"There is a raw cannabis advocate and raw foodist named free love cannabis or free rob cannabis that got me interested in raw cannabis. He believes we can get high from it if we have a high raw alkalyzing diet as this may change the body to be able to digest raw plant material and even get high from it. But I believe he also does not think smoking or heat processing the herb is useful and only a perversion of the real uses of cannabis. He believes the true high from cannabis is the raw high and not the smoked or heat processed high as it "changes the chemical structure" leading to addictions and altrred states which are not beneficial."
Well...honestly that all sounds like a far fetched tail to me. There is tons of anthropological data going way back of cultures in india making bhang and other preperations of cannabis that involved heating the cannabis to activate it. Yes, it is highly medicinal when leaf and bud is used raw(becasue you can ingest huge ammounts passing out or freaking out) but I am highly highly skeptical of a person who would claim that alkalizing the body would do anything to convert the cannabinoids. I dont see any reason to assume that would take place..or to assume that heating cannabis was not it's true entheogenic preperation when we have tons of anthropological data to say otherwise.
The idea that using it raw(assuming you could get it to convert) would make it less addictive is even harder to believe. That makes absolutly no sense. THC acid is THC acid, period. Why would matter how it was converted? This is like saying raw cacao or raw coffee is not addictive or draining when used too much but cooked cacao or coffee is. I have spent a lot of time with raw cacao, to the point where I had myu own business making the stuff..I had and still do have many pounds of the highest quality "raw" beans I could get ahold of and the effects honestly do not differ from the beans when cooked. The shamans who run ceremonies with cacao in equador even claim that cooking it is ideal. I know someone who went down to equador last year to work with a cacao shaman and they just laugh at all the claims people make about raw cacao being better or less addictive etc..I think cannabis is the same way. I have done tests with the beans I have back to back..using them as is and then brewing thick dark hot chocolate with them and honestly I cant tell any different between the two.
Well...honestly that all sounds like a far fetched tail to me. There is tons of anthropological data going way back of cultures in india making bhang and other preperations of cannabis that involved heating the cannabis to activate it. Yes, it is highly medicinal when leaf and bud is used raw(becasue you can ingest huge ammounts passing out or freaking out) but I am highly highly skeptical of a person who would claim that alkalizing the body would do anything to convert the cannabinoids. I dont see any reason to assume that would take place..or to assume that heating cannabis was not it's true entheogenic preperation when we have tons of anthropological data to say otherwise.
The idea that using it raw(assuming you could get it to convert) would make it less addictive is even harder to believe. That makes absolutly no sense. THC acid is THC acid, period. Why would matter how it was converted? This is like saying raw cacao or raw coffee is not addictive or draining when used too much but cooked cacao or coffee is. I have spent a lot of time with raw cacao, to the point where I had myu own business making the stuff..I had and still do have many pounds of the highest quality "raw" beans I could get ahold of and the effects honestly do not differ from the beans when cooked. The shamans who run ceremonies with cacao in equador even claim that cooking it is ideal. I know someone who went down to equador last year to work with a cacao shaman and they just laugh at all the claims people make about raw cacao being better or less addictive etc..I think cannabis is the same way. I have done tests with the beans I have back to back..using them as is and then brewing thick dark hot chocolate with them and honestly I cant tell any different between the two.