Rising Star
Hey everyone, so I'm a changa lover. Recently I've been prescribed Adderall/amphetamine (10mg twice daily) which has helped a lot with staying organized and focused. I've been wanting to revisit changa, but I'm holding off because I'm worried about MAOI interactions if I resume the medication afterwards. I have no problem abstaining from adderall for a few days to clean out my system, something I do normally if I'm taking LSD, 2cb, mushrooms or other psychedelics, but so far I can't find any solid info on how long exactly you should wait after smoking harmalines before resuming stimulant use.
I know for pharmaceutical/irreversible MAOIs the clinical rule of thumb is 2 weeks, but what about for the RIMAs (reversible MAOI's) in changa? I have done a forum search on this topic, but so far all the discussion revolved around cautioning people against changa usage while presently on stimulants (which should be an obvious HELL NO) which is NOT what I am doing.
So Does anyone have any information on how long changa-consumed MAOI's would hang around in your system and pose a risk? Obviously medical sources would be great, but even personal experience would help.
I know for pharmaceutical/irreversible MAOIs the clinical rule of thumb is 2 weeks, but what about for the RIMAs (reversible MAOI's) in changa? I have done a forum search on this topic, but so far all the discussion revolved around cautioning people against changa usage while presently on stimulants (which should be an obvious HELL NO) which is NOT what I am doing.
So Does anyone have any information on how long changa-consumed MAOI's would hang around in your system and pose a risk? Obviously medical sources would be great, but even personal experience would help.