*the poster is interpreting all of these communications via methods of divination and thus any reference to "self" or "I" should be understood to be translated from Galactic Hyperspeech into basic English and not in any way reflect upon the actual physical poster*
Followed all instructions to a T, have successfully utilized this method before.
Pull 1) resulted in some fairly nice crystals after a night in the freezer
Pull 2) has not precipitated whatsoever.
the only reason one could see for this is that between pulls additional base was added to help dry the mixture after it had absorbed a bunch of solvent from Pull 1. So this got me thinking, is there a prefered amount of time to wait between pulls or after basing? Were the goodies somehow left behind as a fresh round of basification took place?
Followed all instructions to a T, have successfully utilized this method before.
Pull 1) resulted in some fairly nice crystals after a night in the freezer
Pull 2) has not precipitated whatsoever.
the only reason one could see for this is that between pulls additional base was added to help dry the mixture after it had absorbed a bunch of solvent from Pull 1. So this got me thinking, is there a prefered amount of time to wait between pulls or after basing? Were the goodies somehow left behind as a fresh round of basification took place?