all out... you could do as Snozzle suggested and separate the limo and then rebasify all your dry materials (original mix+final yield) and following the tek as usual.
Nothing has been thrown out, so all the mesc should still be present in some stage of the extraction. Consolidate and start over. :)
So I re-did it, and well it turned out great! I got the waxy, sticky yellow-ish colored stuff that mescaline acetate actually is. I haven't got much so far but I'm definitely refining the tek a bit to get more yield with less pulls.
Swim's curious if there would be any disadvantage or reason not to first premix/breakup the Cal in 300ml water and then add that to the powdered cactus, instead of adding the water to the already mixed cal and cactus. Swim noticed that after making the cactus sufficiently wet and after plenty of mixing there still was some white clumps that were a pain to break up. The last picture shows some of the clumping.

Also for those that don't have a french press Swim had an Idea to use, what he thinks is, a vegetable steamer. It worked wonders at retrieving every last drop of Limo from the cacti cake. Pictured is the contraption Swim is talking about.


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