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Rapé Snuff Preparations (Recipe Thread)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've been thinking and ya know what, I feel there are a few people on here that have some good recipes kicking around and here would be a good place to gather them.

I know I have felt like there is a lack of common knowledge info on the subject of Rapé, and wanted to clear some of the smoke and mirrors surrounding the ingredients and ratios being used(Especially seeing as this is used traditionally in ayahuasca ceremonies).

So Nexus show us what ya got lets get this mix figured out

I'll start with a mix I am currently using that I made

2 parts Mapacho + 1 part passion flower,
both are dried and ground to a fine powder
1/2 part tsunu ash and 1/10 part yopo snuff are added
everything is mixed thouroughly and reground to ensure it is very fine

all right well that is the mix i am currently using what have you guys found to work well for you
Thank you for posting this! I have recently been interested in making my own Rapé.

A few questions:

Where do you get tsunu ash? Online?
What do you grind your plant material with to get it so fine?

Thanks in advance! ;)
hello all :)

I have a really special connection with rapé. i went to the jungle to get deeper in my study with ayahuasca, but in the end, rapé was the greatest treasure i brought back for myself and others to share.


It can be mapacho, the so called "rope tobacco" (tabaco de corda), or ideally Tabaco de Moy. you can also use tobacco that you plant yourself. the stronger the better. usually Moy and Rope tobacco have a curing process that will make it stronger, more aromatic, and enhance the ideal properties for the rapé. this process consist in dipping the tobaco leaves in specific molasses, twist many leaves together (this will make it look like a rope) and then inserting it inside a bamboo, leaving it there to cure for some time.

The most common ashes used traditionally are:
- Tsunu - suspected to be the Platycyamus regnelli tree, but there is no proof that it is that one.
- Mulateiro - Calycophyllum spruceanum
- Cumarú - Dipteryx odorata
- Canela de Velho - Senna acuruensis

You can use basicly any ash that ash from medicinal trees, as long its not too alkaline, as it can dry and hurt you mucosa. I have had success with eucaliptus, copaíba, palo santo, some acacias,and caapi vine ashes.

Allways start with low ash content when experimenting new ashes, if it feels good and healthy, raise the quantity.
For the best rapé-suited ash quality, use the bark of the tree to make the ash, and not the wood itself.

Here the possibilities are infinite, as long it doesn't irritate the mucosa, you can use virtually any plant. some will require extra care, for example chamomile has nice properties, but you have to use a very fine sieve, otherwise some tiny needle like particles will pass trough causing evere reactions.

There are some important aspects relative to the rapé preparation: all ingredients SHOULD be Sun-dried, as this and any tobacco medicine as a strong connection with the sun. During winter, or rainy days, some people dry it near the fire, but it will not have the same strength.
It then should be crushed with mortar and pestle. I find it very efficient to crush it, mix it with the ashes, and then sieve it, that will allow the ashes to bind better with the tobacco and plants. You can use an actual sieve of a piece of cloth, so that only the finer particles come down.
IMPRINT YOU INTENTIONS! this is quite important. the diference between a regular tsunu based rapé, and a traditional Yawanawa rapé is thatthe indigenous sing healing and rapé specific songs trough the whole process. that will add extra strength and character.


#1 - Based on a Huni Kuim Recipe
-Mulateiro Ash
-Cumaru Ash
-wild basilicum
-Tipi (Petiveria alliacea)

#2 - Força (one of my favorite creations)
-Cumaru Ash
-Tsunu Ash
-Caapi Ash
-Ayahuasca sedimentations (when preparing ayahuasca, in the filtering stage, there is allways some that stays in the cloth, I love to use that for rapé. If you have ayahuasca, but you dont do it yourself, you can also use the sediments that stay on the bottom of a bottle when you finish it)
-Chacruna Leaves
-Yopo (previously activated)


a type of cloth called organza in portuguese, tried to find a translation but couldnt, maybe its the same name in english. the ideal size is 150 microns more or less, so any kind of sieve the size will do.
Well done!

One of my favorites is Bobinsana Hapeh...

Bobinsana is a master teacher plant of the Amazon... often dieted by initiates and used in Ayahusaca brews. It is a heart opening heart healing medicine, used for healing trauama and also opening oneself up to divine love and compassion.

