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[Report(s)] A warning to my fellow psychonauts regarding hyperspace entities (wall of text alert!)

Migrated topic.

this is basicly the most sound advice to combat evil entities , Tool swats them like flies

only avoid listening to Tool on DMT , because that would be too extreme
The Hermit said:
I'm struggling to understand why these very specific, and seemingly skewed definitions of entities have ended up on the wiki?

The context of these experiences seems obvious: I've met both malevolent and benevolent energies in there. Whether external, or reflections of self, no matter - if I allow something malevolent to become my 'director' (which is the subtext I'm reading here), pretty much everything will go to hell.

The parallels are even broken - the 'esoteric surgery' I've experienced was incredible, not a horror movie of blood and guts (thankfully). Which doesn't make my experience 'true' either, it just shows the range subjective possibilities within that paradigm.

This is a textbook 'set' issue. The mindset was predisposed to this negative, hellish fantasy, and co-authored this 'reality'.

Seriously though, seeing these in the Lexicon feels a little off - it simply affirms the delusion.

InLaKesh said:
The Hermit said:
I'm struggling to understand why these very specific, and seemingly skewed definitions of entities have ended up on the wiki?

The context of these experiences seems obvious: I've met both malevolent and benevolent energies in there. Whether external, or reflections of self, no matter - if I allow something malevolent to become my 'director' (which is the subtext I'm reading here), pretty much everything will go to hell.

The parallels are even broken - the 'esoteric surgery' I've experienced was incredible, not a horror movie of blood and guts (thankfully). Which doesn't make my experience 'true' either, it just shows the range subjective possibilities within that paradigm.

This is a textbook 'set' issue. The mindset was predisposed to this negative, hellish fantasy, and co-authored this 'reality'.

Seriously though, seeing these in the Lexicon feels a little off - it simply affirms the delusion.


We have been trolled. Or guy just had a strong urge to share his experiences with someone, and found The Nexus as a good place for that.
If you were OP, which would be more painful- fully accepting that this experience was a delusion or the delusion itself? Why? (I'm not knocking OPs story).

This whole deal has got me thinking about the nature of stories we tell our selves. True, false, fantasy, fact; the act of telling our own stories or borrowing others tales to tell seems sublimely human. Why do we feel compelled to share them? What do they say about us?

Also, I love you guys. You shared a lot of wisdom, love and positive critical feedback. I learned much.
Synkromystic said:
Akasha224 said:
Whatis said:
What is everyone's thoughts?

I really don't know, to be honest. Whether or not hyperspace entities exist isn't really the question at this point, it's the OP's sanity. If he truly believes what's happening, saying "it's not real" won't help him. Honestly, from beginning to end, this report seems like a descent into full-blown psychosis. The OP clearly needs mental health help, and some of the replies throughout this thread are shockingly unsympathetic towards him. If I was (literally) losing my mind, and was grasping at straws, posting my story online to attempt to gain some sort of perspective, the last thing I would want is for people to tell me I'm full of crap.

Maybe I'm just really gullible, but for me personally, reading this report was literally heart-wrenching. For a couple days after I read the whole thing, I would literally wake up in the middle of the night, stare at the ceiling, and run this whole thing through my mind, wanting nothing more than to help the OP, not even being able to comprehend the amount of pain he's in. And I'm sorry, but if Part 8 of the report doesn't sound like a suicide note, I don't know what does.

But again, maybe it's all BS. It's really impossible to tell when we're dealing with anonymous strangers on the internet.

The problem is, numerous people, tried to offer advice. The problem is though, NGC wanted no advice. In fact, i'm not even sure if there was even one time where NGC asked our view on the problems/experience... NGC had all the answers, it seems we were just supposed to pity him/her and bow down and give thanks for offering such enlightening advice.

All the posts were scripted just like a movie. A drama unfolding..... Just look a the section ''Final thoughts'' from the first post...I mean, seriously, "Final Thoughts''. If the story is true, how can one have final thoughts when one is in the middle of experiences like that. The whole scenario comes across as very suspect.

Here at the nexus there are many people who are willing to offer continued help to people in need. IF someone really needs help, they don't just come here for a few days, write a long story, ignoring all of our advice, not even being grateful that people are TRYING to help, and then just disappear

Agreed, completely.

