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[Report(s)] A warning to my fellow psychonauts regarding hyperspace entities (wall of text alert!)

Migrated topic.
Hello NGC_2264 and all others reading this!

I have read about your fascinating, but tragic experience. Be assured, this was not in vain. Even though you are suffering a recurrence of what psychologists might call “anxiety disorder”, “depression” and “psychotic disorder”, I thank you very much for writing up your story! Many people will be warned by your elaborate posts, and maybe this is one of the reasons why the demons are so harsh on you now? Except for the fact that they are pure evil and just enjoy tormenting people.

My own story, albeit not so deep and profound, does resonate very strongly with your experience! I, too, started lucid dreaming, astral projection and psychedelics to pursue the enlightenment, whatever it might be. I also started noticing, that all sorts of psychedelics and dreams have much in common, basically leading to the same place/dimension, which I called the Spirit World. A way too beautiful name, given its true nature.

At first I, too, thought that I have found the Holy Grail. My interactions with the Spirit World, and its inhabitants, gave meaning to my existence. I felt exalted, energetic, and happy about it. I thought I found my real purpose in life, which is to communicate with those beings, and let other people share in their knowledge, to become a shaman. I really started to believe that I am destined to become a spiritual leader, an important person, heavily inflating my ego.

It happened, that I was indeed quite talented in hearing and talking with voices. Since my young childhood I talk a lot to myself “in my head”, and I became highly skilled in “splitting” my mind (for a lack of a better term) to be able to converse in such a way. You can imagine, NGC_2264, that this proved to be of big worth when talking to spirits during my adulthood. At first, I couldn't believe that there is somebody on the other end of the line, but in time I realized that there is. Big thanks (no irony) to DMT for that.

In time, I did learn, too, that it was one big masquerade. All of the entities, without any exception, are working for the same big boss (the devil). All aliens, ascended masters, gods, spirits and what not, are demons in disguise. They do play good cop/bad cop a lot, making up imaginary threats, against which they “protect” me. None of those entities is to be trusted, the same goes for their so called “knowledge”. They don't provide any real, independently verifiable knowledge, and why should they? But they are very adept at creating an illusion as if you are touching some divine, otherworldly knowledge. You know, when you get the “aha” and “now I get it” feeling, without getting anything specific, just an overwhelming feeling of “finally getting it”. I am, in hindsight, totally perplexed by how they pulled this trick time and again on me.

I am not going to hijack NGC_2264's topic by telling my story in full detail: how I saw the demons for what they are, or how I started battling them. Sufficient to say, and maybe it will work for others as well, that I have found my solace in Jesus Christ. I am serving as a lector in Russian Orthodox Church now, aspiring to become a priest once. Yes, this sounds like a very drastic way of dealing with one's troubles. Taking some rest, meditation or going full-on materialistic looks like a less costly way, but I went too far to be able to fool myself with stuff like that. So, if you, like me, have hit the ground when your whole inner world consists of constant battles with demons – try turning your eyes to Jesus Christ. He helped me, maybe He can help you too?

About "cycling, digging through our memories and using them in different ways", I've experienced this myself, and I know what you mean. On one occasion, they used image and likeness of my father, and posed as him.

Nothing, except his likeness indicated of him. It was image of my father, but it wasn't him. I felt it. I knew it wasn't him.

And thank you for writing this amazing piece. It is well evident that you're very experienced explorer. I see that Ganesha was initiator in your case too. This is something that has well passed the considerations of "pure coincidence".

Same as clowns, jokers, jesters. Have you seen them? As I was reading, I was expecting to read your opinion on them, but you didn't write anything about them.
Quite an interesting read. Are you doing any kind of practice like yoga or meditation to ground yourself? It might help you realize..."Yeah, I may be absorbed into an entity, I might be possessed by an entity, all the entities might be laughing at us silly little humans, all the predators might be destroying my awareness (if that's possible), all the cosmic horrors and seductresses may be feeding off my soul, but I'm still here, and I can still change"

Something like that.

