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Questions about 69ron's dry tek (San Pedro)

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Rising Star
Hi dear Nexians.

I have two questions about 69ron's tek:

-In this tek, it is advised to dry mescaline acetate at 155F. My oven isn't really accurate. Is it a problem if it's a little bit hotter during short periods? Is there a risk to destroy some of the alkaloids extracted?

- I found it quite hard to separate limonene from the jelly made by hydrated San Pedro, even with a French coffee press. That being said, I performed this extraction on the remaining brew, made with fresh cacti (I had the consistency of... a slug). I'm planing to test it again, this time starting with dry powder. Is it easier this way?
If not, I found a solution by adding much more water to the mix but it's then quite long to get back all the limonene, It took me about one month to perform the 4 extractions!

Any suggestions or experiences?

Thanks a lot.

Noisy said:
In this tek, it is advised to dry mescaline acetate at 155F. My oven isn't really accurate.
You could try the heating pad of a coffee maker. Those are set to not heat the coffee too much, as it would ruin the flavor. If you put your mescaline on a porcelain and put that onto the heater pad, it should be safe from overheating.
Did you figure any better way to get the limo back out? Im having similar problems, 350ml in and around 100mL out. I saw adding washing soda, ~7 tablespoons could help. You said adding water delayed the timing?
For best results when starting this tek, dry your San Pedro until it is crunchy like a cracker, then blend it in a high speed blender or coffee grinder until it is a powder. Then proceed with the tek as written.

However, I typically use less water and more lime to keep the cactus mush at a thick oatmeal like consistency. The wetter it is, the harder it is to retrieve the limonene but on the other hand, if you get it too dry, the limonene will be absorbed making it impossible to retrieve once again. It is all about finding that perfect consistency. No matter how you do it, you will always lose some limonene in the process.

Since you started with fresh cactus, I would recommend spreading your mush out in a large baking dish and let it dry completely (or rather until it is thick, like sticky oatmeal). Then, assuming your pH is still basic enough after drying, you can go ahead and try pulling with limonene again. I can't promise any results as I have never done this tek with fresh cactus (it is designed for dry powdered cactus) but hopefully this helps clarify some things.. Good luck!

Thanks for replies!

@ Bigsheep: By adding water (really in excess), I got about 80% of the limonene back. I simply added enough distillated water until the all thing looked like soup. Then, I obtained two layers: limonene on top, water and small cactus pieces below. I placed this "soup" in a glass bowl, then, with a ladle and a lot of patience, I got back the top layer, filtered it and placed it in a separatory funel to achieve separation. This was long, since each time I tought there was no more limonene, some had re-appeared 24 hours later... Nevertheless, I got 600mg of alkaloids acetate, from about 800g of fresh cactus. Not so bad!

@ The Gratefull One: thanks, as often, your post is very clear and make sense; "thick oatmeal consistency", that I can understand:lol:. Anyway, I will use this tek with powder in the future. I now know how potent my cacti are, I won't prepare to much brew next time 😉
Indeed, this tek is really easy to follow with powdered San Pedro and French coffee-press. I retrieved 95% of the D-limonene I used, without any diffuculty.
Thanks Grateful One for the thick oatmeal trick!

By the way, is it ok to discard D-limonene in the sewer as it is non toxic? Or do you think it is better to burn it, in an oil lamp for example?
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