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Report from my last three encounters with the spice

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

I'm still just a lurking entity in this forum, but decided to share the experience I had on DMT a couple of days ago.

I'm not very experienced with smoking it, have had around 20-30 trips and only one time I managed to broke through.

So, this is what happened on my last 3 journeys:

I was staying in a friend's appartment to watch over his cat and dog, while he and his girlfriend were away and since i rarely have the opportunity to trip by myself, decided that this was a good opportunity to explore without having outside distractions.

On the first trip, I left the animals in the room with me, because I enjoy their company pretty much. Loaded the machine, made one large hit and the effects started almost immediately. As the room completely lost its earthly characteristics and became into the very familiar dmt space, a presence appeared. The entity was not visually represented, but I clearly felt it being there. Suddenly, I got a really strong sensation of having many pieces of broken glass in my mouth, so I began trying to spit them out, only that i couldn't and then decided to use my hands. So there I was, sitting on the bed with my hands sticked into my mouth, drooling like a heavy sedated mentally ill patient, while the entity was clearly trying to distract me from this, circling around me, "poking" me and distorting the room with really intense visualls. His presence felt a bit dark, but not malevolent. Kinda like a poltergeist prankster, who was fucking with me for the sake of it, having a bit fun with the poor human being in the room. I was not scarred, but felt quite confused by its behavior.

The thing, that i found interesting, was that when the dmt elf/spirit or whatever it was, appeared, the dog immediately started freaking out. It was even more confused than me, squealing and trying to figure out a place to hide. It seemed like it was scarred both from me/for me and from something invisible in the room. The moment the trip started to fade and the entity disappeared, the dog literally ran into me, forcing me to hug it and protect it. I felt very sorry that I put him through this and squeezed the fuck out of this furry creature, which was still covered from head to toe in hyerogliphics :D I felt a really deep and strong connection with it - told him i'm very sorry and tried to calm him down. As the effects almost faded completely, the dog just went away as if nothing had happened and went to his corner to have a rest.

I've never seen this dog acting like that and I've smoked dmt in front of him in the past, too. Also had tripped on methoxetamine in his presence, it has seen me drunk, on stimmulants and etc., but never appeared to be bothered by that. Since i'm not his owner, i didn't expect that going into altered states of consciosness around him will bother him much. That's why I started wondering if indeed this entity was not only a projection of my own (sub)consiosness, but something that existed outside my head. Also, I never did anything like moving violently or making noises or whatever other than sitting realtively motionless on the bed and moving my head into 180 degrees, while the entity was teasing me. Throughout the trip, I didn't noticed the cat's reactions, but after it ended, she immediately came and sat next to me and also right next to my dmt machine. Before that she was always running away from me, not letting me close to her (except when it was feeding time), always biting me beating me with her paws, whenever i try to play with her.

The next day I smoked a lighter dose, there was no feeling of presence this time, no feeling of broken glass in my mouth - generally, nothing strange happened and the pup didn't do a damn thing...was licking his vagina without even noticing what I was doing.

Later throughout the night, when the owners came back, I decided to smoke one more time. I told them about what happened, about the presence i felt and the dog's reaction to my experience, so they also became a bit curious on that subject. I smoked a sub-breakthrough dose and again felt that feeling of having broken glass in my mouth. Again, an entity appeared, but not like the first one. It was a really peaceful and good spirit, which was just crawling on the wall behind me, giving me a nice physical sensation on the head, which was engulphed by part of its "body". It looked like a formless white cloud and the way it moved resembled that of an amoeba. I was enjoying the peaceful feeling of tranquility and wasn't talking or sharing what the trip was like. The girl was minding her own business, but the guy just starred at me and said - "man, I feel it - its over there and is crawling on the wall", pointing to the exact same direction where it was and describing the way it moved pretty much on point...the thing is that he didn't saw it, only felt it and at the same time managed to describe where it was and how it moved. So this was it. Even though I believe that there are spirits, this was the first time I got some kind of confirmation outside of my own subjective experience. Nevertheless, there may be some rational explanation about all this, but in the end...my intuition tells me that these were indeed spirits that I encountered. Even if i'm wrong - it was still one great trip, which made me question our reality.

Sorry if my post is long and boring, but i'm not very good at expressing my thoughts in writing, let alone in english. And I hope my parapgraphs are not too tiring to the eye to read, although I used the enter key a couple of times - maybe not enough :D


Would love to hear your feedback or if some of you experienced something similar, which I'm sure many of you did :)
Hey TotalTotalness - amazing report, really enjoyed reading it! Thanks :thumb_up:

It spurred a rethink on doggie evolution, and I have to ask: Did the CAT react at all?

The rationale behind the question rests on how long they've been with us. When other animals team up with us, we entangle our evolution. From what I understand, cats started hanging around our granaries about 9,000 years ago, but dogs have been found buried with humans from nearly 100,000 years ago(source New Scientist sry no link). So a lot more co-evolution occurred between humans and dogs than with cats.

Dogs benefited from our intelligence, and we benefited from their senses. I once read an abstract from a veterinarian academic's PHD thesis suggesting that by utilizing dogs' sense of smell, humans were freed-up to evolve more flexible and mobile faces required for speech and non-verbal facial communication, which(tangentially) we now know dogs can read. Great hypothesis - plausible but not proven.

After reading your story it dawned on me that if dogs' keen senses of smell and hearing were useful to us by conferring a survival benefit, so too would a hypothetical sense of 'spirit entities'. Whether to avoid them or seek them out. If humans found such a sense useful, that would equate to evolutionary pressure on dogs to select for greater sensitivity to such phenomena.

Plausible but nowhere near to proven. Had fun thinking about it, though, so thanks again :)

P.S. Your English is excellent, but I really had to LMAO at one point. Is your first language Deutsch? If so, yes, "Der Hund" uses the masculine article, but in English, only female dogs have vagina's. "His vagina" had me rolling on the floor laughing!! Please DON'T edit 😉

Awesome report! I have also had a dog who has seen the same entities as I have. I was smoking in my room once and 3 female spirit entities were superimposed on my closet doors doing some sort of dance. My dog took one look at them and ran off into the other room and didn't come back until I was finished with my session. There are a couple of threads here on the nexus that go into detail about the subject. I am in the camp that believes that yes these spirits are real, and animals can detect their presence. Keep writing those trip reports! You have a very engaging writing style and look forward to reading more from you.

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