NGC_2264 said:
Fascinating. I think there may be something to this. If you don't mind me asking, have you encountered The Source personally? If so, did you feel like you were "already a part of it," or that it was trying to assimilate or "absorb" you?

When I was looking at it from the ego perspective I felt it was trying to assimilate or absorb me, when I looked at it from the source perspective, I saw I was always a part of it.

NGC_2264 said:
For the more experienced among you who are convinced that this isn't the case, prove it to yourself. You should have the means to reliably induce ego death and, with sufficient practice, enter that ultimate goal of hippie mythology, "becoming one with the universe." First, that is not what is happening, and you are not "becoming" anything. Second, you do have some control over this state, so use it.

What exactly do you mean by this?

Also have you considered that everything you've said could be delusion based on some type of fear?

Reading all this makes me almost think you've been traumatized in some way as this recurrent belief that is foisted upon you whether by your subconscious or some type of external entity is similar to that of a trauma survivors where they believe they are "damaged to the core" compared to your "damned for all time" tidbit.
I just read this topic beginning to end for the first time...wow. I can relate with a lot of the OP's motivations and reasons for delving so deep. I, too, am narcissistic, think I'm the exception/special/different, think I'm "meant" for something more...in short, I have a bit of a Messiah complex, and it makes complete sense that someone with this personality would get so absorbed in hyperspace, or wherever it is that we go.

Has anyone heard from the OP? It's been about four months since his last post, and it had a very foreboding vibe to it...
Does anyone else have the sense that this is a work of fiction?

I have some limited experience of what NGC_2264 describes. In the midst of a cosmic hyperslap, or when I find myself among seemingly malevolent, accusing or indifferent entities - I have sometimes questioned the safety of hyperspace. And of course the question 'What IS this?!' is always ongoing. Sometimes I have found myself in a huge arena where it feels like my worth is being judged. And I have had various encounters with powerful and god like spirits.

Part of me started to believe NGC as I read the story. It fits with the Curandero's world view after all - they believe that there are negative entities that must be guarded from. Perhaps their millennia of experience is foolish to ignore? Cosmic parasites are another hypothesis that comes up fairly regularly.

But a couple of things about NGC's post makes me suspicious.

NGC mentions several times - in various places - that once of their objectives in writing this was to entertain.

As someone else on this thread mentions - NGC appears and then disappears fairly quickly. Was this all part of a plan to add 'significance' to the post?

His/her categorisation of the various entities is so in-depth I just can't trust it. Hyperspace is difficult to explain, and I don't trust any absolutes when dealing with it. NGC makes some fairly wild claims about events, characters and what it all means.

I guess that there are three possibilities:

1) NGC wrote it as a work of fiction. Perhaps drawing on various experiences to bring it all alive. NGC does not really believe the conclusions that he/she came to, and probably embellished a whole lot.

2) NGC wrote it as an accurate diary of what was he perceived was happening - but his conclusions are false. He fully believed his conclusions, but - perhaps aided by a touch of mental illness - he came to some damaging and untrue conclusions.

3) NGC wrote it as an accurate account and he was true in all of his conclusions. He was indeed being controlled by hyper-dimensional entities and his life/sanity is in danger.

I don't know which one of the possibilities is worse. Both number 3 & 2 are fairly harrowing with far reaching consequences for the community.

What is everyone's thoughts?
This post was suspect from the start. Im more surprised
It got so much attention. It's an Ego fueled diatribe in my opinion .
Felnik said:
It got so much attention. It's an Ego fueled diatribe in my opinion .

This. So much this.

At first, I was amazed at in how much detail everything is described.

But then, I became more and more suspicious.

