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Shrooms with rue

Migrated topic.

In fact, as stated above I did bottle out of taking the rue and tried passionflower tincutre instead.
The other participants who did take the rue didnt seem to report a negative experiences, so maybe you are right.
For the record the shrooms were liberty caps..

At the end of the ceremony, there was quite a bit of tea left, so next time, which will be on the solstice (21st) the tea shall be taken as an admixture with the usual jurema/rue brew.

Polytrip...you only need a small amount of mushroom tea for this right?
It is my estimation that shrooms get amplified to up to 3 times their normal potency.
Other toxins might be activated as well.

The link burnt posted showed that liberty caps contain PEA as well and i have no idea what kind of effects this has with MAOI's.

It was my point that probably many types of shrooms do contain other substances of wich some do not combine well with MAOI's.

Wich type of shrooms goes well with MAOI's and wich not, is something only experience can teach, unless you know the exact content of a specific type of shroom.

If a type of shroom gives many side-effects without MAOI's, that probably is a good indication that it has other toxins in it.

Since the simmilarities with bufotenin, there could be toxins present that are simmilar to those in yopo, maybe.

I know that there are shrooms that absolutely do not cause side-effects like nausea or bronchoconstriction at all. Cyanescens is a very clean shroom that gives very little side-effects and goes very well with caapi and passionflower.

Many reports of bad experiences are with cubensis, so this might have to do with this type of shroom. I find cubensis doesn't give an experience as clean as cyanescens.
I recently experienced 80mg Caapi extract with 3.2 grams mushrooms.

A little more uneasy on the come up but then a great experience lasting about 6-7 hours.

I took a long walk around a woodsy park then had a stab at playing with a bunch of dogs before coming home and hanging out doing random stuff. No nausea to speak of.

The Caapi extract was taken 30 minutes prior to the mushrooms.

The mushrooms were broken up into small chunks and put into a cup. One cup of boiling water was mixed with 1/4 Tsp Citric Acid and poured onto the mushrooms. A plate was put on the top of the cup and left to steep for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. The tea was filtered through a metal screen coffee filter then consumed.
iv taken harmaline with shrooms before and personally i like it
makes it feel alot like pharma
the dose i take is lower then with pharma
say 50mg sublingual..
it smooths the anxiety out and lengthens the trip
visuals are more trails and colorful
theres a bit of added haze to the experience but nothing undesirable
Sounds like the negative reports are from people using too much maoi along with too much mushroom, which you can get with any psychedelic. People shouldn't be scared off by this, just use scales and start off low (ie use common sense). Swim hates to see people scared away from interesting things by misinformation and rumor.
Absolutely, mushrooms with harmala-alkaloids is extremely beautiful! The effects is something like 2 to 3 times stronger with a good dose, I also think that is why some people report bad effects. Try it again with more moderate dosages! :)
while SWIM is not a big fan of shrooms at all, he finds the confusion and mind chatter annoying.

He took ~2.5g cubensis with 25g caapi (white from Maya) and it made the trip stronger and more visual than his highest dose of cubensis, 4.25g.

It has a slightly different "flavor" and he purged after about 1.5 hours, which made it better. It was still shrooms and lets just say it was no more annoying than 4.25g

SWIM's roomie took 2g and 100mg rue harmalas and told him it was pretty overwhelming, he had a blast on 6g cubensis though.

So try caapi (or caapi copy) or maybe THH and plan to have a trip AT LEAST 2x as strong as the shrooms alone. (2g = >4g)
While SWIM didn't enjoy it, he has a hard time enjoying shrooms anyway, it definitely wasn't bad though.
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