# OpticalRayTracer 9.6
* OpticalRayTracer Home Page
# 2018.07.01 14:23:00 EDT
# Raman optical tube V0.0
# Notes:
# Laser coming from the left would be smaller (~2mm)
# Laser has been made wide to simulate the Raman emission in the cuvette
# If the bandpass filter is dichroic, Raman emission moving left should be reflected back
# Raman emission occurs everywhere in the cuvette the laser hits
# Only showing emission where the laser is focused in the cuvete
# Collimating the light hitting the edge pass filter could be a improvement (2x laser pass)
program {
antialias = false
askBeforeDeleting = true
beamAngle = 0.000000e+00
beamCount = 20
beamWidth = 1
clipboardGraphicXSize = 1280
colorArrow = -2147483393
colorBaseline = -16760832
colorBeam = -4194304
colorGrid = 1086374080
colorHighBackground = -1
colorLensOutline = 276865279
colorLensSelected = 268484608
colorLightSource = -16776961
colorLowBackground = -16777216
colorTerminator = -16777216
decimalPlaces = 4
defaultWindowHeight = 600
defaultWindowWidth = 900
dispScale = 0.015251
dispersionBeams = 8
divergingSource = false
helpScrollPos = 0
interLensEpsilon = 1.000000e-06
intersectionArrowSize = 0.000000e+00
inverse = false
maxIntersections = 64
selectedComponent = 6
selectedTab = 0
showControls = true
showGrid = true
snapValue = 0.000000e+00
surfEpsilon = 5.000000e-04
tableLineLimit = 500
virtualSpaceSize = 100.000000
windowX = 100
windowY = 100
xBeamRotationPlane = 0.000000e+00
xBeamSourceRefPlane = -30.000000
xOffset = 12.189982
yEndBeamPos = 3.500000
yOffset = 0.061811
yStartBeamPos = -3.500000
object {
active = true
angle = 0.000000e+00
centerThickness = 0.100000
dispersion = 59.000000
function = 2
ior = 1.520000
leftCurvature = 3
leftSphereRadius = 10.000000
leftZValue = 20.000000
lensRadius = 0.100000
name = Terminal Plane
rightCurvature = 3
rightSphereRadius = 10.000000
rightZValue = 20.000000
symmetrical = true
thickness = 0.100000
xPos = 33.962500
yPos = 0.005000
object {
active = true
angle = 0.000000e+00
centerThickness = 4.000000
dispersion = 59.000000
function = 0
ior = 1.520000
leftCurvature = 3
leftSphereRadius = 28.100000
leftZValue = 20.000000
lensRadius = 6.250000
name = LongpassFilter 540AELP
rightCurvature = 3
rightSphereRadius = 28.100000
rightZValue = 20.000000
symmetrical = true
thickness = 4.000000
xPos = 18.420800
yPos = 0.000000e+00
object {
active = true
angle = 0.000000e+00
centerThickness = 7.499915
dispersion = 59.000000
function = 0
ior = 1.499000
leftCurvature = 2
leftSphereRadius = 15.600000
leftZValue = 20.000000
lensRadius = 6.350000
name = ACL12708U-A
rightCurvature = 2
rightSphereRadius = 6.706500
rightZValue = 100.000000
symmetrical = false
thickness = 1.600000
xPos = -6.578100
yPos = 0.000000e+00
object {
active = true
angle = 0.000000e+00
centerThickness = 7.499915
dispersion = 59.000000
function = 0
ior = 1.499000
leftCurvature = 2
leftSphereRadius = 6.706500
leftZValue = 100.000000
lensRadius = 6.350000
name = ACL12708U-A Inverted
rightCurvature = 2
rightSphereRadius = 15.600000
rightZValue = 20.000000
symmetrical = false
thickness = 1.600000
xPos = 10.412000
yPos = 0.000000e+00
object {
active = true
angle = 0.000000e+00
centerThickness = 6.000000
dispersion = 59.000000
function = 0
ior = 1.520000
leftCurvature = 3
leftSphereRadius = 28.100000
leftZValue = 20.000000
lensRadius = 6.350000
name = FL05532-10 Bandpass
rightCurvature = 3
rightSphereRadius = 28.100000
rightZValue = 20.000000
symmetrical = true
thickness = 6.000000
xPos = -15.640300
yPos = 0.000000e+00
object {
active = true
angle = 0.000000e+00
centerThickness = 0.500000
dispersion = 59.000000
function = 0
ior = 1.520000
leftCurvature = 3
leftSphereRadius = 28.100000
leftZValue = 20.000000
lensRadius = 15.000000
name = Beckman 758407 wall
rightCurvature = 3
rightSphereRadius = 28.100000
rightZValue = 20.000000
symmetrical = true
thickness = 0.500000
xPos = -2.251000
yPos = 0.000000e+00
object {
active = true
angle = 0.000000e+00
centerThickness = 0.500000
dispersion = 59.000000
function = 0
ior = 1.520000
leftCurvature = 3
leftSphereRadius = 28.100000
leftZValue = 20.000000
lensRadius = 15.000000
name = Beckman 758407 wall
rightCurvature = 3
rightSphereRadius = 28.100000
rightZValue = 20.000000
symmetrical = true
thickness = 0.500000
xPos = 2.251000
yPos = 0.000000e+00
object {
active = true
angle = 0.000000e+00
centerThickness = 4.000000
dispersion = 59.000000
function = 0
ior = 1.330000
leftCurvature = 3
leftSphereRadius = 28.100000
leftZValue = 20.000000
lensRadius = 15.000000
name = Liquid Sample
rightCurvature = 3
rightSphereRadius = 28.100000
rightZValue = 20.000000
symmetrical = true
thickness = 4.000000
xPos = 0.000000e+00
yPos = 0.000000e+00