Although I did experience few things OP tells about, most of it doesn't make any sense. It doesn't have that "hyperspace" vibe to it at all.
Who can ever really know how truthful anyone is being here? Whlle it may seem a bit suspect looking back in retrospect, I must remember that other members like Hyperspace Fool are pretty convincing in their experiences regarding the validity of entities existing external to us humans. The detail of this report was not much different from someone like former member eliyahu.

Does it seem un real? Perhaps, but from what i have seen everyone has a variance with regards to how much detail they bring back from hyperspace.
Whatis said:
What is everyone's thoughts?

I really don't know, to be honest. Whether or not hyperspace entities exist isn't really the question at this point, it's the OP's sanity. If he truly believes what's happening, saying "it's not real" won't help him. Honestly, from beginning to end, this report seems like a descent into full-blown psychosis. The OP clearly needs mental health help, and some of the replies throughout this thread are shockingly unsympathetic towards him. If I was (literally) losing my mind, and was grasping at straws, posting my story online to attempt to gain some sort of perspective, the last thing I would want is for people to tell me I'm full of crap.

Maybe I'm just really gullible, but for me personally, reading this report was literally heart-wrenching. For a couple days after I read the whole thing, I would literally wake up in the middle of the night, stare at the ceiling, and run this whole thing through my mind, wanting nothing more than to help the OP, not even being able to comprehend the amount of pain he's in. And I'm sorry, but if Part 8 of the report doesn't sound like a suicide note, I don't know what does.

But again, maybe it's all BS. It's really impossible to tell when we're dealing with anonymous strangers on the internet.
Akasha224 said:
Whatis said:
What is everyone's thoughts?

I really don't know, to be honest. Whether or not hyperspace entities exist isn't really the question at this point, it's the OP's sanity. If he truly believes what's happening, saying "it's not real" won't help him. Honestly, from beginning to end, this report seems like a descent into full-blown psychosis. The OP clearly needs mental health help, and some of the replies throughout this thread are shockingly unsympathetic towards him. If I was (literally) losing my mind, and was grasping at straws, posting my story online to attempt to gain some sort of perspective, the last thing I would want is for people to tell me I'm full of crap.

Maybe I'm just really gullible, but for me personally, reading this report was literally heart-wrenching. For a couple days after I read the whole thing, I would literally wake up in the middle of the night, stare at the ceiling, and run this whole thing through my mind, wanting nothing more than to help the OP, not even being able to comprehend the amount of pain he's in. And I'm sorry, but if Part 8 of the report doesn't sound like a suicide note, I don't know what does.

But again, maybe it's all BS. It's really impossible to tell when we're dealing with anonymous strangers on the internet.

The problem is, numerous people, tried to offer advice. The problem is though, NGC wanted no advice. In fact, i'm not even sure if there was even one time where NGC asked our view on the problems/experience... NGC had all the answers, it seems we were just supposed to pity him/her and bow down and give thanks for offering such enlightening advice.

All the posts were scripted just like a movie. A drama unfolding..... Just look a the section ''Final thoughts'' from the first post...I mean, seriously, "Final Thoughts''. If the story is true, how can one have final thoughts when one is in the middle of experiences like that. The whole scenario comes across as very suspect.

Here at the nexus there are many people who are willing to offer continued help to people in need. IF someone really needs help, they don't just come here for a few days, write a long story, ignoring all of our advice, not even being grateful that people are TRYING to help, and then just disappear
Synkromystic said:
.... Just look a the section ''Final thoughts'' from the first post...I mean, seriously, "Final Thoughts''. If the story is true, how can one have final thoughts when one is in the middle of experiences like that. The whole scenario comes across as very suspect...


This statement reminds me of one of my favorite Terrance McKenna quotes:

"Part of what being psycedelic means, I think, is relentlessly living with unanswered questions."
Synkromystic said:
The problem is, numerous people, tried to offer advice. The problem is though, NGC wanted no advice. In fact, i'm not even sure if there was even one time where NGC asked our view on the problems/experience... NGC had all the answers, it seems we were just supposed to pity him/her and bow down and give thanks for offering such enlightening advice.

