marquis reagent, but it's not specific to dmt. it tests for tertiary amines.
The Use of Marquis Reagent - This reagent is prepared as two components, i.e.
(i) eight to ten drops of 40% formaldehyde in 10 ml of glacial acetic acid, and
(ii) concentrated sulfuric acid (note that this is slightly different to the system
used to test for the presence of amphetamines and opiates). A small amount of
material to be tested is placed on a spotting plate, followed by one drop of the
formaldehyde solution and two drops of the sulfuric acid. If either psilocin or
psilocybin is present, an orange colour will develop.
swim once used it to test a product for psilocin. it did indeed turn from clear to orange
another chemical test is the Erlich test:
The Use of Erhlich’s Reagent - This reagent is prepared by dissolving 1 g of
p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in 10 ml of methanol, followed by the addition
of 10 ml of orthophosphoric acid. The fungal material is extracted as described
above and two drops of the extract are placed on a spotting plate. A negative
control and a known sample (positive control) of drug are used in addition to the
material being tested. The samples are dried either on a warm heating surface
or under a lamp, and then residue redissolved in two drops of Erhlich’s reagent.
Development of a violet to violet-grey colour indicates the presence of indoles
and hence the potential presence of psilocin in the sample material.
since psilocin is so closely related to dmt, these procedures may be used to test its presence in a sample, most likely with identical results.