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purity of spice

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Rising Star
I recently completed my first extraction that actually produced some decent looking yellow material. Anyway I tried a decent amount and it only produced a strong body buzz with light visuals. Could this material be alot fluffier than what I'm use to smoking and require a greater amount. I did not weigh the material just used about the same amount I usually put on a bowl. It seemed to burn alot quicker and hotter than what I'm use to. Also could a very hot lye reaction destroy any of the alkaloids? Looking back I didn't mix the lye into the plant material very slowly and it was very hot and violent. Please let me know any insight into my experiments that you can help me with! Thank You
jacobsdad42 said:
I recently completed my first extraction that actually produced some decent looking yellow material. Anyway I tried a decent amount and it only produced a strong body buzz with light visuals. Could this material be alot fluffier than what I'm use to smoking and require a greater amount. I did not weigh the material just used about the same amount I usually put on a bowl. It seemed to burn alot quicker and hotter than what I'm use to. Also could a very hot lye reaction destroy any of the alkaloids? Looking back I didn't mix the lye into the plant material very slowly and it was very hot and violent. Please let me know any insight into my experiments that you can help me with! Thank You

Always weigh your dose.

Some of the crystalline structures may appear to be quite small, but may be quite dense and carry far more weight than it initially appears, and on the opposite side of the coin, some crystalline structures may appear quite large, but will in fact posses very little density and weight.

It's also possible that a high amount of lipids, oils, and other impurities are present, some quick recrystallization procedures should do the trick if this is the case.

The NaOH will not destroy DMT.
(The purpose of the sodium hydroxide is to degrade plant cell walls, and, more importantly, it converts the DMT-tannate/DMT-oxalate salts into free-base DMT. )

The threads in the links below answer your questions in greater detail, I highly recommend them.

IMPORTANT: spice color purity fallacy AKA is your dmt ok to smoke ? - DMT Discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

I did a recristalizarion of my material and the results looked much cleaner with chunks of clear crystal among the other yellow. A good deal of crud was left in the shot glass and I was left with 200 mg of product after evaporation. Myself and a friend split that into two piles and loaded up our pipes layered with herb and the spice. Again it only produced a strong body high with slight background hallucinations but they were minimal. Please help me understand if I did something wrong. The only thing that threw flags for me is letting the lye react with the rootbark and possible overheated the material. I was told by someone I met in oregon that you start losing alkaloids over 108 degrees if I remember correctly! Thank You for any insight into my problem!
I have experienced a similar issue, I had some powdered ACRB last fall that yielded 1.5% of relatively inactive crystals. A re-x produced big beautiful shards that still lacked the "punch" needed to breakthrough. I chalked it up to species mis-ID (or misrepresentation) by the supplier.

That being said, I had HUGE problems with smoking technique before I bought my GVG. Seriously, it's way too easy to ruin your spice by burning it.

The fluffy stuff seems to burn the easiest, AND it's the lightest weight/volume, so if you are loading less weight, and potentially burning more of it then this could be a large part of the problem.

Hope that helps 😁
jacobsdad42 said:
I did a recristalizarion of my material and the results looked much cleaner with chunks of clear crystal among the other yellow. A good deal of crud was left in the shot glass and I was left with 200 mg of product after evaporation. Myself and a friend split that into two piles and loaded up our pipes layered with herb and the spice. Again it only produced a strong body high with slight background hallucinations but they were minimal. Please help me understand if I did something wrong. The only thing that threw flags for me is letting the lye react with the rootbark and possible overheated the material. I was told by someone I met in oregon that you start losing alkaloids over 108 degrees if I remember correctly! Thank You for any insight into my problem!

How much did you re-xtal? Did you weigh the dose out? It could be the smoking technique as mentioned. I don't know about losing alks in the 108° basic soup, did you use a thermometer?
When I started extracting I would regularly let the basic soup sit on a hot plate at between 105-110° for a couple days and never really saw a loss in yield, in fact I probably gained some in the form of more oils and fats.
This is why I prefer changa now, so much easier to mess with.
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