Rising Star
Hello all!
Obviously I'm a new member, but not totally in the dark regarding the Nexus and it's purpose. As to that, Thank You! to The Traveler and every seeker here for the time and effort put in to building this domain.
As for me. I am a 41 y.o., mother of 2, and a practioner of Wicca. I have had my share of drug use, from marijuana to cocaine, from the time I was 14. Yet, until about 6 months ago I have never used a psychedelic, let alone heard of DMT. Oh, shrooms and acid were available and used around me, my own mother would regale me with stories of her trips, but it never appealed to me. To lose control in such wild abandon terrified me. To give over the one thing I had struggled to regain from the chaos of early childhood trauma was akin to dipping my toe in lava and expecting to escape unscathed. Utter insanity!
Fate had a different idea. Over the years life has taught me I have no control. Oh I can plan and work towards goals. Chances are they get disrupted and you either roll with it and adapt, or become stagnant and bitter. Wicca has taught me balance and meditation brings me peace. I think having these ideals helped when I was reintroduced to the concept of psychedelic use.
I went for it. Implicit trust in the person who spoke about and offered it was my only reasoning. It was humbling, confusing, many words and none of them come close to an actual description. I wrote it down as best I could after. I'll post it later.
All I can say is I've been back, and I'll be back. I have so much to learn. Since then I have also done low dose LSD. Beautiful in it's own right and a teacher all the same. I am looking forward to this journey and grateful for you pioneers who took the plunge and write about it.
Thanks for reading!
Obviously I'm a new member, but not totally in the dark regarding the Nexus and it's purpose. As to that, Thank You! to The Traveler and every seeker here for the time and effort put in to building this domain.
As for me. I am a 41 y.o., mother of 2, and a practioner of Wicca. I have had my share of drug use, from marijuana to cocaine, from the time I was 14. Yet, until about 6 months ago I have never used a psychedelic, let alone heard of DMT. Oh, shrooms and acid were available and used around me, my own mother would regale me with stories of her trips, but it never appealed to me. To lose control in such wild abandon terrified me. To give over the one thing I had struggled to regain from the chaos of early childhood trauma was akin to dipping my toe in lava and expecting to escape unscathed. Utter insanity!
Fate had a different idea. Over the years life has taught me I have no control. Oh I can plan and work towards goals. Chances are they get disrupted and you either roll with it and adapt, or become stagnant and bitter. Wicca has taught me balance and meditation brings me peace. I think having these ideals helped when I was reintroduced to the concept of psychedelic use.
I went for it. Implicit trust in the person who spoke about and offered it was my only reasoning. It was humbling, confusing, many words and none of them come close to an actual description. I wrote it down as best I could after. I'll post it later.
All I can say is I've been back, and I'll be back. I have so much to learn. Since then I have also done low dose LSD. Beautiful in it's own right and a teacher all the same. I am looking forward to this journey and grateful for you pioneers who took the plunge and write about it.
Thanks for reading!