there definatly needs to be more research in relation to the bio-availability of vegan b12 sources..but that aside there are cases out there of 15 year etc vegans with b12 levels so low they end up with neuropathy. It does not help when you have people like Frelee and Durrianrider running a popular raw vegan forum and sensoring posts from anyone who has problems with the diet. If the people into this whole thing have any integrity they should totally turn their backs on those two people.
It is stories like this that really made me feel bad for the fact that I might have actually inspired some people to do that diet. It is an experiment with little actaul data behind it in my opinion. You just never know and I dont want to be responsible for people going through that.
I also saw my gf's tests after 7 years raw vegan..and they were not good at all, and I was already feeling lower and lower and lower as well. The first 18 months or so felt great..
All I am saying is that I have seen many people support this diet as if it is scientific fact that is is what they say it is..and it is not. There is not enough data behind it IMO and the fact that people experiment this way on their kids etc is extremely alarming to me. There needs to be way way more research done. I like people like Gabriel cousins well enough..but then again this is a guy who I also once heard claim thaty psychedelics were bad becasue they "burn out your ojas" I tend to take these people with a grain of salt at this point.