All the posts were scripted just like a movie. A drama unfolding..... Just look a the section ''Final thoughts'' from the first post...I mean, seriously, "Final Thoughts''. If the story is true, how can one have final thoughts when one is in the middle of experiences like that. The whole scenario comes across as very suspect.

Here at the nexus there are many people who are willing to offer continued help to people in need. IF someone really needs help, they don't just come here for a few days, write a long story, ignoring all of our advice, not even being grateful that people are TRYING to help, and then just disappear

There are plenty of plot holes in the story, and no, he didn't ask for help at any point in time. I don't know. The whole post just had a very solemn vibe to it, and kind of stuck with me for some reason. I'm just not sure what would motivate someone to spend so much time making up (or exaggerating) things like this.
Akasha224 said:
There are plenty of plot holes in the story, and no, he didn't ask for help at any point in time. I don't know. The whole post just had a very solemn vibe to it, and kind of stuck with me for some reason. I'm just not sure what would motivate someone to spend so much time making up (or exaggerating) things like this.

Many people are starved for attention. There are some true psychos out there.... LONNNNG story short......For a while when I was living in London I was stalked by a Romanian Girl who became obsessed with me. She had some serious problems...was diagnosed borderline personality disorder....One of our friends introduced her to me....She smoked waaaay too much changa with that friend for someone with such a dangerous mental instability and it brought back latent tendencies. NGC's story has many similarities between what this girl experienced and acted ON (whether it was true or not). Luckily there is a nice buffer here on the net for us:) She was violent, and very dangerous.. NGC's posts have many of the same ''energetic signatures'' that she has/had.
This is a fascinating thread. Many good points have been raised by all. I don't think the OP was psychotic, but his paranoia trying to remove himself from an unescapable situation at the end may have driven him insane no doubt. The main issue about the entities being not entirely benevolent and angelic in their intentions depends on your perspective. None of us actually truly know ourselves entirely, know all our past lives, all our crimes and transgressions. Prison guards, judges, police etc. support a system of order that maintain a functioning society, all societies have these roles, though the laws differ. Those filling these roles (and the roles of doctor, therapist, etc.) are required to maintain an attitude of detachment and indifference (a colder view on equanamity) to perform their duties efficiently.

That is my explanation of the coldness or harshness the teachers can show, its all in your perspective. If you think you are a saint you will expect everyone to treat you like a favorite cherished child and fawn over you. The entities and dream guides are more demanding than that, and there must be a reason they show us Love and Light but are also deceitful and cold on occaision. Cops can lie under protection of law, social scientists can lie in the course of an experiment. The fundamental flaw in the OPs understanding is thinking he is above being lied to or punished. Who knows what crimes we committed before this life? The indifference the Machine Elves, Alien Surgeons, Dream Engineers, Trip Content Creators, and the rest of the astral/hyperspace crew show towards us says alot more about us than it does about them. They live the Love, we do not, though we try and are perhaps rehabilitated through our efforts. "Angels" are harsh to the fallen, and deceit can be an asset in uncovering darkness that is hidden. (to claify i think everyone currently incarnated on Earth is fallen, this place is wretched compared to hyperspace and the upper astral, which I only get glimpses of time to time).
Pharmacognosis said:
This is a fascinating thread. Many good points have been raised by all. I don't think the OP was psychotic, but his paranoia trying to remove himself from an unescapable situation at the end may have driven him insane no doubt. The main issue about the entities being not entirely benevolent and angelic in their intentions depends on your perspective. None of us actually truly know ourselves entirely, know all our past lives, all our crimes and transgressions. Prison guards, judges, police etc. support a system of order that maintain a functioning society, all societies have these roles, though the laws differ. Those filling these roles (and the roles of doctor, therapist, etc.) are required to maintain an attitude of detachment and indifference (a colder view on equanamity) to perform their duties efficiently.

