You must state "magnesium sulfate" - magnesium by itself is a different substance. This type of omission could lead to mortal danger. That said, you can actually dry IPA - and very well, for that matter - using magnesium metal turnings but that's kind of beside the point.
The exact amount of magnesium sulfate needed is not overly important; drying is complete once clumping stops and powder remains that will swirl around freely. Keep this powder to a minimum.
Diğer bazı potansiyel olarak yararlı noktalar ise MgSO₄'in sudaki kendi ağırlığından biraz daha fazlasını emebilmesidir. Bunu çarpanlara ayırın
solubility of water in MEK, and the volume of MEK you'll be treating, and you'll have your answer.
Once you've filtered the MEK, it will remain 'dry' for but a short time unless protected from contact with atmospheric moisture. The spent MgSO₄ could, in principle, be re-used after allowing the solvent residue to evaporate followed by repeating the oven-drying process.