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Serotonin Syndrome and/or possibly fake MDMA experience - Read this

Migrated topic.
PsyDuckmonkey said:
Applying Occam's razor, that wasn't MDMA. The grapefruit juice had nothing to do with this.

Know that MDMA is the most routinely adulterated and counterfeited drug on the market. At this time I wouldn't put any amphetamine derivative in my body without at least checking it with a three-point test kit. Either get your MDMA from medical sources, or get a three-point test kit (google "Bunk police").

An overdose of meth is a possibility, but it could have been anything, really, including a mixture of multiple "anythings".
Never underestimate the power of grapefruit juice. It has killed in combination with (now discontinued) OTC antihistamine terfenadine to name but one.

Inhibition of the CYP3A4 enzyme is irreversible and lasts a significant period of time. It takes around 24 hours to regain 50% of the enzyme activity and it can take 72 hours for the enzyme to completely return to activity.

grapefruit contains a large amount of naringin, and it can take up to 72 hours before the effects of the naringin on the CYP3A4 enzyme are seen. This is problematic as a 4 oz portion of grapefruit contains enough naringin to inhibit the metabolism of substrates of CYP3A4.

Enzyme inhibitors + unknown euphoriant stimulant(s)

I'm glad you survived and await news of the reagent tests.
The thing is... that although it sounds like a reckless action, I did my research quite a bit prior to doing this. There are a lot of discussion online on combining MDMA and Grapefruit juice, on bluelight, drugs-forum and other places which have active ecstasy using audience. The consensus is that it is not only safe, but quite beneficial, and people seem to be doing it on a regular basis. On top of that I still can not find a single report about bad interaction between it and MDMA.

Most importantly however, during the past two days I managed to track down and talk to two people who have used the same batch of the substance I had - one has taken 90mg and the other 100mg (the same dose I took) two days prior to myself. They have done it together and both with grapefruit juice - each one of them drank more than a liter during the trip. Both report a long trip, 7+ hours, both of them said that it was intense, but with no bad side effects whatsoever. One of them has prior MDMA experience and thinks that this is indeed MDMA. The other one is not sure. The first one said that the 'universal love' quality was there unmistakeably and overwhelmingly the whole time, the second one said that it was a completely introvert trip for him.

So the jury on Grapefruit juice is still out. I have no doubt that it contributed a lot to what happened to me, and it is very likely that it may have been the main culprit. But there were other factors involved and I still don't have positive identification of the substance itself. I will have the reagents before the end of the week and will do the most thorough tests I am capable of. On a second note, since I saw this mentioned above, the Green Tea Extract I took does not contain caffeine... at least not according to the manufacturer.

In the meantime if someone can help with information about something else it would be great. Two days prior to taking this thing I drank a small glass of Papaya leaf juice. They use it for fever here and a friend was taking it and I wanted to see how it tasted like. I had completely forgotten this, but now I am trying to remember and trace down everything. If by any chance this is a real MAO-A inhibitor this will explain a lot.
geko said:
The thing is... that although it sounds like a reckless action, I did my research quite a bit prior to doing this. There are a lot of discussion online on combining MDMA and Grapefruit juice, on bluelight, drugs-forum and other places which have active ecstasy using audience. The consensus is that it is not only safe, but quite beneficial, and people seem to be doing it on a regular basis. On top of that I still can not find a single report about bad interaction between it and MDMA.

Most importantly however, during the past two days I managed to track down and talk to two people who have used the same batch of the substance I had - one has taken 90mg and the other 100mg (the same dose I took) two days prior to myself. They have done it together and both with grapefruit juice - each one of them drank more than a liter during the trip. Both report a long trip, 7+ hours, both of them said that it was intense, but with no bad side effects whatsoever. One of them has prior MDMA experience and thinks that this is indeed MDMA. The other one is not sure. The first one said that the 'universal love' quality was there unmistakeably and overwhelmingly the whole time, the second one said that it was a completely introvert trip for him.

So the jury on Grapefruit juice is still out. I have no doubt that it contributed a lot to what happened to me, and it is very likely that it may have been the main culprit. But there were other factors involved and I still don't have positive identification of the substance itself. I will have the reagents before the end of the week and will do the most thorough tests I am capable of. On a second note, since I saw this mentioned above, the Green Tea Extract I took does not contain caffeine... at least not according to the manufacturer.

