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Shrooms with rue

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So this weekend, SWIM has the opportunity to partake in a shroom ceremony with rue.
He is a little dubious about this as rue has been spanking his behind something chronic lately...but has just found out that this may have been due to the fact that he was mixing rue with thh.

Anyway. I just wanted to get yalls oppinion on any experiences you may have had with this combo.
Im in two minds whether to go ahead with the rue, or just drink the shroom tea on its own.

I have had people say to me that rue with shrooms is always a difficult experience, where as I have others say that they have had some of thier most profound trips with rue and shrooms. So i just wanted to hear if anyone else had anything to add to the mix that may help sway his decision.

Thing is, SWIM has had hefty mushroom doses before, and if the dose if hefty enough, there really is no need to potenate with a maoi, so I guess the question he is askin is will drinking rue with mushroom tea actually add anything benificial to the experience?
harmaline made spice easier to understand and work with.
i tried 3.5g mu with 3g rue and it was longer with darker colors - happy i did it - next day coffee caused a headache tho - best bet would be to do the manski on ur rue.
Phlux- said:
best bet would be to do the manski on ur rue.

Do you mean shroom by manski.
Are you recommending SWIM should do it with the rue then? Coz he doesnt really like the sound of darker visions for a longer duration!
Most of the accounts SWIM read about this combination make it look very undesirable. SWIM will probably never try it.
69ron said:
Most of the accounts SWIM read about this combination make it look very undesirable. SWIM will probably never try it.

yep same for me... many bad accounts around of this combo... would rather just take more mushrooms or more specially, vape some dmt in the mushroom peak :)
Yeah, i thought as much.....hence the trepidation.

Do yall think its coz of the rue and it might be quite nice with caapi? Just wondering.

SWIM is thinking that hel just partake in the mushroom and give the rue a miss.
Im not sure, its possible caapi is more gentle in some way, but I think its actually an issue of MAOIs in general with shrooms... I remember hearing mckenna also mentioning taking caapi with shrooms and being way too strong to him..

but do as you please, of course... just start with low doses if you do. :)

(do check shrooms+smoking dmt, though ;) )
SWIM once tried mushrooms with yohimbe. It was horrible. Yohimbe goes well with a lot of other psychedelics, but make a mushroom trip extremely anxiety prone. No fun at all. For SWIM mushrooms only go well with passionflower, coffee, mormon tea, and a few other herbs. The passionflower mushroom combination is very nice, sort of ayahuasca like, but there’s very little MAOI action going on. Most people like this combination.
endlessness said:
(do check shrooms+smoking dmt, though ;) )

Yes, SWIM has heard many a good thing about this.
What sort of dose are you talking about?
Is it like when you smoke whilst on acid and its just comes on really slow and overlaps into one experience...(if that makes sense)?
69ron said:
SWIM once tried mushrooms with yohimbe. It was horrible. Yohimbe goes well with a lot of other psychedelics, but make a mushroom trip extremely anxiety prone. No fun at all. For SWIM mushrooms only go well with passionflower, coffee, mormon tea, and a few other herbs. The passionflower mushroom combination is very nice, sort of ayahuasca like, but there’s very little MAOI action going on. Most people like this combination.

Hmmm, SWIM does have some passionflower tinture actually. Might give this a try instead then.
Thanks bro
soulman said:
endlessness said:
(do check shrooms+smoking dmt, though ;) )

Yes, SWIM has heard many a good thing about this.
What sort of dose are you talking about?
Is it like when you smoke whilst on acid and its just comes on really slow and overlaps into one experience...(if that makes sense)?

well with acid when I tried it was an overlap but the acid grounded me, I couldnt break through, it held me back and I just had some visual effects...

with mushrooms, on the other hand, it not only doesnt hold me back but it is a perfect platform to jump from and return to, its easy to breakthrough, and the trip is increeeeedibly beautiful :)

I use the usual 50mg dose to really get 'there', at the peak (if its a low-medium mushroom dose) or post-peak (if its high dose) of the mushrooms... but even if one smoked less than 50mg it would for sure be a beautiful worthwhile experience I think :)
endlessness said:
soulman said:
endlessness said:
(do check shrooms+smoking dmt, though ;) )

Yes, SWIM has heard many a good thing about this.
What sort of dose are you talking about?
Is it like when you smoke whilst on acid and its just comes on really slow and overlaps into one experience...(if that makes sense)?

well with acid when I tried it was an overlap but the acid grounded me, I couldnt break through, it held me back and I just had some visual effects...

with mushrooms, on the other hand, it not only doesnt hold me back but it is a perfect platform to jump from and return to, its easy to breakthrough, and the trip is increeeeedibly beautiful :)

I use the usual 50mg dose to really get 'there', at the peak (if its a low-medium mushroom dose) or post-peak (if its high dose) of the mushrooms... but even if one smoked less than 50mg it would for sure be a beautiful worthwhile experience I think :)

Yeah youve sold it :)
shrooms go realy well with caapi. If anyone ever reported a bad experience from this combo, it must be because of the intensity of the trip and not the quality.

