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Site Quirks topic

Something I've noticed when some members post links (e.g. @Sidisheikh.mehriz ) is that some extra code gets inserted that stops the link from working. Probably this is a browser-side issue, but here is the recent example which prompted today's footnote:
[U RL='h ttp://Post in thread %27Phalaris Project%h ttps://forum.dmt-nexus.me/threads/phalaris-project.362215/post-3872965']This[/U RL]

[spaces added to disable BB code]
Might be the use of some special unicode characters that gets replaced?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Might be the use of some special unicode characters that gets replaced?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Don't get me speculating about browser code, it's outside my field!

Maybe it's cheeky of me to hope that things like aberrant phenomena that I've tidied up several times should be automated by anyone else. We all have to battle with the fact that the day has but a limited number of hours, after all.

Ideally I would have begun learning more code 40 years ago, but for some reason my parents didn't want to buy me a computer 🤷‍♂️
I see now that there are two URL's used in that same example link? So that seems to point to a user error?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
That's the bit that got me speculating - I wonder if @Sidisheikh.mehriz can give provide any salient information? I like to make sure the forum operates smoothly where possible, and sidi is a fantastic contributor so their posts deserve to function correctly!
That's the bit that got me speculating - I wonder if @Sidisheikh.mehriz can give provide any salient information? I like to make sure the forum operates smoothly where possible, and sidi is a fantastic contributor so their posts deserve to function correctly!
Might it be that @Sidisheikh.mehriz is pasting more than one URL with the "Insert link" button?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Perhaps a link that has the link text in the form of a url (i.e "http://xxxx.yyyy.tld" ) that is different to the target url gets rejected by security conscious browsers that interpret this as a spoof attack. I know mail servers can reject those sorts of links.
That's the bit that got me speculating - I wonder if @Sidisheikh.mehriz can give provide any salient information? I like to make sure the forum operates smoothly where possible, and sidi is a fantastic contributor so their posts deserve to function correctly!
Thank you for your interest. The issue still persists. I have just copied the link to the post on my phone. There's a share option on top right of every post. I tapped on that then copied and paste the URL. If there is a better way to do it please let me know.

I also I have been informed by grasshoppers that they cannot edit their initial post on the thread (the nexian phalaris breeding program) were trying to add some more guide PDF files and a disclaimer.
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Thank you for your interest. The issue still persists. I have just copied the link to the post on my phone. There's a share option on top right of every post. I tapped on that then copied and paste the URL. If there is a better way to do it please let me know.
Maybe something is at odds with the copy part then, since it seems it adds that the existing clipboard instead of a replace? What browser/OS are you using?

I also I have been informed by grasshoppers that they cannot edit their initial post on the thread (the nexian phalaris breeding program) were trying to add some more guide PDF files and a disclaimer.
Let me check for that one.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Thank you for your interest. The issue still persists. I have just copied the link to the post on my phone. There's a share option on top right of every post. I tapped on that then copied and paste the URL. If there is a better way to do it please let me know.

I also I have been informed by grasshoppers that they cannot edit their initial post on the thread (the nexian phalaris breeding program) were trying to add some more guide PDF files and a disclaimer.
Great to know - that's cleared it up, I would say. The share symbol (the three blobs connected by two lines) is for sharing externally to a different app or platform. You can copy the post url with a long-tap on the post number, which is also at the top right. That way you should get the unembellished link (I hope!)

The @Grasshoppers' problem seems to be the edit timeout function working against them.
I also I have been informed by grasshoppers that they cannot edit their initial post on the thread (the nexian phalaris breeding program) were trying to add some more guide PDF files and a disclaimer.
I've added @Grasshoppers to the new 'Researcher' group that can edit/change their posts for an unlimited time (default is 3 days, we do that since we had some nasty stuff happening in the past with giving everybody an unlimited time).

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Are older images migrated over having problems? I see in other posts they're working normally but when I looked back at this post below for some insights none of the attached images are loading on the new forum. I tried a couple different browsers and another network to try to ensure it wasn't on my end.

Are older images migrated over having problems? I see in other posts they're working normally but when I looked back at this post below for some insights none of the attached images are loading on the new forum. I tried a couple different browsers and another network to try to ensure it wasn't on my end.

Yeah, some of the third-party hosted material has disappeared afaics. We've been dealing wit h it on a case-by-case basis, with a bit of a skeleton staff. Useful to have it noted though, when a thread has missing pics. There should probably be a special thread for that too.
Yeah, some of the third-party hosted material has disappeared afaics. We've been dealing wit h it on a case-by-case basis, with a bit of a skeleton staff. Useful to have it noted though, when a thread has missing pics. There should probably be a special thread for that too.
Yes, and this really surprised me, since the migration of attachments was a whole complete project in the migration project and it took an amazing part of efforts to get that perfected.

It seems to me that there is a certain batch missing their attachments? If we can localize that batch, then I can adjust the attachment migration code to redo that batch.

(and to be clear, if it is still available in the same thread on the on old forum, the data is still there)

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Are older images migrated over having problems? I see in other posts they're working normally but when I looked back at this post below for some insights none of the attached images are loading on the new forum. I tried a couple different browsers and another network to try to ensure it wasn't on my end.

Topic on the old forum:

They are still there on the old forum, so now quite curious why they were not migrated correctly.

I do know that certain images were not 'valid' images in that they contained extra (even possibly malicious, but unknown) meta-data that was not recognized by the code plugin that I used to migrate all images (SixLabors.ImageSharp), this to make sure I would strip all migrated images of any remaining meta-data like EXIF (which we did not yet do at the start of the old forum).

EDIT: I've added all respective images back to their correct posts on this new platform for that topic.

Just make sure that if you see more of this you immediately report it in this thread so I can find a root cause :)

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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I was crawling through the whole CIELO thread and saw another instance maybe the embedded images were simply removed by the user, not sure, but some images seem broken in Toshido's replies here on page 70*, 72, 73 & 75*:

But on the old forum they just seem to be blank areas so that's why I thought they might've been simply removed:
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Here's one: images hosted at imgur appear in the "edit post" window but appear as broken links in the post itself. Maybe it's a result of my browser settings so if somebody would like to check this for me to see how it behaves on their own devices I'll have a look at what tinkering with things over here may or may not achieve.


But on the old forum they just seem to be blank areas so that's why I thought they might've been simply removed
Blank areas are what is currently displaying on the old forum for the equivalent post to the one I've included above.
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