In the meantime if someone can help with information about something else it would be great. Two days prior to taking this thing I drank a small glass of Papaya leaf juice. They use it for fever here and a friend was taking it and I wanted to see how it tasted like. I had completely forgotten this, but now I am trying to remember and trace down everything. If by any chance this is a real MAO-A inhibitor this will explain a lot.

7+ hrs seems a tad long for MDMA IME.
4-5 being the norm if I have zero tolerance buildup, do not redose, & start at 175mg.
Green tea extract also affects CYP450 enzyme systems, as do
phenobarbital, codeine, flavonoids and Grape Seed Extract
That phenobarbital hangs around in the body for quite a while. I'll have to look into the papaya leaf thing.

There can be quite a wide variation in enzyme expression both between and within individuals, too. Time of day and food consumption are but two factors that will affect this.

Any joy on the colour reagents yet?
Back when I used to drop ecstasy at parties, I'd drop one at 11PM, and by 2-3AM I always already needed a redrop. 7 hours really sounds incredibly long, even with an enzyme inhibitor.
I am still in Brazil, in the home lab of a retired chemist friend and two shipments of reagents have been stopped by customs and can not reach us yet. However I am observing some testing which is too complex for me to understand done with the available chemicals and things seem to point to MDMA, but still not conclusively. I will report back on that when there are some real results.

However I have important information to add to the report, in the hope that it may become useful to others. I have done a lot of medical tests this past week and the conclusion is that this definitely was a serotonin syndrome, possibly brought about by MAOI's. It led to extremely low serotonin levels throughout the system which resulted, in layman's terms, in almost total suppression of the normal contraction mechanisms of the esophagus, intestines and the bowel. This rapidly led to acute esophagitis, spleen inflamation, acid reflux (with the resulting heartburn) and constipation with the prospect of serious complications. Once this was diagnosed, I was put immediately on 5-HTP experimentally, and most of the symptoms magically dissipated within hours and the rest within 24 hours. Now I am like new and am slowly decreasing the 5-HTP dosage. My Blood pressure is stable and lower than my usual, my pulse is stable and lower than my usual, and for some reason it seems that I am getting out of this healthier than I was before. Very strange experience, to put it mildly.
geko said:
The thing is... that although it sounds like a reckless action, I did my research quite a bit prior to doing this. There are a lot of discussion online on combining MDMA and Grapefruit juice, on bluelight, drugs-forum and other places which have active ecstasy using audience. The consensus is that it is not only safe, but quite beneficial, and people seem to be doing it on a regular basis. On top of that I still can not find a single report about bad interaction between it and MDMA.

Most importantly however, during the past two days I managed to track down and talk to two people who have used the same batch of the substance I had - one has taken 90mg and the other 100mg (the same dose I took) two days prior to myself. They have done it together and both with grapefruit juice - each one of them drank more than a liter during the trip. Both report a long trip, 7+ hours, both of them said that it was intense, but with no bad side effects whatsoever. One of them has prior MDMA experience and thinks that this is indeed MDMA. The other one is not sure. The first one said that the 'universal love' quality was there unmistakeably and overwhelmingly the whole time, the second one said that it was a completely introvert trip for him.

So the jury on Grapefruit juice is still out. I have no doubt that it contributed a lot to what happened to me, and it is very likely that it may have been the main culprit. But there were other factors involved and I still don't have positive identification of the substance itself. I will have the reagents before the end of the week and will do the most thorough tests I am capable of. On a second note, since I saw this mentioned above, the Green Tea Extract I took does not contain caffeine... at least not according to the manufacturer.

In the meantime if someone can help with information about something else it would be great. Two days prior to taking this thing I drank a small glass of Papaya leaf juice. They use it for fever here and a friend was taking it and I wanted to see how it tasted like. I had completely forgotten this, but now I am trying to remember and trace down everything. If by any chance this is a real MAO-A inhibitor this will explain a lot.