It is almost inditinguishable from ayahuasca with mimosa this way. Shrooms with caapi has the same intensity as a strong ayahuasca trip and can last for much longer than any normal shroom trip. 8 hours is normal and with very high doses it can be more then 10 hours even.

It is realy the toxicity of the rue, that causes bad experiences of shrooms with MAOI's or it is the overwhelming power of the caapi-mushroom combo.

If you like powerfull psychedelic experiences, this is the thing for you. It doesn't have any bad side-effects at all.
Absolutely not. No toxicity, headaches, nausea, mindfuck or other unwanted things.

Very equal to ayahuasca. Maybe just a bit stronger, that's all.
69ron said:
Most of the accounts SWIM read about this combination make it look very undesirable. SWIM will probably never try it.

Agreed! As someone that has done this, I vote to not waste your mushrooms.

Metallic edge, uncomfortable, less visuals, no insight...no fun.
dont really agree, polytrip..

Ive heard plenty of people reporting very negative things mixing mushrooms even with caapi.. Like headache, going on a loop, thinking their brain had 'short-circuited'... Even Mckenna, if im not mistaken, also had troubles with this mixture..

Im not saying it will necessarily be a problem, just advising caution here because it might not be just 'strong' but also negative/uncomfortable in ways that some people may not be ready to deal with

Like with every combo (and substance in general), I say, if you are going to try it, start very low, and work your way up gradually in subsequent sessions to find your ideal dosage. Better safe than sorry :)
I've read too many bad reports about Caapi and mushrooms as well...I haven't tried this combo, but endlessness is right McKenna said it was horrible.

If it works for you wonderful, but I can't imagine the type of drain a 10 hour aya cerimony would be on my body and mind.
One must be very careful with the dosage, in my experience, as a full MAO inhibition will lead to extreme potentiation, and higher dosages will result in extreme intensity for an extremely long time. With moderate inhibition of MAO, the effects are very nice and quite Ayahuasca like. I like around 75-100 mg of harmine/harmaline extract from Harmal, that nearly doubles the potentiation of the mushroom trip, makes the peak far longer and the effects one to three hours longer.

I feel the accounts with bad experiences must be either from taking too much mushrooms compared to the amount of MAOI, generally too much MAOIs, or not being in for the ride. Because Psilocin+harmala-alkaloids are really a rough ride, not in the sense of dark energies and emotions, but it is not mellow as medium doses usually are. 4 grams of P. semilanceata or 5-6 grams of P. cubensis with 75-100 mg harmala-alkaloids is total bliss. I have met the elves a few times this way. But be prepared, it is not only fun.
acolon_5 said:
I've read too many bad reports about Caapi and mushrooms as well...I haven't tried this combo, but endlessness is right McKenna said it was horrible.

If it works for you wonderful, but I can't imagine the type of drain a 10 hour aya cerimony would be on my body and mind.
Well, maybe it's just me. But the things you describe, like a metallic feeling, are totally different from how i experience this combination.

I generally hate everything that feels even a bit toxic, and one of the reasons i like shrooms and caapi, is because it feels very clean and natural to me.

But people are different. I know people who never get serious visuals from shrooms.
i know i have mentioned this a few times, but instead of drinking rue tea, try smoking a bowl of seeds.
a friend and i tried this on lowish dose of mushrooms, but wow.

i remember some audio of T.mckenna talking about mushrooms and caapi being bad as well, but if i am not mistaken, he was talking about mushrooms and ayahuasca as a unfavorable combination.
I'm now pretty much convinced that the negative experiences people report with this combination has to do with the type of shroom you use.
Some types of shrooms contain other substances than just the psychedelic tryptamines.
These other substances are also partly responsible for the differences in quality between shrooms.

Cyanescens does not only produce a very clean experience on itself, but also in combination with caapi.
This weekend i had truffles (sold under the name 'purple rain')with caapi, that did produce a very intense trip, but also very noticeable side-effects.
These where: bronchoconstriction, vasoconstriction and nausea.

Some shrooms are less suitable for combining with MAOI's, it appears.

If your shrooms produce some of these side-effects normally, then the caapi will probably amplify these unwanted effects as well.
Shrooms that produce a very clean experience are probably suited for combining with MAOI's as well.
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