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Preface of a Neophyte

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all!

Obviously I'm a new member, but not totally in the dark regarding the Nexus and it's purpose. As to that, Thank You! to The Traveler and every seeker here for the time and effort put in to building this domain.

As for me. I am a 41 y.o., mother of 2, and a practioner of Wicca. I have had my share of drug use, from marijuana to cocaine, from the time I was 14. Yet, until about 6 months ago I have never used a psychedelic, let alone heard of DMT. Oh, shrooms and acid were available and used around me, my own mother would regale me with stories of her trips, but it never appealed to me. To lose control in such wild abandon terrified me. To give over the one thing I had struggled to regain from the chaos of early childhood trauma was akin to dipping my toe in lava and expecting to escape unscathed. Utter insanity!

Fate had a different idea. Over the years life has taught me I have no control. Oh I can plan and work towards goals. Chances are they get disrupted and you either roll with it and adapt, or become stagnant and bitter. Wicca has taught me balance and meditation brings me peace. I think having these ideals helped when I was reintroduced to the concept of psychedelic use.

I went for it. Implicit trust in the person who spoke about and offered it was my only reasoning. It was humbling, confusing, releasing...so many words and none of them come close to an actual description. I wrote it down as best I could after. I'll post it later.

All I can say is I've been back, and I'll be back. I have so much to learn. Since then I have also done low dose LSD. Beautiful in it's own right and a teacher all the same. I am looking forward to this journey and grateful for you pioneers who took the plunge and write about it.

Thanks for reading!
Welcome to the Nexus.

You are a practitioner of Wicca? What does that imply? Is it not originally based on Medieval witchcraft? Or does it have roots in voodoo?

I have never read about it in any post on this forum so far. Or I must have missed it. Anyway, I would be glad to hear about it and what it does to you.
It's a witch!! :p

Glad you made an account! Thanks for trusting me! 😁

Welcome to the Nexus!

Love you!:love:

I vouch for the witch! I know her well as she is my girlfriend! I promise she has much to offer! She puts up with me so... enough said... lol
Thanks for the welcome strtman!
How long do you have?? Seriously though, if you want a thorough history on Wicca I'd start here:

Wicca (neo pagan, witchcraft, shamanism, touch of druidism) was founded in the 50's by a man named Gardner and has incorporated a lot of the Celtic/ Germaic pagan practices which have been around 23,000 years or longer. The closest "old religion" to compare Wicca is paganism, however most Wiccans will deny any affiliation to religion, rather saying we practice an art. Hence the tie to witchcraft. A broad definition of that term is one (or group) who believes in or who practices magic...

If you ever get around to reading that link you will see that not everyone is on the same page as far as how they see fit to practice. A majority of Wiccans do however follow standards set forth by the Wiccan Rede, the short version of that being "And that it harm none, do what ye will" We usually believe in a god/goddess figurehead and that there is a grand creator that us poor humans couldn't possibly comprehend. Some say that the figureheads are just that, a focus to direct thought and manifest energy as they represent a myriad of god/goddessesses (entities).

We believe in balance; male/female, light/dark. To focus too much on one aspect will create discord in the other. As the words around my avatar state "As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul."...does any of this sound familiar? It seems to be a theme with psychedelic users as I'm reading the trip reports.

As far as what it does to me..I would change it to what it does for me. It has taught me to be patient, to be openminded, to be curious, to respect myself, others, and the earth. To work hard and be grateful for who and what I have.

As I stated before I believe being a Wiccan has helped tremendously with integration, post DMT. If you have any other specific questions I could answer regarding Wicca, please feel free to ask.

May you enjoy your journeys!

You are a beautiful soul. Thanks for everything you've shared with me, including my introduction to psychedelics. Looking forward to what lies ahead!

I love you!
Your weird witch:love: :shock:
Thanks for the website link. I read parts of it and it is interesting. No joke, but witches in their Medieval appearance and where they are originated from has always fascinated me. Once I encountered one in a DMT trip and it was a classic one. Flying on a broomstick, wearing a pointed hat and looking a bit mean.
strtman said:
Thanks for the website link. I read parts of it and it is interesting. No joke, but witches in their Medieval appearance and where they are originated from has always fascinated me. Once I encountered one in a DMT trip and it was a classic one. Flying on a broomstick, wearing a pointed hat and looking a bit mean.

You're welcome! Glad you could take a gander at it. I do have a broomstick. No pointed hat though, and I only look mean if it's deserved lol.
Cailleach said:
Hello all!

Obviously I'm a new member, but not totally in the dark regarding the Nexus and it's purpose. As to that, Thank You! to The Traveler and every seeker here for the time and effort put in to building this domain.

As for me. I am a 41 y.o., mother of 2, and a practioner of Wicca. I have had my share of drug use, from marijuana to cocaine, from the time I was 14. Yet, until about 6 months ago I have never used a psychedelic, let alone heard of DMT. Oh, shrooms and acid were available and used around me, my own mother would regale me with stories of her trips, but it never appealed to me. To lose control in such wild abandon terrified me. To give over the one thing I had struggled to regain from the chaos of early childhood trauma was akin to dipping my toe in lava and expecting to escape unscathed. Utter insanity!

Fate had a different idea. Over the years life has taught me I have no control. Oh I can plan and work towards goals. Chances are they get disrupted and you either roll with it and adapt, or become stagnant and bitter. Wicca has taught me balance and meditation brings me peace. I think having these ideals helped when I was reintroduced to the concept of psychedelic use.

I went for it. Implicit trust in the person who spoke about and offered it was my only reasoning. It was humbling, confusing, releasing...so many words and none of them come close to an actual description. I wrote it down as best I could after. I'll post it later.

All I can say is I've been back, and I'll be back. I have so much to learn. Since then I have also done low dose LSD. Beautiful in it's own right and a teacher all the same. I am looking forward to this journey and grateful for you pioneers who took the plunge and write about it.

Thanks for reading!

Glad to have you back. Balance or peace... whatever it is that allows you to simply be and exist in this marvelous world is welcome so long as it harm none do what thou will. For me, I have always had an affinity to the plant kingdom and simply being in nature is my meditation. Nice to have another kindred spirit
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