i just read on the nook - someone stole my idea !!!!!!
and it works
check it out
posted by ubza 1234 on the nook in the chem section on the 5th of may - today.
"hi all, I'm new but was put onto this forum from another forum member who told me u guys may be interested. ok, so i'll start by saying this is NOT a simple bi-polar extraction, it's simpler and faster and gives you relativity PURE crystals, that make those of bipolar extractions, even the best methods, very crude. it is a technique i have been pondering for a year or 2 and only recently had enough salvia to allow my self to justify testing this method.
i'll start with the method, then explain how i believe it to work after.
1, dry your leaves. as many as you can. i use about 300-500grams of dried leaf. if there not crispy put them on a heat source over night to gently heat them till there crispy. and dont be silly and burn them. ;P
2, put them in a big jar, by big i mean enough to fit about 6 times the amount of salvia in that jar, like if you were using 100g of salvia you could fit 600g. crush the crispy leaves in your hand. pull out the stems then try to crush the leaves further. throw in the stems if you want but i dont think there is much active compound in them at all but possibly worth a try.
3, pour in acetone. those of you familiar with bipolar extractions will know how much to put in but for those who dont, personally, i put in double the hight of the crushed salvia leaf. this is heaps more then you need, but you can never be too careful, it may make that lil bit of differents on your yeald. soak it for about 2 or more days shaking or stirring in between if you wish. (i didnt but it may help) I'm pretty sure this will allow all the crap and salvinorin to be extraction. don't worry about the fact i didn't de-fat it, you'll see why later
4, filter filter filter! after you finished soaking the leaves next is to filter the acetone solution. i cut the bottom off a glass wine bottle to form a glass funnel and stuffed the bottom with cotton balls, then put the neck of the bottle in another large jar then pour my solution into the bottom of the wine bottle and it goes through the cotton balls at the bottom and vola! you gotta use glass or metal because acetones dissolves pretty much any polymer/plastic or will at the least disolve any oils in the plastic and you dont want those nasty things in your goop what you want to be left with is a crystal clear green liquid. it should look like distilled water with a few drops of green food coloring, no residue at the bottom, no cloudyness. i repeat this step at lease 8 times cause i want it perfect but if your happy it looks clear, then it must be ok. if it stays cloudy there may be a lil water in there causing an emulsion or something. if this is the case after 6-8 filtrations, take out the cotton balls and throw them out. get some new connon balls and pluck out pieces of cotton so it's more like fluff then a ball, then stuff it in as tight as you can into your funnel. filtering this way is the best way to filter but will take over a week sometimes and the first method is usually good enough anyway. if it's still cloudy, meh, dont worry, she'll be right just continue
5, get a big jar. make sure it has absolutly no solid particles in it. make sure it's absolutely clean! this is important! pour your filtered acetone solution into this jar.
6, get your hands on some CLEAN WATER. filtered even. distilled even. or better still, distilled filtered! lol the main thing i'm concerned with is solid particles. even tiny tiny ones. ok? pour in twice as much water as you have acetone. it should go a lil or a lot cloudy/milky, i've had it go both ways.
7, heat the liquid to evaporate the acetone. if your doing this in an ordinary jar, ie not Pyrex, do this on a heat just on or just below simmering, i'd advise below simmering as heat seems to crack jars and then you spill all your carefully prepared product all over the floor and you try to sponge it up and reuse it but doesn't work if your simmering the jar, it will take a while, so put a clean cloth over the jar to prevent things falling in there but will still allow the vapour to escape. i would suggest using a fan BUT this will encourage outside objects, like dust, to get sucked into the jar and we really DON'T want that. i also suggest simmering cause it is safer then boiling. because the vapour is released slowly into the atnmosphere, it is not as likely to burn/explode when in contact with a flame. safety first!
8, You will know enough acetone is evaporated because there will be no smell. as acetone vapour seems to be heavier then air, i often try to pour the vapour out of the jar then blow the rest out, then smell. you will definitly know if there is still acetone in there. this will take a few days at a simmer. if you nose stops burning when you stick it in the jar, ie the acetone is all evaporated your ready for step 9.
9, let the jar cool to room temp then put in the fridge over night. skipping this step may cause a stess in the glass walls from the sudden temp change and cause cracking and then you gotta start over. putting it in the fridge over night is fine, over 2 nights would be that lil bit better and 3 well, now your just spoiling it arent you
10, take the jar out of the fridge and look at the bottom and smile at the lil shiny crystal splinters you made get any funnel, put a fine cloth over it and pour your now water solution through the cloth into another jar then repeat the step if you want but i dont think it's necessary. the cloth should be covered in tiny 4mm long, hair thin, shiny yellow crystals.
and there you go! pure crystals from just 3 ingredients, salvia leaf, acetone and water! and although my steps may look complex, it realy is easy easy easy! when you do it i suggest you start by writing your own summery of my steps as there are heaps of hints in mine that may mess you up.
how does it work?
so we know salvinorin dissolves in acetone and not water. we know acetone mix's with water. so first you dissolve the salvinorin in acetone. the salvinorin is in a kind of suspension thing with the acetone. then we add the water. it is still dissolved in it's own lil suspension thing with the acetone. then you evaporate out the acetone and the salvinorin has no liquid to be dissolve in because it wont dissolve with water and bang! it solidifies and sinks to the bottom for you to collect!
there is no need to defat because the fats happily emulsifies with the water, if you added enough.
there is no need to worry about it boiling dry, if the level is getting low, give it heaps of water! water is good! it will help keep the emulsified fats and other crap disolved in the water so they should not float to the top or sink to the bottom.
very simple stuff and you are left with a relatively pure compound free of fats tanins and other impurities. this is VERY potent stuff so be very careful as i found out. i suggest you weigh it and redissolve it onto your favorite type of leaf, or a prewashed, crushed salvia leaf you had from the filtering of step 4.
as i said, i'm new here and would absolutely love your guys opinion or comments on this process. i'd love for some ppl to try it and tell me what they think. if anyone has seen this method before i'd love to read it or at least know about it otherwise it be pretty dang cool if i could get some credit for this method that as far as i know, i descovered untill i'm proven wrong and will happily accept lol you know..
anyway, that all! please let me know what you think and if this has been posted before, well, dont i look like a fool, sorry to all lol
oh, and sorry i didnt put in mesurements realy it's just i always cook my feel, this is only a guide not instructions so hope understand it ok and i cant wait to hear form you's "