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soulfood said:
Big Inhale said:
If you quid it you should use some lemon juice juice to open the cell walls in your mouth first.Salvia is waxy and has a hard time getting through your mouth.

can you quid with extract?

I thought it was fresh leaf only?

Quidding extract actually had more effects for me than tincture did. Whole leaf quids are what I prefer though..It feels more euphoric this wayopposed to smoking as well.
Salvia should always be smoked.

No it should not. I think Salvia divinorum (fresh leafs) should ALWAYS be used as a quid. It is so much better that way!
Oh man, you took that quote from Zero_Hour totally out of context. I do agree the quid method is better, but read the whole post before you start quoting it. ;)

fractal enchantment said:
I honestly think that if you NEED 40x(after repeated trials), than its not real 40x.
I know what I have smoked really is 40x, and yes, I NEED several tokes of 20x or 40x to go really deep. I do have a really really high tolerance for anything on the Opiod-receptors, Salvinorin A especially. Pretty sad, but what can you do except accept it... Also, I am used to high to extreme doses of entheogens, small doses don't give the great jurneys I am looking for. Therefore, consider the several tokes of 20-40x a very strong dose, even for one with my extreme tolerance.

The first time I broke through on Salvia was actually on two hits of 60x, after I had tried 10x, 20x and 40x. That was one of the most beatiful experiences in my life, but mainly because I had never visited the lands of Ska Pastora before. Now I can have much deeper experiences on same amount of hits from 40x or 20x. The reverse tolerance is very interesting, maybe one day I will be able to smoke 5x or just plain leaf. :)
Salvia should always be smoked.

No it should not. I think Salvia divinorum (fresh leafs) should ALWAYS be used as a quid. It is so much better that way!

'Coatl, please reread the post from Zero_Hour.

If you do you will find out that he said that if smoking is your preferred choice of taking Salvia you should always do it in a silent and completely dark room.
Evening Glory, Traveler..........thank you for clearing that up and saving me from saying it myself--perhaps I could have rearranged that sentence though as to avoid confusion--

but yes, especially with me, one must read my replies in whole before responding...I have a strange way of writing / wording my sentences
I tried smoking salvia 20x quite a few times and never have any positive or deep experience. It just makes me sweaty and feel extreme annoyance both times with people around and being alone right after meditating. Is it just not for me or should I try a stronger extract ?
Spitti, you said you felt extreme annoyance.I have gotten that too.Its like the slightest thing irritated me.As far as trying stronger extract,I dont know maybe if you think you are a hard head.I know for me when i first started to try it out nothing happened really.I would smoke huge bong bowls of 5x and only get a slight effect.It wasnt until years later when i tried it again that i got through and a very small amount of 10x is all it took.It was a totally different experience.I felt that maybe i just wasnt in the right state of mind whan i first tried it.Later i was different mentally and on my first hit a female voice said "welcome".And after that most of my experiences were good as long as i didnt try to push things too much.
My experience is that the extreme annoyance only comes if you have a bad set and/or setting. I have had this horrible feeling two times on Salvia, one time because I smoked it in a depressing setting, an other time because I smoked it with people I didn't feel 100 % comfortable with. I interpret it as the plant being annoyed by the horrible setting, and therefore she lets her anger out on you. I don't blame her. Respect the teachers. :)
I get that annoyance thing also, and it used to make me really hate the experience. Like said above, it is in part a set and setting thing...but after hundreds of salvia trips I have found its also about how well we are in conroll of our emotions...most often than not when I get this feeling with salvia, its becasue I am not in conrtoll of my emotions. I will be forcing the trip..trying to HAVE the salvia trip I expect to have, instead of just sitting back and letting it happen. Its like I would go in looking and expecting the blissfull loved up energy of tryptamines and phens, and act all irritated and ripped off when it wasn't there..but that was all me, set up in my world be me..It really taught me alot about my emotional polarities and how its all connected to my handle on it, my own ability for stillness.

If I expect and accept the salvia trip for what it is, I have good trips filled with bliss and euphoria, it jsut takes me there in a diff way.. Salvia isn't about a loved up feeling anyway, its about a multi-dimensional journey with the green woman and the most visionary magic plant there is, hands down. Nothing for me has felt as real and shocking so far as the salvia trance.
Wow that's very well said Fractal, now it makes sense to me why people keep saying that salvia is ideal for meditating
but the 'ripped off' feeling when the experience doesn't go good is a lot more amplified by the outrageous price of salvia.
All I've ever really gotten out of Salvia after a good dozen or so times smoking extracts (ranging from 10x to 40x) is, I'm launched into 'cartoonland' basically. It's one big giant colorful, uncanny, highly musical farce. I have never gone completely out of my body or gotten total ego death or anything, even with high doses and 40x... just kind of put into an alternate reality. Every object has a musical sound, and there is constantly wacky, unique music playing through my head.

