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Plant High in THH?

Migrated topic.


The Great Namah
OG Pioneer
found this herbal profile in reference to tribulus terrestris;
Vav Life Sciences Tribulus Article

After finally trying out tribulus seed powder for myself, I am thouroughly convinced that these seeds contain THH in large quantities. This is missing in rue, but present in caapi. I have found them much more useful and rewarding than rue, and on top of the BETTER TASTING BY FAR!

I'll probably post a brief dream report.

I found this on another forum and thought it quite interesting.

Does anyone know about this plant? If it is a good source for THH it might help make rue more gentle similar to the Caapi vine.

If it can be isolated from the plant it would be an easy way for us to be able to test out THH as an MAOI or in addition to other MAOIs.
YES! EXACTLY! I fuckin' tell EVERYBODY- "Caapi is better because it contained THH and rue does not"... but they NEVER listen!

I wanna attempt an ingestion of pure THH!
From what I recall it's easy to make but very dangerous. SWIM didn't want to attempt it.

It would by nice to have a good plant source of THH.

Also I'm interested in a good plant source of tetrahydroharman, which occurs in Diplotperys cabrerana in small amounts. This is NOT THH. If anyone knows of such a plant, please let me know!
69ron said:
From what I recall it's easy to make but very dangerous. SWIM didn't want to attempt it.

It would by nice to have a good plant source of THH.

Also I'm interested in a good plant source of tetrahydroharman, which occurs in Diplotperys cabrerana in small amounts. This is NOT THH. If anyone knows of such a plant, please let me know!

Here is a listing I found on THIS website:

Coriolus maximus [Harman]
Amsonia tabernaemontana [Harmine etc.]
Apocynum cannabinum [Harmalol]
Ochrosia nakaiana [Harman]
Newbouldia laevis [Harman]
Calycanthus occidentalis [Harmine]
Hammada leptoclada [Tetrahydroharman etc.]
Kochia scoparia [Harmine etc.]
Guiera senegalensis [Harman etc.]
Carex brevicollis [Harmine etc.]
Elaeagnus augustifolia [Harman etc.]
Elaeagnus hortensis [Tetrahydroharman etc.]
Elaeagnus orientalis [Tetrahydroharman]
Elaeagnus spinosa [Tetrahydroharman]
Hippophae rhammoides [Harman etc.]
Shepherdia argentea [Tetrahydroharmol]
Shepherdia canadensis [Tetrahydroharmol]

Arundo donax [Tetrahydroharman]
Festuca arundinacea [Harman etc.]
Lolium perenne [Harman etc.]
Acacia baileyana [Tetrahydroharman]
Acacia complanata [Tetrahydroharman etc.]
Burkea africana [Harman etc.]
Desmodium pulchellum [Harman etc.]
Mucuna pruriens [6-Methoxy-Harman]
Petalostylis labicheoides [Tetrahydroharman]
Prosopis nigra [Harman etc.]
Strychnos usambarensis [Harman]
Banisteriopsis caapi [Harmine etc.]
Banisteriopsis lutea [Harmine]
Banisteriopsis muricata [Harmine]
Callaeum antifebrile (= Cabe paraensis) [Harmine]
Virola cuspidata [6-Methoxy-Harman]
Passiflora actinea [Harman = Passiflorine]
Passiflora alata [Harman]
Passiflora alba [Harman]
Passiflora bryonoides [Harman]
Passiflora caerulea [Harman]
Passiflora capsularis [Harman]
Passiflora decaisneana [Harman]
Passiflora edulis [Harman]
Passiflora eichleriana [Harman]
Passiflora foetida [Harman]
Passiflora incarnata [Harmine, Harmaline, Harman, etc.]
Passiflora quadrangularis [Harman]
Passiflora ruberosa [Harman]
Passiflora subpeltata [Harman]
Passiflora warmingii [Harman]
Leptactinia densiflora [Leptaflorine, etc.]
Nauclea diderrichii [Harman etc.]
Ophiorrhiza japonica [Harman]
Pauridiantha callicarpoides [Harman]
Pauridiantha dewevrei [Harman]
Pauridiantha lyalli [Harman]
Pauridiantha viridiflora [Harman]
Simira klugii [Harman]
Simira rubra [Harman]
Uncaria attenuata [Harman]
Uncaria canescens [Harman]
Uncaria orientalis [Harman]
Chrysophyllum lacouritianum [Norharman etc.]
Symplocos racemosa [Harman]
Fagonia cretica [Harman]
Peganum harmala [Harmaline, Harmine, etc.]
Tribulus terrestris [Harmine etc.]
Zaygophyllum fabago [Harmine etc.]

Take a look 69Ron there are quite a few that tetrahydroharman is listed as the only MAOI another has norharman if the harmala alkaloids follow the same rule as opiates do norharman should be quite potent at very low doses.
If tetrahydroharman isn't THH then what is it? And what's it do?

There's certain strains of Caapi which have almost nothing but high levels of THH. I'd really like to find one of these!!!
well THH is legal...its cheap...and its wonderful...yes yes yes i know you all want to be able to make it...but its there get it...because its sweet

SWIM ingested PURE(95%) thh the other day...and it was so gentle...and delicious...he even got to take a taste of spice at the very tail end of the THH buzz....it actually made the spice react Immediately!!! yes i know you guys want to extract it..but come on now...its legal to buy pure...blah
For how long? I think it's a good idea to learn how to make it ourselves... but I'm botanical-man, that's y'alls job!
With regards to Tribulus terrestris, I found an interesting discussion on another board. The topic-starter (who incidentally is a very reliable individual) reports a strongly cappi-like experience with T terrestris from a particular source, but also notes that they had ordered the product elsewhere and recieved a material that was completely inactive. There follows several pages of discussion, most of which I haven't got around to reading yet.
caapi seems to contain enough THH to consider extracting from it. i think the pure stuff from that vendor is also extracted from caapi.

i just ordered 600mg. they didn't have any more. i would have ordered 10g or so if they would have had that much. i want to do some massive testing with it in human subjects. i got a lot of people who would like to try it to contribute information about it to the psychedelic community.

anyone know where i can get more? 600mg is rediculus!
It is really weird, according to Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases, only B.caapi contains THH; The same source also reports that T.terrestis contains harmine in the seeds and harman in the rest of the plant material.

But on the other hand this source is certainly not exhaustive but certainly not less accurate than any other info that can be found scattered throughout various internet fora.

(sidenote: for those who would like to venture on this database please note that plenty of information about plants containing scheduled substances like mescaline or dmt have heen removed. pretty sad.)
There are a number of other plants that are known to contain tetrahydroharmine and to have been used in various native preparations. I have recently learned of analysis of an Ayahuasca brew that had used the plant Calliandra pentandra as a component, instead of the usual Psychotria viridis. Ott's magnificent compendium Pharmacotheon makes mention of a Calliandra augustifolia as a component of ayahuasca, but there is no mention of this pentandra species. The preliminary analysis that I have been given of this decoction is that a component that had initially appeared to be DMT by HPLC analysis had proven to be tetrahydroharmine when assayed by GCMS. There was no detectable DMT present. And yet the material appears to have psychopharmacological activity.


THH Plant Link

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