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Pharmahuasca trip

Migrated topic.
well SWIM understands that..but why doesnt that work with bufotenine? everybody has been saying that it has bad effects..but if they are separate..they why would it change the effects?

I don't understand this either but I guess that depending on it's form (acid, or freebase), the molecule may be more or less active and cross more or less the brain barrier. Maybe the molecule's shape is different in acid or freebase form and that makes all the difference about effects ?
The toxicity with bufotenine salt is not really known. Although it is believed to result from the differences in absorption and blood levels which result from the different rates of absorption of the different preperations. So long a basic (amine) drug is taken orally the preperation (salt or freebase) makes little difference on its effects (for the most part some salts may affect ionization...) as the drugs are converted to the acid in the stomach and then to the freebase in the small intestine before absorption occurs (absorption is of the unionized freebase amine). Once absorbed the drugs are subjected to the pH of the body and thus the form it takes is no longer dependent on its initial preparation. This is true of all forms of administration, the state a molecule takes while within a protein has a lot to do with the micro environment that the drug is in. Thus the drug will can change between many states while in different areas of the body. The initial form it is in matters little aside from the route of administration.

Do not forget however that there is a difference between the ionoized salt form of the DMT molecule and the freebase as the ionized salt form has an extra proton on the amine nitrogen (even with the conjugate acid ionized off) and gives the molecule a positive charge (and thus water soluable or other polar solvents). However DMT taken orally is absorbed as the freebase.
how much harmala alkaloids are present in 2g of syrian rue?

2g is the usual dose a friend needs for inhibition. Once he took 2g of syrian rue vs. 3g of cubensis - he NEVER wanted to do it again. it was quite ayahuasca like. Something one doesn't wanna screw with all too often in my opinion.
I had 'heard' it was about 60-70 mg MAOI per gram of seed, so I've gone ahead experimenting with the estimate that 3 g is about 200 mg of MAOIs.

The bit of experience I have had with pharmahuasca using rue seed and dmt orally leads me to belive that .75mg of dmt per pound of body weight is a huge dmt dose ! This is true for me at least at 150 lbs.

If starting out, when you take as much as 3g of seed extract, which a high amount of MAOI, I'd not exceed 0.75mg of dmt/Lb body weight - the high MAOI is a potential for the infinate-thought-looping ! And, ime ... NEVER eat syrian rue seed, since you'll puke every last gritty bit of them back up - guaranteed !
According to Strassmans new book. Inner Paths to Outer space. Journeys to Alien Worlds thru psychedelics and other spiritual Technologies. Three of the poeople in the study showed no effects from DMT. This was IV. It would seem there are some people whos brain chemestry may be drastically different from the majority or so called "normal" individual. I would suspect Shamans may reside in this group. This would explain why Shanams can conduct sessions when wile mataining control in spite
of the fact they have consumed the same or even more amount of aya than the session members.
Tolerance may also be a factor.

Yes it would be interesting to know the reason for this. I an about half thru the book maye there will be a future explation of this topic in later chapters. I am refering to his new book. It has some good art work. I would recomend it the new book "Inner Paths to Outer space
Journeys to Alien Worlds thru psychedelics and other spiritual Technologies"
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