The most dramatic open-eyed hallucination is of the walls of the room seemingly closing in slowly like a trash compactor or something, as well as a lot of weird cartoon character-looking figures appearing on the ceiling. The visuals are more 'minds-eye' or CEVs, and are just very colorful, surreal things that somehow feel so familiar. I have never sensed a presence or anything of the like and it always just seemed like one big practical joke from another dimension that I automatically and inexplicably regret doing afterwards. I can't say I've really 'gotten' anything out of my experiences with Salvia, unlike other psychedelics like mushrooms or acid.
the practical joke feeling and room closing in on you vibe is the stage right before the full breakthrough..in my own opinion. One you are fully over "there", you wont have to worry about "here", let alone how big or small you're room is getting..i admit, it's scary going that far though!
cannabidroid said:
All I've ever really gotten out of Salvia after a good dozen or so times smoking extracts (ranging from 10x to 40x) is, I'm launched into 'cartoonland' basically. It's one big giant colorful, uncanny, highly musical farce. I have never gone completely out of my body or gotten total ego death or anything, even with high doses and 40x... just kind of put into an alternate reality. Every object has a musical sound, and there is constantly wacky, unique music playing through my head.

The most dramatic open-eyed hallucination is of the walls of the room seemingly closing in slowly like a trash compactor or something, as well as a lot of weird cartoon character-looking figures appearing on the ceiling. The visuals are more 'minds-eye' or CEVs, and are just very colorful, surreal things that somehow feel so familiar. I have never sensed a presence or anything of the like and it always just seemed like one big practical joke from another dimension that I automatically and inexplicably regret doing afterwards. I can't say I've really 'gotten' anything out of my experiences with Salvia, unlike other psychedelics like mushrooms or acid.

you're experiences sound interesing..in my opinion. Dont expect mushrooms or acid when you journey with salvia. Take the experience for what it is. For those of philosophical mindset, the salvia trance poses quite a mystery for the mind to ponder. I find that alot of the "cartoon" imagry found in the salvia trance seems to be in part percieved as such because it's the closest association we have in our memory banks..When I look closer I find sheer alienness underlying it all..and a level of communication I cant even begin to describe. The plant is SOO minunderstood.
The reverse tolerance is just really strange to grasp mentally. Because naturally you will most always assume that 20x would be strong, 30x, 40x, and 60x would even be stronger. Now, I've had 60x before, and broken through with it. But... I have never ever had any breakthrough like the one I recieved from just a single leave. Even if you do have a tolerance ( I know I must have, and I do have a very very strong tolerance for most chemicals ) you just need to keep smoking, and smoking, or quidding and quidding, and just keep getting that salvinorin into your system and it will work eventually. It pissed me off because it must have taken me $100, and about a full week of full force salvia smoking before anything really happened. And when it does, oh.... it will and you'll know. :twisted:

I really think that the strength of the effects will vary greatly depending on where you are mentally, and the distractions around you. I think that even unconcious attention to distractions around you can play a vital role as well. I think even your own heartbeat is a big enough distraction with salvia because its a focus on something in our own world instead of the salvia world.

So, I come to a conclusion that salvia demands your full attention, and it even demands the attention of parts of your body and mind that you cannot control. So pretty much regardless, it brings 100% to a new meaning, because it really does need 100% of your attention.

Salvinorin is just absolutely insane concept for being a humanly untouched chemical, that for one grows easily as a house plant, and ever so growingly short :)cry: ) wide-spread availibility and legallity.

It'll definantly redefine your idea of alien.:surprised
okay so i decided it was time to get some more salvia plants - swim traded 5 with his friend - here are the 2 nicest looking ones.


eh too much water - ???
when i got it yesterday their leaves were both standing up like the first one
this morning the sunlight made their leaves droop
my friend says he gives his about a cup of water each per day - its hot where i live
his are currently over 6 foot tall and flowering - second year flowering.
the soil was mostly dry when this pic was taken
i just watered it and its leaves are standing up
leme take another pic quick
Phlux- said:
eh too much water - ???
when i got it yesterday their leaves were both standing up like the first one
this morning the sunlight made their leaves droop
my friend says he gives his about a cup of water each per day - its hot where i live
his are currently over 6 foot tall and flowering - second year flowering.
the soil was mostly dry when this pic was taken
i just watered it and its leaves are standing up
leme take another pic quick

tips of the leaves are brown it means too much water or more exactly bad drainage..... like when some of the roots are lying in water constantly tips of some leaves getting brown....
Other two bigga plants are much nicer, good job
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