Im feeling that many folks in this thread probably got trolled, unfortunately.
This is the first time I'm reading through this thread and, wow. Even if the whole feel of the posts are fear-ridden the OP does a great job at describing some of these entities. Some of which I've definitely interacted with on many occasions. I just have very different interpretations is all :)

Jin said:
this is basicly the most sound advice to combat evil entities , Tool swats them like flies
I've said this to people and they think I'm absolutely insane. It's the truth! Seriously, try it once and see for yourself :) I bring Tool with me everywhere I go.

could you please elaborate your view more detailed? every piece of info on the subject is warmly welcome :)
332211 said:

could you please elaborate your view more detailed? every piece of info on the subject is warmly welcome :)
Sorry, I didn't see this post until now.

I could easily dedicate an entire thread to this subject alone. I have encountered some of the entities the OP has described. The way he describes him is eerily similar to my experiences.
He would have made one hell of a frontman for a black metal band. If Gaahl and Infernus from Gorgoroth were to have some sort of unholy lovechild with a Nazgûl, the result would be something in the ballpark of my Tormentor.
This is a low level evil entity that I've had to combat on several occasions. I've experienced a higher level (or more intelligent? I'm not sure how to describe it) being that was essentially pure shadow/black. Like a looming cloud of darkness that is all encompassing. This is something else, more of an independent entity that just enjoys pain, suffering, fear, all the negative emotions.

How my view differs from the OP is that I don't see him as a "Tormentor" but rather as the embodiment of dark energy. I have learned many important lessons from this specific entity. I don't see psychedelic experiences as entirely good or evil. It is a mingling of the two, just like everything else.

Besides this one entity I haven't had too many experiences with others of that type. Meaning the entities I've interacted with seem to be on a higher level or existence. I completely agree with his categorization of the lower and higher beings. The majority of the contact experiences I've had with the "lesser" beings were under the influence of mushrooms. DMT and Salvia are primarily the vehicles for these deeper ones.

Through his descriptions of the "Greater" beings I can confirm that I've encountered almost all of them. The one that sounds completely alien to me, never having experienced anything similar, is 'The Legion'. What he calls 'The Triad' and 'The High Priestess' are very familiar to me :)
...she took the form of a tall female figure with elaborate white robes, long flowing white hair, and jewelry containing some symbology that I couldn't quite identify. On most occasions she looked like a relatively normal human, but in one particularly intense experience she was much more "DMT-ified," composed of many shifting geometric structures and patterns, her facial features not so much part of a solid organism as they were "grown" out of the surrounding geometry, not unlike Android Jones' artwork.
This is a spot on description of an entity I encounter often. This 'High Priestess' is an entity I've ran into across multiple substances as well; Salvia, DMT, mushrooms, even once on a dissociative :shock:

The only visible form I can vaguely remember was in the form of three smallish floating sprites (each subjectively about a meter tall by about 20cm wide), but they were difficult to look at in a way I can't quite describe. Their bodies were something like an inverted teardrop shape. They had some kind of odd aura surrounding them, as if they were poking through a portal into three-dimensional dream-space from "somewhere else," and I could just barely make out some indescribable hyperspace imagery behind them.
I encounter this 'Triad' every time I smoke Salvia. They were the first beings I ever made contact with, actually. The bit about them "poking through a portal...from somewhere else" really resonates. I hardly ever visually see them, but they are always in the background beyond my peripheral vision. I always feel their presence, before I even exhale the smoke. It's actually a reliable sign I've come to recognize of me approaching a breakthrough. The stronger the feeling of their presence, the closer I am to Salviaspace.

This piece by Mark P. Maxwell is a great representation of what I understand to be "The Triad". The three beings on the right. They are always there observing.

So I've met a lot of these same entities and I don't believe I've been punished or deceived or tricked. Why? I really can't tell you. My opinion is that the OP became trapped in a cycle of fear and then began to feed that cycle by going into these experiences over and over. Perhaps to convince him/herself of the fact that it was all fake, all a big trick. The reality of it was too much to handle and so the OP created a self-fulfilling prophecy, so to speak. He/She tried too hard to decipher a lot of which may be indecipherable. Delving deep into these spaces can be fraught with dangers, which the OP admitted to. I also didn't realize the depth of what I was getting myself into, but I've always chosen to place some faith in the fact that these are healing medicines. Powerful and when used incorrectly or abused, dangerous as hell. But the entire thing, all of it just being a total farce? There's not enough evidence either way, so I hold out judgment :)

Perhaps I should attempt to do what the OP did and categorize the entities I've become familiar with. Except write it from a place of love, not a place of fear :love:
metanoia, thanks a lot for the time and effort you are putting into this.

