Heroin, cocaine, amphetamines have been made into the monsters they are because of prohibition. All of these things can and were used safety before prohibition. Heroin has virtually no negative health effects the dangers arise from not knowing what you are taking (adulterants) not knowing the dosage, and not have access to clean needles and safe honest information. before prohibition there were just as large of a heroin using population yet none of these problems existed.. minimal overdoses, didn't interfere with social life, and work. These people didn't steal. They had access to clean safe pure drugs and methods of ingestion they ahd no problems and lead normal productive lives just like caffeine addicts then and today. Addiction is the only issue however this can be effectively dealt with like any addiction to alcohol, caffeine or nicotine. All of these things need to be regulated as this is the only way we can effectively control, price, purity, availability... These things will allow us to minimize any negative effects. Whereas prohibition maximizes these dangers and creates many new ones. Not to mention the crime rates.