Reading the advice of drug abusers isn't research. Sorry, but even a cursory understanding of the drug you were taking would have told you what you did was dangerous. Trip reports aren't science. The information you needed was on the Wiki page for MDMA. Do research next time - no more sugar coating shit.
Psybin said:
Reading the advice of drug abusers isn't research. Sorry, but even a cursory understanding of the drug you were taking would have told you what you did was dangerous. Trip reports aren't science. The information you needed was on the Wiki page for MDMA. Do research next time - no more sugar coating shit.

Well... that was certainly uncalled for, and no, you are not correct in your observation, but that's all right. Thanks for taking the time to reply anyway.
geko said:
Psybin said:
Reading the advice of drug abusers isn't research. Sorry, but even a cursory understanding of the drug you were taking would have told you what you did was dangerous. Trip reports aren't science. The information you needed was on the Wiki page for MDMA. Do research next time - no more sugar coating shit.

Well... that was certainly uncalled for, and no, you are not correct in your observation, but that's all right. Thanks for taking the time to reply anyway.

:? You might not like it, but that does not make it false. It is well known that combining MDMA and GF juice can cause SS, this is a fact and is easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection. If I seem harsh it is only because you do not seem to understand the gravity of what you've done. I'm sorry but all you had to do was read the Wikipedia article on the substance you were taking, which is the minimum one would expect. If I sound annoyed it's because you made an entire thread on the basis of asking a question that was answered a decade ago, jeapardizing your own health and potentially that of uninformed readers in the process.
Psybin said:
geko said:
Psybin said:
Reading the advice of drug abusers isn't research. Sorry, but even a cursory understanding of the drug you were taking would have told you what you did was dangerous. Trip reports aren't science. The information you needed was on the Wiki page for MDMA. Do research next time - no more sugar coating shit.

Well... that was certainly uncalled for, and no, you are not correct in your observation, but that's all right. Thanks for taking the time to reply anyway.

:? You might not like it, but that does not make it false. It is well known that combining MDMA and GF juice can cause SS, this is a fact and is easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection. If I seem harsh it is only because you do not seem to understand the gravity of what you've done. I'm sorry but all you had to do was read the Wikipedia article on the substance you were taking, which is the minimum one would expect. If I sound annoyed it's because you made an entire thread on the basis of asking a question that was answered a decade ago, jeapardizing your own health and that potentially that of uninformed readers in the process.

I have no clue what you mean. There is no mention of grapefruit juice in the Wiki page for MDMA, as of this writing. And to tell me that I do not understand the gravity of what happened to me since I was the one nearly dying, and you are merely reading a forum, also makes absolutely no sense to me. GF juice is definitely not "well known" to cause SS with MDMA, I have not been able to source a single reference stating this. If such exists, I have not been able to find it. And if it were true, there would be scores of dead people at most dance festivals right now, as it is the current 'cool' way of using ecstasy.
it is the current 'cool' way of using ecstasy.

For which www.Rollsafe.org have a lot to answer for. They ought to provide some evidence for this, but AFAIK, they're set up or affiliated with certain supplement vendors, and have no scientific or health experts involved in creating their material.

Psybin: This is clearly an inter-generational thing. We of a certain age know this already, but we should not automatically assume everybody everywhere also knows it. While I fully understand your exasperation, coming across like a grumpy grandpa does little to expand the light of truth across the Universe :)
Well, I am not in my prime youth either guys, being 45 and all...

In my opinion, rollsafe.org is either that, or, as weird as it may sound, a disinformation site made to discredit MDMA and possibly cause accidents on purpose. It is too well made and filled with too much crap information. Тhey are actually making it a network of websites.
geko said:
Well, I am not in my prime youth either guys, being 45 and all...

In my opinion, rollsafe.org is either that, or, as weird as it may sound, a disinformation site made to discredit MDMA and possibly cause accidents on purpose. It is too well made and filled with too much crap information. Тhey are actually making it a network of websites.
You might be onto something there - another thread?
Quoting Wikipedia as a definitive source of medical advice is just a sketchy as rollsafe, IMO.

OP sorry you had a rough time, seems you're truly trying to figure out soemthing that there may not be an answer to without lab testing. Hope you're ok-
geko said:
Psybin said:
geko said:
Psybin said:
Reading the advice of drug abusers isn't research. Sorry, but even a cursory understanding of the drug you were taking would have told you what you did was dangerous. Trip reports aren't science. The information you needed was on the Wiki page for MDMA. Do research next time - no more sugar coating shit.

