Rivaq's Matilda
Rising Star
Hi, I gather that as a new member, and not yet completed the questionnaire, (but fitting in a few questions each day), it is not yet possible for me to post any photo, (please correct me if I am mistaken in that.)
I hope it is O.K. however, to show off my growing prowess, via the images added to the bottom of this link.
No need to read the words in the link, and keep scrolling past the image that is the same as my avatar, down to the bottom, where are two photos of San Pedro in pots.
The first two cacti in the first photo, started as small cuttings, of a narrow variety of San Pedro, which came to me unnamed, and each with six ribs, and in each case, the pups now grown from the cutting, have five ribs.
The second photo, is of a San Pedro commonly called Super Pedro, (at least I think it is a Super Pedro since it is a fast grower). I found it in the backyard of a friend of a friend, who said they no longer wanted it, and it had suffered scale bug infestation, but was quite tall. It got cut up and spread out into various pots as cuttings. In this photo, is the original stem and roots on the right, and a small cutting on the left. Now the latest pup to grow on the right, has seven ribs. Yet I already had a seven rib pup grown from a T.peruvianus, of which the seventh rib, eventually gave up, and now it is six ribbed again. Therefore I don't know if it will stay that way. On the left, the first pup out of the cutting, is obvious with six ribs, but if you look closer, down near the soil, is a tiny little five rib pup, AND, it is growing super slow!
I hope it is O.K. however, to show off my growing prowess, via the images added to the bottom of this link.
No need to read the words in the link, and keep scrolling past the image that is the same as my avatar, down to the bottom, where are two photos of San Pedro in pots.
The first two cacti in the first photo, started as small cuttings, of a narrow variety of San Pedro, which came to me unnamed, and each with six ribs, and in each case, the pups now grown from the cutting, have five ribs.
The second photo, is of a San Pedro commonly called Super Pedro, (at least I think it is a Super Pedro since it is a fast grower). I found it in the backyard of a friend of a friend, who said they no longer wanted it, and it had suffered scale bug infestation, but was quite tall. It got cut up and spread out into various pots as cuttings. In this photo, is the original stem and roots on the right, and a small cutting on the left. Now the latest pup to grow on the right, has seven ribs. Yet I already had a seven rib pup grown from a T.peruvianus, of which the seventh rib, eventually gave up, and now it is six ribbed again. Therefore I don't know if it will stay that way. On the left, the first pup out of the cutting, is obvious with six ribs, but if you look closer, down near the soil, is a tiny little five rib pup, AND, it is growing super slow!