That is my explanation of the coldness or harshness the teachers can show, its all in your perspective. If you think you are a saint you will expect everyone to treat you like a favorite cherished child and fawn over you. The entities and dream guides are more demanding than that, and there must be a reason they show us Love and Light but are also deceitful and cold on occaision. Cops can lie under protection of law, social scientists can lie in the course of an experiment. The fundamental flaw in the OPs understanding is thinking he is above being lied to or punished. Who knows what crimes we committed before this life? The indifference the Machine Elves, Alien Surgeons, Dream Engineers, Trip Content Creators, and the rest of the astral/hyperspace crew show towards us says alot more about us than it does about them. They live the Love, we do not, though we try and are perhaps rehabilitated through our efforts. "Angels" are harsh to the fallen, and deceit can be an asset in uncovering darkness that is hidden. (to claify i think everyone currently incarnated on Earth is fallen, this place is wretched compared to hyperspace and the upper astral, which I only get glimpses of time to time).

Nonsense. Same kind of nonsense christians believe.
so i had to stop reading through the resposes cause there is soo much text on this one, but i have to put in my 2 cents here, maybe someone else said it already but here it goooes...

to start i would say that i do not have the amount of consistent lucidity in my astral as OP, but i would say my investigations have had some more traditional medicine woven in, the OP openly states an academic standpoint, in this way i suspect that the experiences were not treated as much of a mystical experience as a neurological phenomena. in this way i suspect that they may have entered a higher realm unprepared with medicine bundles

i think to go as far as they did without preparing a metaphysical space for journying leaves one open to all sorts of interference

also as one who has seen all sorts of mindstates gone different directions, one must be prepared to take control of their mental landscape, if not then you need no entities to manifest a torture chamber.

so essentially they(op) are either being psychically manipulated or they let their own thoughts run wild while creating a semi permanent opening to the astral plane which is equally dangerous. the solution to BOTH things are theoretically very similar.

basically creating a ceremonial aspect to the practice that creates a protected space for them, as well as practicing fully changing their "mind" in the moment, from what i read it seams like the OP had gained lucidity but lacks a certain aspect of control, this is why these practices of opening dimensional gateways are meant to be very slow because there is certain base layers to develop for safety. i think it potentially legitimate that the entities were hyperspacial, and thus made of hyperspacial fabric and subject to the laws of such, just as we are subject to the laws of physical tissue, as such the initial suspicion may have spurred the entities which were originally neutral to turn malicious in response to op's emotional state/thought patterns, im not saying that malicious entities dont exist but the theory of there hyperspacial fabric responding in kind to the op is consistent with things i have seen...i suspect ive succumbed to rambling by now, hopefully this makes sense/helps for someone

ps. i dont believe that a shaman is needed to explore, though i do think this is a prime example of what a good shaman is good for, if op had been working with an experienced shaman they very well could have been able to use some icaros or other techniques to change the frequency and redirect op to a more healing realm of the dimensional fabric

good work everyone, one day we will all meet in hyper space and there will be high fives all around(though we probably wont be able to call them that anymore)
I'm struggling to understand why these very specific, and seemingly skewed definitions of entities have ended up on the wiki?

The context of these experiences seems obvious: I've met both malevolent and benevolent energies in there. Whether external, or reflections of self, no matter - if I allow something malevolent to become my 'director' (which is the subtext I'm reading here), pretty much everything will go to hell.

The parallels are even broken - the 'esoteric surgery' I've experienced was incredible, not a horror movie of blood and guts (thankfully). Which doesn't make my experience 'true' either, it just shows the range subjective possibilities within that paradigm.

This is a textbook 'set' issue. The mindset was predisposed to this negative, hellish fantasy, and co-authored this 'reality'.

Seriously though, seeing these in the Lexicon feels a little off - it simply affirms the delusion.
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