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Second Trip Report

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
First off I'd like to say thanks to the folks here who suggested building a "DMT machine". Such a better experience and I didn't burn my spice.

It's been a couple months since my first trip. I wanted to take the time to think about what I had experienced before travelling again. The night before last I decided it was time to try again. I took a big hit off the machine and was aware long enough to hold it as long as possible and then take the second hit to clear the machine. I set the machine down and I was gone. I mean gone. Total blackness with this all encompassing loud hum/ring. No visual at first. Then I was staring at a 2 dimensional plain of mostly triangular shapes all collapsing on themselves to form a bigger more stable shape. The best I can describe the face would be a slightly more abstract version of a face on a character in Minecraft. Don't laugh. Up to this point I was just awareness. I had no sense of body, time or space. As the hit began to wear off I became aware of who I was, where I was and what I was doing. It was then that I could have swore I heard my wife's voice calling my name but I was unable to respond. I was still seeing visuals of the other side. No voice. It was like me hearing her from a dream trying to wake me up but I couldn't. The trip didn't turn bad per say but I was slightly alarmed. I knew she was at work and wouldn't be home for several hours. I knew it. But this experience i actually lost sense of time. So in that reality she could have come home and saw me "passed out" in the chair. The visuals didn't get dark. I didn't have a bad feeling other than I did want to distress my wife. Now on my last trip I remember feeling a voice talking to me. Not so much hearing it audibly. This time I heard my name called. Like somebody calling my name to get my attention or wake me up. Then my reality began to take shape in the geometry and I was back in my living room. Oddly enough when I was fully back I noticed all three of our dogs and both of our rescue cats, who hate to be in the same room with the dogs were all sitting right in front of me staring at me. Sort of made me thought that I was still tripping.

Questions for more experienced travelers.

1) is it common to totally lose awareness at the beginning of a trip and then awaken on the other side? Most trip reports I read people stay aware the entire time. It was as if I totally blacked out here and woke up there.

2) anybody else have experiences where they hear familiar voices while on the other side? The first voice I heard was just an ambiguous I heard in my mind without it coming through my ears. This time I knew it was distinctly my wife's voice and that I had actually heard it.

3) anybody else's pets decide to gang up and mind fuck you like mine did?
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