Well... that was certainly uncalled for, and no, you are not correct in your observation, but that's all right. Thanks for taking the time to reply anyway.

:? You might not like it, but that does not make it false. It is well known that combining MDMA and GF juice can cause SS, this is a fact and is easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection. If I seem harsh it is only because you do not seem to understand the gravity of what you've done. I'm sorry but all you had to do was read the Wikipedia article on the substance you were taking, which is the minimum one would expect. If I sound annoyed it's because you made an entire thread on the basis of asking a question that was answered a decade ago, jeapardizing your own health and that potentially that of uninformed readers in the process.

I have no clue what you mean. There is no mention of grapefruit juice in the Wiki page for MDMA, as of this writing. And to tell me that I do not understand the gravity of what happened to me since I was the one nearly dying, and you are merely reading a forum, also makes absolutely no sense to me. GF juice is definitely not "well known" to cause SS with MDMA, I have not been able to source a single reference stating this. If such exists, I have not been able to find it. And if it were true, there would be scores of dead people at most dance festivals right now, as it is the current 'cool' way of using ecstasy.

I posted the links I referred to earlier in the thread. Did you not read them? If you can't sort through hyperlinks and read a few webpeges I don't know what to tell you. I had no trouble finding that info and posting it in this thread for you to read. This thread is pointless and simply reiterating what is common sense.

Psybin said:
geko said:
Psybin said:
Man from Chan hit the nail on the head. You consumed MAOs in large quantity before dosing - what did you expect to happen? Green tea and grapefruit juice should NEVER be taken with amphetamines. I hope you are ok. Please be careful in the future. The devil is in the details, the unknown unknowns are the ones that get you. 😉

Probably that's true... the problem is that Green tea and Grapefruit juice are widely recommended supplements for MDMA. I basically followed the regimen from rollsafe.org, which is very popular.

null24 and Man From Chan Chan - thanks!

That is why it is important to do your own research. I don't mean to be harsh, but this was easily avoidable and horribly reckless. You're lucky not to have permanent brain or cardiac damage (which you might, you don't know until it's too late often times).

Grapefruit juice, and grapefruit in general, is a potent inhibitor of cytochrome P450 enzymes, principally the CYP3A4 isoform.

MDMA is known to be metabolized by two main metabolic pathways: (1) O-demethylenation followed by catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT)-catalyzed methylation and/or glucuronide/sulfate conjugation; and (2) N-dealkylation, deamination, and oxidation to the corresponding benzoic acid derivatives conjugated with glycine.[34] The metabolism may be primarily by cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzymes CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 and COMT.

Seriously, a simple Google search takes less than 10 seconds. And mixing caffeine (the Green Tea extract) with MDMA is just asking for a stroke.

SinysterKyd said:
Quoting Wikipedia as a definitive source of medical advice is just a sketchy as rollsafe, IMO.

OP sorry you had a rough time, seems you're truly trying to figure out soemthing that there may not be an answer to without lab testing. Hope you're ok-

Yes, your opinion. Rollsafe lacks citations, while Wiki has a wealth of them. Although, there's also the numerous papers on cytochrome enzymes and phenethylamine metabolism on google scholar if you care to fact check. 😉
geko said:
Well, I am not in my prime youth either guys, being 45 and all...

In my opinion, rollsafe.org is either that, or, as weird as it may sound, a disinformation site made to discredit MDMA and possibly cause accidents on purpose. It is too well made and filled with too much crap information. Тhey are actually making it a network of websites.
Digging up an old thread I personally have used the rollsafe protocol, sometimes with sometimes without the GF juice. I have never had an issue of any kind with it other than green tea extract tastes nasssssty. To be honest if i do not use pre- roll and post roll supplements I find the tuesday blues to be much heavier.
The 2 times i ended the night with DMT I had zero depression and much more afterglow and the desire to re-dose left immediately.

The MDMA i have was put through a 5 part reagent test by myself and there was a lab report testing it at 84% (i didn't trust at first but it was very good when I bioassayed) so maybe the issue in this thread has more to do with an adulterant.
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