so far today in seperate doses
400mgs mescaline
10mgs amphetamine
25mgs acetylpsilocin
40mgs tetrahydraharmine
60mgs harmine
150mgs theobromine
6 large datura stranoium seeds
100mgs sublingual virola resin
i dont know what to do with myself
there is nothing
my girl broke up with me over instant messanger yesterday the day after our anniversery
none of my 'friends' talk to me
i work and come home to nothing
i am deep in a spiraling nihilistic depression
my tolerance has reached unbelievable levels
i tell myself tomorrow i wont trip and ill be able to lay off
i cant remember how long iv been tripping
400mgs mescaline
10mgs amphetamine
25mgs acetylpsilocin
40mgs tetrahydraharmine
60mgs harmine
150mgs theobromine
6 large datura stranoium seeds
100mgs sublingual virola resin
i dont know what to do with myself
there is nothing
my girl broke up with me over instant messanger yesterday the day after our anniversery
none of my 'friends' talk to me
i work and come home to nothing
i am deep in a spiraling nihilistic depression
my tolerance has reached unbelievable levels
i tell myself tomorrow i wont trip and ill be able to lay off
i cant remember how long iv been tripping