Perhaps I should attempt to do what the OP did and categorize the entities I've become familiar with. Except write it from a place of love, not a place of fear Love

definitly! imagine hoe much more productive this would be compared to an hour of procrastination with cat-videos ^^

much love,
Interesting thread... :) If anything, the varied responses to psychedelic experiences we've seen from people are highly intriguing - like people concluding that all entities are the minions of the literal, Christian Devil (why not Mara the Buddhist devil, or Ahriman the Zoroastran devil, or...?), and others asserting they are "angels" who "live the love" (a society that "lives the love" wouldn't need prison guards, and beside, if this planet is a prison, it's more like a concentration camp than anything else)...

I'm not sure that the "clinical" or "hostile" feel of DMT trips is somehow inherent, or just a set-and-setting thing. There is a recent thread where someone described DMT as "being angry with the traveller getting there", which is something I haven't experienced on either my (so far only) DMT breakthrough, or any other psychedelics. If anything, my DMT experience was extremely friendly and emotionally uplifting - and Shulgin has also described machine elves as being welcoming and joyful.

@syncromystic's and @Metanoia's takes definitely resonate with me.

I have also known a schizophrenic girl whose worldview and attitude was so much like the Op's (and she "managed" to get there without any drugs) that I'm ready to give the benefit of doubt that the Op is a real person who is really having mental health issues. That girl I knew didn't take any advices either, she knew everything best (and beside, other people may be manipulated by the "forces that be". It's sad really.

As for entities... Taking them for enlightened masters, teachers and angels without critique is definitely a trap in my experience.
i read this thread and most of it escapes me.
ive never met anything in hyperspace that could kick my ass.

this is like stargate,
if ya dont like where ya landed, spin the wheel raggedy man.

not trying to be flip,
but 35 yrs of heavy halluciongen use, across the spectra,
left me with respect, but not fear.

when the elves get unruly, i hold up a ruby red slipper,( always the choo's)
and, its heel or be heeled. i dont tolerate being menaced on the yellow brick road.
if anything, entities in hyperspace fear me.

your mind can create them, your mind can also destroy them.
otherwise, shamans would fold after a few trips............
anne halonium said:
i read this thread and most of it escapes me.
ive never met anything in hyperspace that could kick my ass.

this is like stargate,
if ya dont like where ya landed, spin the wheel raggedy man.

not trying to be flip,
but 35 yrs of heavy halluciongen use, across the spectra,
left me with respect, but not fear.

when the elves get unruly, i hold up a ruby red slipper,( always the choo's)
and, its heel or be heeled. i dont tolerate being menaced on the yellow brick road.
if anything, entities in hyperspace fear me.

your mind can create them, your mind can also destroy them.
otherwise, shamans would fold after a few trips............


I wholeheartedly concur anne!!!

I too, with 30+ years of heavy hallucinogen use under my belt, have been left with nothing but respect...

...not fear...

Whatis said:
Does anyone else have the sense that this is a work of fiction? ...

I've played Eve Online, a multiplayer space game, for some time. NGC_xxxx name looks like a game zone, and it's avatar picture it's in my opinion an ingame screenshot.

His story is plagued of Eve lore references. The whole cosmical theme, the term "Goons" wich is the biggest guild, and "Tormentor", "Imp" and "Succubus" are all spaceship models. I even venture to say NGC liked to play small frigates gamestyle. There is more Eve stuff scattered here and there. There is also plenty of non Eve stuff, obviously.

Maybe NGC absorbed plenty of it and simply showed in his experiences/interpretations but I personally find hard to believe that he wasn't aware this is Eve lore and not real encounters.

I think DMT is a mirror, if that helps understanding my point.
CrowMan said:
Whatis said:
Does anyone else have the sense that this is a work of fiction? ...

I've played Eve Online, a multiplayer space game, for some time. NGC_xxxx name looks like a game zone, and it's avatar picture it's in my opinion an ingame screenshot.

His story is plagued of Eve lore references. The whole cosmical theme, the term "Goons" wich is the biggest guild, and "Tormentor", "Imp" and "Succubus" are all spaceship models. I even venture to say NGC liked to play small frigates gamestyle. There is more Eve stuff scattered here and there. There is also plenty of non Eve stuff, obviously.

Maybe NGC absorbed plenty of it and simply showed in his experiences/interpretations but I personally find hard to believe that he wasn't aware this is Eve lore and not real encounters.

I think DMT is a mirror, if that helps understanding my point.

All I kept saying to myself was "this reads like DMT fanfic." I'm comforted believing this is DMT slash videogame fantasy.

Entertaining post, either way.
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