..to elaborate further..
i am trying to access all the original De Korne references, as i have a feeling he may have converted to the base..the mild dark brown gunk i tried was not the base..this, plus better purification should make a difference..
..when i first read De Korne's statement 14 years ago it immediately struck me that there was no logical reason why freebase psilocybin/psilocin would not be active, and as potent as oral ingestion..it made sense that the duration was shortned..the onset was not as fast as DMT..
..so, the next time i see a big shroom fruiting season (which probably won't be for a while) i will adapt the 'Hoffman Proceedure' as follows:
1. Dry the mushrooms within 24-48 hours.
2. Crush the dried carpophores to a powder.
3. Add twice volume of chloroform (or other halogenated hydrocarbon non polar solvent).
Shake vigorously and allow to stand for 2-4 hours.
4. Filter and discard the chloroform.
5. Add chloroform as step 3, shake, stand for 30 minutes.
6. Filter and discard the chloroform.
7. Add twice volume of acetone, shake and stand for 1-2 hours.
8. Filter and discard the acetone. Probably repeat this step one more time.
9. Add 150% volume methanol, shake and allow to stand 4-8 hours. Filter, keep methanol.
10.Add methanol, repeat step 9, stand for less time. Filter, keep methanol.
11.Repeat methanol step third time. Discard residue.
12.Combine methanol extracts.
...at this point i am improvising..
13.Add NaOH+very small amount H20, or other basifying agent, until methanol somewhere between ph 9-12.
14.Evaporate methanol to dryness, preferably in a vacuum, or low heat will do.
15.Recrystalize solid from methanol. Store cold, away from air, light, moisture.
..vaporize 10-30mg in glass chamber..
any suggested improvements? can't wait to try it again, in this fashion..