It is also used to stimulate dreaming, and has a list of medicinal properties as well.

CosmicLion said:
Well done!

One of my favorites is Bobinsana Hapeh...

Bobinsana is a master teacher plant of the Amazon... often dieted by initiates and used in Ayahusaca brews. It is a heart opening heart healing medicine, used for healing trauama and also opening oneself up to divine love and compassion.

It is also used to stimulate dreaming, and has a list of medicinal properties as well.

Do you happen to know what part of the plant is used?

And what species of Calliandra is/are considered to be Bobinsana?
I grew my own tobacco for the first time this past summer and have become quite enamored with the spirit of the plant. I had been introduced to Rape' about 2 years ago by a skillful ayahuasquero near the end of the ceremony and have found it to be an important ally ever since. I sit with it regularly and also in collaboration with my other allies so I've decided it's time to make some of my own.

I grew two varieties of Nicotiana rustica; Kessu and San Juan Pueblo. I had plants at the four corners of my garden as sentinels and they served admirably, flourishing and flowering and producing abundant seed for next year. I gathered leaves from each plant and dried them on a rack in the sun then wadded them together and stored in a paper bag until last week. Yesterday was rainy so I decided it was time to proceed. I ground the leaves to a very fine powder in the coffee grinder I use for my other medicine. Not very traditional, I know, but is is for me as I've used this device for years to grind mushrooms, Syrian rue, etc. and I proceed ceremoniously, smudging and singing prayers. I spread the powdered material on a pan on top of my wood stove which was blazing away with wood harvested on the property. The powder heated quickly filling the house with a wonderful scented smoke that lifted my spirit and filled me with a powerful joy. I gathered it together, let it cool, and put it in a special container for now. I have some Tsunu ash on the way which I will try adding in a 4:1 ratio for starters. After I've sat with that mixture to see what it wants, I will try adding more ash as needed, and from my garden a little Salvia divonorum, some Sun Opener (Hemia salicifolia) and later some Syrian rue leaf from some plants that are growing back from their root crowns after having been dormant all winter.

I have the container next to my bed for now. I did a ceremony with the unmodified material so I could get an idea of the spirit of the blend and introduce ourselves to each other. I was delighted with the clarity and grounding it provided and the lovely bouquet that lingered for hours. I will follow up with a report as I make progress with this preparation.
My last two rapé :
tsunu ashes

Mapacho (ecuadorian amazon )
Tsunu and olive Tree ashes ( respectively amazon and creta )
Toé flower ( homegrown )
Salvia divonorum leaves ( homegrown )
Virola callophylla resin ( amazon )

Then I make liquid rapé
Tsunu ashes
Shiric sanango
And on some vials, virola callophylla resin.
Liquid is good when your nose is dry from too much rapé powder snuff.
always wanted to try rape actually, never considered making my own though. im gonna explore this more soon seeing as i already have a few of the plants in question.
Sure Cactus Man. It's very pleasant, fun, and creative to do your own.
My next will have mapacho, tsunu, toé leaves, and ibo rootbark, nutmeg and tonka nuts ( dypterix odorata ). Maybe some virola callophylla resin as well.
But these are Ingredients I want to use. I might make a few different batches.
Might be one spécial with n,n too 👽
CosmicLion said:
Well done!

One of my favorites is Bobinsana Hapeh...

Bobinsana is a master teacher plant of the Amazon... often dieted by initiates and used in Ayahusaca brews. It is a heart opening heart healing medicine, used for healing trauama and also opening oneself up to divine love and compassion.

It is also used to stimulate dreaming, and has a list of medicinal properties as well.


Totally agree, mine as well!;)
rOm said:
My last two rapé :
tsunu ashes

Mapacho (ecuadorian amazon )
Tsunu and olive Tree ashes ( respectively amazon and creta )
Toé flower ( homegrown )
Salvia divonorum leaves ( homegrown )
Virola callophylla resin ( amazon )

Then I make liquid rapé
Tsunu ashes
Shiric sanango
And on some vials, virola callophylla resin.
Liquid is good when your nose is dry from too much rapé powder snuff.

Could you elaborate some of what liquid rape is and how to make it?

Also I am curious when adding Virola, do you feel some effect of this?
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